
Read & Update filestream

I have a little utility that does a search of a number of files. I had to create it because both Google & Windows desktop searches were not finding the appropriate lines in files. The searching works fine (I am willing to improve on it) but one of the things I would like to add to my util is a batch find/replace. So how would be the bes...

Java FileWriter help

Okay... so I have a fairly interesting error... I declare a FileWriter called file, and I have it go through the following for loops: for (int i = 0; i < a.radtot; i++) { file.write("" + i * a.rstep); for (int n = 0; n < a.timetot; n++) { file.write("\t " + T[n][i]); System.out.println(T[n][i] + " " + n + " " + ...

Can I use Scanner class in text file for getting information??

this code is correct?? String note = "text.txt"; FileWriter file = new FileWriter(note); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Enter your name:"); String name =; file.close(); How can I pass this file to the program as a command line argument??? ...

Is it ok to use same file writer for writing different files

There's a loop where we get certain data. Depending on the data, file writer needs to write to different files. Is it a good practice? ...

Java FileWriter

I'm currently using FileWriter to create and write to a file. Is there any way that i can write to the same file every time without delete the contents in there? fout = new FileWriter( "Distribution_" + Double.toString(_lowerBound) + "_" + Double.toString(_highBound) + ".txt"); fileout = new PrintWriter(fout,true);

IOException on DataGridView writing to text file C#

Good morning all, I'm having a few problems with a method in my C# code that should enable a DataGridView to be saved to a .txt file. The code is as below: private void saveToTxt_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { filenameText.Text = serviceDataGrid.Rows.Count.ToString(); //string toOutFile = @"C:\" + filename...

(java) Writing in file little endian

I'm trying to write TIFF IFDs, and I'm looking for a simple way to do the following (this code obviously is wrong but it gets the idea across of what I want): out.writeChar(12) (bytes 0-1) out.writeChar(259) (bytes 2-3) out.writeChar(3) (bytes 4-5) out.writeInt(1) (bytes 6-9) out.writeInt(1) (bytes 10-13) Would write: 0c00 0301 0300 ...

Why is nothing being written to a file?

I am creating and writing to a file using the following pattern: File afile = new File("C:/dev/ws/DataOrdering/data/" + thisDate + "_" + thisTime + "_visdata.csv"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(afile); writer.append(tradeDetails); writer.close(); However for some reason only the first file is written to, after that the files...

Java FileWriter overwrite

Hi Everyone, I have a piece of code that generates new data whenever there is new data available as InputStream . The same file is overwritten everytime. Sometimes the file becomes 0 kb before it gets written. A webservice reads these files at regular intervals. I need to avoid the case when the file is 0 bytes. How do it do this? Wil...

flush in

I have a question in my mind that, while writing into the file, before closing is done, should we include flush()??. If so what it will do exactly? dont streams auto flush?? EDIT: So flush what it actually do? ...

In .Net using File.CreateText() also locks file, why?

I was using the CreateText method to create an empty file (as below) in "App1". Then tried to have another application write to that file but it failed b/c it was locked. It was not unlocked until I closed "App1" File.CreateText(path) To fix this I can do this: Dim sw As StreamWriter = File.CreateText(path) sw.Close() Why does ca...

How can i handle this Error in FileWriter???

Hi Guys I have a problem please guide me :) I write this method : public void createTempFile() throws Exception{ //CHTYPE & FINAL are Vector File file = File.createTempFile("Temp", ".txt", new File(System.getProperty("user.dir"))); file.deleteOnExit(); FileWriter fw = n...

Problem with Writing files using FileWriter automatically with Quartz Scheduler

I have chosen nearly 200 files to write on a position automatically on a particular time. Created a separate job names in Quartz scheduler. The job will be triggered on a time. I can read the files only after all the files have been written. I could not read after one file is written. I have closed the FileWriter after one file written. ...

Why is my file being cleared if I don't save it?

My program is suppose to maintain a collection of Photos in a PhotoAlbum. It begins by reading a folder of photos and adds them to my PhotoAlbum. It then prints a menu that allows the user to list all the photos, add a photo, find a photo, save, and quit the program. Right now if I run my program it will add the 100 photos to the PhotoAl...

Java I/O: How to append to an already existing text file.

Hi I am having no problem writing to or appending to a file, the only problem is that as soon as I quit the program and then run it again, it creates a new file overwriting my original file. This is a problem, as I am using the text file to keep a running tally. Is there a way to get an already created text file as an object and then ap...

Create whole path automatically when writing to a new file

Hi, I want to write a new file with the Java FileWriter. I use it like this: FileWriter newJsp = new FileWriter("C:\\user\Desktop\dir1\dir2\filename.txt"); Now the dir1 and dir2 currently don't exist. I want Java to create them automatically if they aren't already there. Actually Java should set up the whole file path if not already ...

The system cannot find the path specified with FileWriter

Hi, I have this code: private static void saveMetricsToCSV(String fileName, double[] metrics) { try { FileWriter fWriter = new FileWriter( System.getProperty("user.dir") + "\\output\\" + fileTimestamp + "_" + fileDBSize + "-" + fileName + ".csv" ); Buf...

Writing to an already existing file using FileWriter Java

Is there anyway I can write to an already existing file using Filewriter For example when the user clicks a submit button: FileWriter writer = new FileWriter("myfile.csv"); writer.append("LastName"); writer.append(','); writer.append("FirstName"); writer.append('/n'); writer.append(LastNameTextField.getText()); writer.append(','); wri...

Write DB information to a file - good appraoch?

Hello, I have a DB and a mapping framework which was written by the company Im working for. So I have a class for each table in the DB and those classes allow to call the DB and get various information in DataSets or DataTables for example. Now I am supposed to write that information to a TXT file in a certain format (I have the specs ho...

HTML5 offline storage. File storage?

For storing data offline WebApp can use: session storage, "advanced version of cookies" key/value based Web Storage (AKA local/global/offline/DOM storage) sql-based Web SQL Database and Indexed Database API FileReader and FileWriter API (requires user to select files each time the application loads) But apparently there is no File St...