
How can I get a writable path on the iPhone?

I am posting this question because I had a complete answer for this written out for another post, when I found it did not apply to the original but I thought was too useful to waste. Thus I have also made this a community wiki, so that others may flesh out question and answer(s). If you find the answer useful, please vote up the questi...

What is a database file system?

I have a very little idea about what database file system is. Can somebody out here explain to me what actually a database file system is, and what its applications are? How is it different from a conventional file system? How I can build it? ...

Storing Large Number Of Files in File-System

I have millions of audio files, generated based on GUId ( How can I store these files in the file-system so that I can efficiently add more files in the same file-system and can search for a particular file efficiently. Also it should be scalable in future. Files are named bas...

How do I explain my colleagues that filenames should not contain uppercase characters or special characters?

For what I know, it's best practice to name files like this: file_name.txt - or if you want to file-name.txt. Now some people seem to like to name their files fileName.txt or FILENAME.TXT or "File Name.txt" - how do explain them that it's not a good idea? Why exactly is the aforementioned file naming best practice? I only vaguely know ...

Managing a large collection of music.

I'd like to write my own music streaming web application for my personal use but I'm racking my brain on how to manage it. Existing music and their location's rarely change but are still capable of (fixing filename, ID3 tags, /The Chemical Brothers instead of /Chemical Brothers). How would the community manage all of these files? I ca...

Python mkdir giving me wrong permissions

Hello all again :D I'm (trying) to create a folder and create a file within it. Whenever i create that folder (via Python), it creates a folder that gives me no permissions at all and read-only mode. When i try to create the file i get an IOError. Erro: <type 'exceptions.IOError'> I tried creating (and searching) for a description...

Programatically Changing Explorer View in C#

I'm programatically creating a folder using C# and need to set the default view of the folder to "Thumbnails". ...

Scan current folder using PHP

I have a folder structure like this: /articles .index.php .second.php .third.php .fourth.php If I'm writing my code in second.php, how can I scan the current folder(articles)? Thanks ...

Changing the default behavior of where files are saved in windows

Kind of a Admin question - I know. Here's the thing. The OS has this deep, strange assumsion that a user wants all there pictures in one folder, all there doc files in another folder - etc. Saveing files based on file type - not the folder in which it was opened. I, like many business/dev users have my drive devided into folders based ...

Need a good files creation tool...

I want to create a test setup which should have a 4tb of High density filesystem. I've tried some tools(wst) but they are crashing after sometime. After struggling for two days im able to fill not even 20% of disk space. I need this tool on windows. Any suggestions? ...

SQLite , Derby vs file system

Hi All, I'm working on a Java desktop application that reads and writes from/to different files. I think a better solution would be to replace the file system by a SQLite database. How hard is it to migrate to this system and embed a database in my application? are there real performance gains? Thanks a lot ...

Get SYSTEM temp folder?

I'm looking for something similar to this question. However, I am looking specifically to dynamically find the location of the system's temp folder (i.e. the temp folder used by services.) Is this possible? Thanks, ...

How non blocking read/write throught remote FileSystem

Hi, Is there a way to write and read files on a remote filesystem (such as NFS, SSHFS, or sambafs) in a way that read or write or even open return immediately with an error code ? In fact i'm using twisted and i want to know whether there is a safe way to access remote files without block my reactor ? Regards Fab ...

File create datetime getting duplicated for different files and times

I have written a service that monitors a file drop location for files from a scanner. The scanner drops all files with the exact same file name (eg. Test.tif) unless that file already exists and then it appends on a timestamp on the end (eg. Test_0809200915301900.tif). So when I process these files I attach a 'tag' to the db entry to r...

Is this specific path concatenation in Perl code exploitable?

Assume that an attacker controls the variable $untrusted_user_supplied_path . Is the following Perl code exploitable? my $untrusted_user_supplied_path = ... if ($untrusted_user_supplied_path =~ /\.\./) { die("Tries to escape homedir."); } my $base_path = "/home/username/"; my $full_path = "${base_path}${untrusted_user_supplied_path}";...

How to evaluate a file system?

Hi all, I 've a question related to design of file systems. These days we are seeing the proliferation of many file systems mostly related to handling large datasets and providing high availability and speed. I would like to know that from a file system designer and developer standpoint, how do we evaluate the performance and availabil...

How to recursively delete an entire directory with PowerShell V2

What is the simplest way to forcefully delete a directory and all its subdirectories in PowerShell? I am using PowerShell V2 in Windows 7. I have learned from several sources that the most obvious command, Remove-Item $targetDir -Recurse -Force, does not work correctly. This includes a statement in the PowerShell V2 online help (found u...

accessing data saved in the iPhone simulator.

I'm working on a game and I'd like to give a non-developer friend a little level editor so they can build levels while I continue working on the development. I quickly knocked up the following to see if it would create a file my friend could copy and email to me for later use. // Archive Test NSMutableDictionary *leveldata = [NS...

Java shell expansion similar to wordexp

Is there a way to do shell wildcard expansion in java similar to the way that the C function call wordexp works? It seems a bit platform specific, but there has to be a nice abstraction for this in one of the java system classes, right? I would be happy if I could get ~/, ./, and ../ to resolve to their canonical paths. Thanks! ...

An XML language for describing file attributes of a directory tree?

I have an application in mind which will record directory listings of a file system in text form. That is, it should say something like: File name is: abc.txt Last modification date is: 2009-12-31T01:23 Read-only attribute is: True Hidden attribute is: False The listings will persist for years in a long-term archive, so the language s...