
Finding file size windows MFC application

Hey guys, I Am working on windows MFC application C...I am preparing a report list in my design using CListCtrl were i can list the name,size,type and modified date of the file..I dont know how to display the size of a any one know how to do will be helpful for me thanks in advance.. ...

Determine an included header files contribution to total file size

Hello, I am interested in reducing the file size of my application. It is a MFC/C++ application built with MVC++ in Visual Studio 2008. UPX does a good job of reducing the final exe to about 40% of its original size but I would like to reduce it more. MFC must be statically linked in this project. I have tried some methods outlined in ...

get the filesize of very large .gz file on a 64bit platform

According to the specifiction of gz the filesize is saved in the last 4bytes of a .gz file. I have created 2 files with dd if=/dev/urandom of=500M bs=1024 count=500000 dd if=/dev/urandom of=5G bs=1024 count=5000000 I gziped them gzip 500M 5G I checked the last 4 bytes doing tail -c4 500M|od -I (returns 512000000 as expected)...

C# How to know the size of file on a website

I want to download a file on a website using C# and show its downloading percentage using progressBar. I know I can use the following code to get the size of a local file, but how can I know the size of file posted on a website? FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(strFilePath); int length = (int)finfo.Length; ...

RMagick filesize giving strange output for different sized images

When the snippet below surprisingly giving the same output for the original and the resized image. Executed with rmagick (2.12.2) and ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i486-linux] on Ubuntu Jaunty. img = nil"~/rmagick/test/original.JPG", "r") { |f| img = } img = Magick::Image::from_blob(img).first p img.filesize #...

How can I get last transaction on S3 bucket?

Am a beginner of S3 AWS SDK. and getting problem in my project. I want to get uploaded or downloaded size of file which is currently uploaded. Actually the functionality of my application is that it will upload contents directly from client browser to Amazon S3. But if transfer of data interrupted and if exception is raised then i cant ...

What is the maximum application filesize for Blackberry App World

We are planing to program an application for Blackberry and wondering if there is a maximum App size. Searching the App World there were just very small Apps. Our App will have hundreds of Images and Audiofiles. It will have about 40 to 50 MB. Is this possible for Blackberry? thx for your answers! ...

How to achieve smaller size of the executable?

Hello everyone! Very recently I have come back to Delphi after a long pause and written a rather straightforward utility app my client requested to support an older release... I know these days the size does not matter much, but it struck me as odd that the one-unit application, when compiled, amounted to 1'084'416 b executable. The on...

Reduce filesize of pdf

I have a pdf that is around 4MB in size. When I open it in Adobe Acrobat (version 8) and go to File -> Save as the resulting pdf is only 137KB. This pdf is 67 pages big, each page looking very similar to the other, with only some numbers changed: same background, same fonts, almost same text, ... It has been created using Cete DynamicPD...

memory, file size, and variables?

Does creating a lot of private variables that may never be used increase file size and or memory usage of your application? ...

PHP filesize() works on all but one file, gives stat failed error

I'm writing a PHP page that generates a podcast feed by scraping an existing HTML page. Everything works great, but one of my mp3 files gives a "filesize(): stat failed" error. As best as I can tell, the file isn't corrupted, and it plays perfectly fine. I've also reuploaded the file to the server. It falls in the middle range of all the...

PHP include(): File size & performance

An inexperienced PHP question: I've got a PHP script file that I need to include on different pages lots of times in lots of places. I have the option of either breaking the included file down into several smaller files and include these on a as-needed basis... OR ... I could just keep it all together in a single PHP file. I'm wonderi...

C# Getting a complete file list using ftpRequest is slow

I want to get the filename, file size and last modified time of each file on an FTP server, then populate a listView with it. It worked really well until I switched FTP host, and now it's really sluggish, despite the new host being just as fast in real FTP clients. Any apparent reason as to why? Also, is it really neccessary to send t...

MySQL field type to count bytes filesize

Morning, I'm storing documents informations (Word, excel, ...) in a MySQL database. I have a column "size" where i store the filesize in bytes like 582656, 136260, 383266... But when i order by size, results are a little bit disorder. What type of mysql field should i use ? I've tried VARCHAR and INT, same result. Regards, Emmanuel ...

Is there some limit on a size of a file when causing a download with PHP?

Trying to force-download file with PHP using usual: header("Content-type: $type" ); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$name"); header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($path)); And it does successfully for files somewhere below 32 mb. For bigger ones it just returns zeroed file. Obviously there's some kind of limit, but w...

Does exist any utility to know the size of a compiled function in an executable?

I want a report showing me the size of diferent symbols(compiled) in the executable. Something like .map files in Delphi, but generic if possible. nm from binutils, shows start address(?), maybe could i use that information? (I'm using object pascal + freepascal compiler) ...

How to get a file's size which is greater than 4 Gb?

Hi! I made a simple function, which get's a file's size. int file_size( char * filename ) { int size; struct stat st; stat( filename, &st ); size = st.st_size; return size; }//file_size It is working fine, but if i have a file which size is bigger than 4Gb than i get a negativ number back, and of course th...

Real average filesize in a set of files...

Hi, I have an apparently "simple" problem but I can't find the solution for some reason... I have n millions files of different sizes and I want to find the average filesize. To simplify it, I grouped them in multiples of 16KB. < 16 KB = 18689546 files < 32 KB = 1365713 files < 48 KB = 1168186 files ... Of course, the simpl...

Using C++ filestreams (fstream), how can you determine the size of a file?

I'm sure I've just missed this in the manual, but how do you determine the size of a file (in bytes) using C++'s istream class from the fstream header? ...

Portable way to get file size in C/C++

I need to determin the byte size of a file. The coding language is C++ and the code should work with Linux, windows and any other operating system. This implies using standard C or C++ functions/classes. This trivial need has apparently no trivial solution. ...