
Fibonacci - Homework

Hello, I need to to write a Java code that checks whether the user inputed number is in the Fibonacci sequence. I have no issue writing the Ficonacci sequence to output, but (probably because its late at night) I'm struggling to think of the sequence of "whether" it is a fibonacci number. I keep starting over and over again. Its reall...

Recursion in MIPS

I want implement a recursive program in assembly for MIPS, more specifically the well known Fibonacci function. There's the implementation in C: int fib(int n) { if(n<2) return 1; return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2); } ...

fibonacci! if goes false all time

I made a program to find if a number belongs to fibonacci series or not and if it does whats its position.Whenever i type a number the if Condition goes wrong. #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> void main(void) { int i,x=1,y=1,z,num; clrscr(); printf("Enter a number to find in fibonacci series:"); scanf...

How to generate Fibonacci faster

Hello! I am a CSE student and preparing myself for programming contest.Now I am working on Fibonacci series. I have a input file of size about some Kilo bytes containing positive integers. Input formate looks like 3 5 6 7 8 0 A zero means the end of file. Output should like 2 5 8 13 21 my code is #include<stdio.h> int fi...

More than 4,294,967,296 in C?

Possible Duplicate: BigInt in C? Hey there! I'm calculating the Fibonacci numbers in C up to 46 using an unsigned int, but I can't calculate F(47) because it's long. So, is there a way to get numbers bigger than 2^32 in C?NB: I use a 32-bit processor. ...

What does this recursive function do?

I got this question in an interview. So, this seems to me a messed up Fibonacci seq. sum generator and this gives a stackoverflow. Because if(n==0) should be if(n<3) (exit condition is wrong). What should be the precise answer to this question? What was expected as an answer? foo (int n) { if (n == 0) return 1; return foo(n-1) + foo(n-2...

Fibonacci extension in c++ segfaulting

I'm trying to add the extension to the Fibonacci numbers to take into account negative indexes. The extension is Fib(-n) = (-n)^(n+1) * Fib(n) I have attempted to implement this in c++ but I'm running into a problem and I'm not sure how to get around it. #include <iostream> #include <math.h> int fib(int n) { if ( n < 0 ){ ...

Why does Java regex engine throw StringIndexOutOfBoundsException on a + repetition?

I've written a regex pattern to find Fibonacci numbers (it doesn't matter why, I just did). It works wonderfully as expected (see on String FIBONACCI = "(?x) .{0,2} | (?: (?=(\\2?)) (?=(\\2\\3|^.)) (?=(\\1)) \\2)++ . "; for (int n = 0; n < 1000; n++) { String s = new String(new char[n]); if...

How to return the time, which would take for a method to finish it's job?

I have a simple recursive algorithm, which returns Fibonacci numbers: private static double fib_recursive(int n){ if(n <= 2) return 1; else return fib_recursive(n-1) + fib_recursive(n-2); } Now my task is to return the time, which this method would take to calculate the 400-th fibonacci number on a given computer e.g. fib_recu...

Solve Fibonacci Sequence Recursively returning void in function.

My professor has asked us to write a program that uses recursion to solve a fibonacci sequence. This is all pretty normal, but he's asked us to make our function return void. I've been working at this for a few days now and can't find a way to do this. I have: void fibonacci(double *n,double *x,double *y,double *result) { if(*n ...

Python Fibonacci Generator

I need to make a program that asks for the amount of fibonacci numbers printed and then prints them like 0, 1, 1, 2... but I cant get it to work. My code looks the following: a = int(raw_input('Give amount: ')) def fib(): a, b = 0, 1 while 1: yield a a, b = b, a + b a = fib() 0 for i in range(a): p...

Calculate the fibonacci numbers in multiprocess way ?

I am writing multi process fibonacci number calculator , I have a file that keeps track of the fibonacci numbers , first process open the file and write first fibonacci numbers (0 and 1 ), then do fork and its child process read the last two numbers add them up and write the next into file and close the file and fork again this process c...

How many ways are there to describe the Fibonacci sequence in Perl 6?

I've been looking at the various ways of constructing lazy lists in Perl 6 and I would like to collect all of the concise ways of describing the Fibonacci sequence. I will start this off with the three from masak's journal: my @fibs := (0, 1, -> $a, $b { $a + $b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, { $^a + $^b } ... *); my @fibs := (0, 1, ...

Is there something wrong with this python code, why does it run so slow compared to ruby?

I was interested in comparing ruby speed vs python so I took the simplest recursive calculation, namely print the fibonacci sequance. This is the python code #!/usr/bin/python2.7 def fib(n): if n == 0: return 0 elif n == 1: return 1 else: return fib(n-1)+fib(n-2) i = 0 while...

Recursion in MIPS

I'm struggling to simply understand how to implement recursion in MIPS. I have an assignment to write a Fibonacci program and a Towers of Hanoi Program. I understand recursion and how each of them can be solved, but I don't know how to implement them in MIPS. I am completely lost and could use any help I can get. ...