
Linq - using not "IN" operator to select non duplicated lines from a text file

I am using Linq to select and process lines from a text file. My txtfile is two columns delimitted by the pipe character "|". The File contains the following: HAbbe|11 GABBOT|22 DABDA|33 RAchant|44 RADA|55 DABDA|66 You will notice that line 3 and line 6 have a duplicated ID(Column 1). I want to use linq to initially read the posted t...

PHP Mcrypt - Encrypting / Decrypting file

Trying to write a couple of functions that will encrypt or decrypt a file and am using the class found here to try and accomplish this: The encryption function below seems to work, in that it appears to encrypt the file and place it in the intended d...

How does file creation work in Java

I am trying to create a file using File newFile = new File("myFile"); However no file called "myFile" is created. This is within a Web application Project i.e. proper form to be pakaged as a WAR but I am calling it as part of a main method (just to see how this works). How can I make it so that a new file is created at a location ...

How to create an directory inside the documents directory of my iPhone app?

I would like to store files in a specific directory inside the documents directory, so that I can iterate over all these files and show them to the user for selection. Is that possible? ...

$_POST goes empty after adding a new input type "file"

Hi, I'm not finding a way to understand and fix this and I've done a lot. I've got a script, wish is a simple form, that sends a file trough POST. The second file, process the info. By default, I give to the user a few fields, one of them being a input field of type "file" and there's also, a few "hidden" one's, that gives me values t...

Getting rid of unused php files

I'm looking into removing php files that are no longer used on my site. I can use something like get_included_files to show the included files, but that would mean I would have to put it on every child page. If I put it on a parent page, it won't show me the child page that called it. Has anybody else run into a similar situation? If so...

Absolute path of a file object

This has been discussed on StackOverflow before - I am trying to find a good way to find the absolute path of a file object, but I need it to be robust to os.chdir(), so cannot use f = file('test') os.path.abspath( Instead, I was wondering whether the following is a good solution - basically extending the file class so that on...

What are the pros and cons of storing files in a database?

Hi, I'm writing a php application and was wondering if it's a bad idea to store complete files in the database. Files should be around 100-200kb mostly text files (txt, doc, docx and so on) or small image files. Or is it just a plain wrong idea? ...

how to download a file from remote server using

The below code works fine for downloading a file from a current pc.plz suggest me how to download it from remote server using ip address or any method protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { const string fName = @"C:\ITFSPDFbills\February\AA.pdf"; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fName); long sz = fi.Length; ...

How can I open a Unicode file with Perl?

I'm using osql to run several sql scripts against a database and then I need to look at the results file to check if any errors occurred. The problem is that Perl doesn't seem to like the fact that the results files are Unicode. I wrote a little test script to test it and the output comes out all warbled: $file = shift; open OUTPUT, ...

Hide the Linux Hidden files in windows

Hello, Is it possible to hide the Linux hidden files (.* files ) in Windows. Does explicitly hiding the files by changing the file properties in windows have any effect in Linux.. ?? Thanks Kiran ...

how to copy database files from the network access server to Client PC in .net?

im using a code to copy the files from the database of server PC. so im accessing that server PC through IP address but it is giving me error and not copying the files in the folder of my PC (client PC) this is my code that im using...can u tell me where im wrong?? the file path is given on my listview in winform.. public string Record...

Problem with files consists of spaces and single quotes?

I'using the following code to create thumbnails using ffmpeg but it was working fine for the files which have no spaces or any quotes.. But when the file has a space (like 'sachin knock.flv') or files which have quotes (like sachin's_double_cent.mp4) it doesn't work.. What can i do to get those files work accurately? One restriction is...

Find all writable files in the current directory

I want to quickly identify all writable files in the directory. What is the quick way to do it? ...

Need Fla file of Maps...

Hi All, I need .fla files of maps to develop map apps in flash. Can anyone tell me from where i can download .FLA files of Maps. Thanks in Advance ...

Is there a way in PHP to keep a file open and process each line and subsequent lines?

I want to write a php script that keeps the apache_log file open and "listen" to the log and deal with each log entry as it happens. I'm thinking that I need to open a file, get the number of lines, then do this again in a loop - and when the size is different, read the new lines and process them. Am I barking up the wrong tree, or is ...

Primary key vs. RRN

What's the difference between a primary key and an RRN? ...

how to get files from one PC to another using

im using want to get the files that are on the server PC to my PC..both the PCs are connected through network.. i have given IP address of that PC in the path...but its not copying the files to my folder. im using the following code ...but its not working..kindly help me out.. File.Copy(Path.GetFileName(sourceFile), Path.GetDi...

Exception while opening file

Hi I have a VC++ application and in my application i have some basic file operations. Below is the defaulting code CStdioFile cFile; CFileException e; CString sReport; CString sHtmlfile = "testreport.html" OutputDebugString((sHtmlfile)); if (!cFile.Open(sHtmlfile,CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite, &e )) { } The problem is my app...

BASH statements execute alone but return "no such file" in for loop.

Another one I can't find an answer for, and it feels like I've gone mad. I have a BASH script using a for loop to run a complex command (many protein sequence alignments) on a lot of files (~5000). The loop produces statements that will execute when given alone (i.e. copy-pasted from the error message to the command prompt), but which r...