
Checking if user has permissions for file in *nix

Out of curiosity. I've been thinking about the different access models often seen in *nix and the one seen in windows nt based systems. Is there any command or api to check if a file is readable, executable etc for a user different than the logged in user. For instance something like:

Linux user group folder permissions

I have a basic linux file permissions question: I have a folder named test: $ ls -la drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 2010-10-25 17:11 . drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 2010-10-25 16:53 .. drw-rwS--- 3 root codedev 4096 2010-10-25 17:11 test In this folder (test) I want all users that are members of the group codedev to have read and...

Save file with C fopen

I did a program in C but it does not allow to save on c:\SomeDirectory\afile.txt I'm using this: FILE* m_hFile = fopen("c:\\SomeDirectory\\afile.txt", "a+t"); fprintf(m_hFile, "testing"); fclose(m_hFile); Why that? Is there a defined folder I can save in? SomeDirectory is previously created. I'm using Windows 7 OS. ...

Save file in Windows 7

Possible Duplicate: Save file with C fopen I'm using C language to same a file in c:\SomeDirectory on Windows 7. Is there any restriction on saving a file under this directory on windows 7? I'm having trobles with saving this file on this folder, the Windows 7 doesn't allow me (even as administrator) to save the file. On wi...

c# create or modify file/directory permission: add group read permission using with mono and apache2

How can I change/set permissions of a file or directory using under mono and apache2? I have an aspx page that needs to check if a directory exists, if not, it must be created, but with group read permissions set. Tried with DirectorySecurity, but it throws PlatformNotSupportedException. Apache is using www-data user and all ...

Are my Magento permissions correct?

I have a fresh install of Magento using MAMP 1.8.4 on OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I'm unable to load magento/downloader (the Magento Connect Manager) successfully. My browser displays a blank white page. Safari's Activity window tells me it's an Internal Server Error, which tells me my permissions may be incorrect. I have changed ...