
Why Does Delphi's Math.Payment Function Return A Negative Number

I'm trying to calculate the monthly payment for the following scenario: $5,000 is borrowed for 3 years at 8.00% compounded monthly with $1,000 due at the end of the term. /* From Math.pas function Payment(Rate: Extended; NPeriods: Integer; const PresentValue: Extended; const FutureValue: Extended; PaymentTime: TPaymentTime): Exten...

What programming language(s) is algorithmic trading software written in?

Anyone know what programming language(s) is algorithmic trading software mostly written in? Also known as automated trading, algo trading, black-box trading or robo trading. If I wanted to write the above software where would I start? Any tips/trick/advice greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance ;-) ...

Design principles for designing database architecture of financial transaction system?

Hi, I want to design a database which will keep record for financial transaction.I want to design it as a product so that it can be used for any type of financial transaction.Are there some design principles specific to financial transaction database design that can help me out to make database more durable for long term with minimal arc...

Financial formula for calculating an Adjustable Rate Mortgage?

Need this for a c# app, can't find the formula anywhere nor can I wrap my head around it. Any Algebra gurus out there in overflow land? Basically, I need to calculate a fixed payment amount for a loan term that has two different interest rates based on how long the loan has been open. ...

Money data type for .NET?

Looking for a good Money data type for .NET that supports currencies and exchange rates (with related behaviour & operations). Note: I started searching for the source code seen in print in the book Test-Driven Development By Example by author Kent Beck - he develops a nice Monetary concept. Unable to find the complete source online. ...

What are good ways to guarantee business continuity with a SaaS product?

For my Bachelor Thesis I am researching how SaaS providers can arrange some sort of business continuity guarantee. You probably know the Source Code Escrow arrangements for 'shrink-wrapped' software. They give customers access to the source code and all applicable documentation whenever the software supplier gets into (financial) troub...

Java EE online banking code example

Is there any open source Java EE application for online banking and processing that you guys are aware of? Say for example I want to implement the whole online banking stack, from front-end, middleware, and back-end. Has anybody open-sourced this before? ...

How to get live currency rates and quotes of stocks? So that I can integrate them in my application?

Possible Duplicate: Programmatically access currency exchange rates How to get live currency rates and quotes of stocks? It can be any country related. So that I can integrate them in my application. I just don't know where to start with. Looking forward for a right direction to start with. ...

SQL query to retrieve financial year data grouped by the year

Hi, I have a database with lets assume two columns (service_date & invoice_amount). I would like to create an SQL query that would retrieve and group the data for each financial year (July to June). I have two years of data so that is two financial years (i.e. 2 results). I know I can do this manually by creating an SQL query to group...

ArithmeticException thrown during BigDecimal.divide

I thought java.math.BigDecimal is supposed to be The Answer to the need of performing infinite precision arithmetic with decimal numbers. Consider the following snippet: import java.math.BigDecimal; //... final BigDecimal one = BigDecimal.ONE; final BigDecimal three = BigDecimal.valueOf(3); final BigDecimal third = one.divide(three); ...

WPF data grid for financial style reporting?

Hello, I'm looking for a decent WPF data grid or solution involving one to represent financial data. I've looked at many - the WPF one, XCeed, Ingragistics, DevExpress, etc.... but none of them seem to offer the simple requirement I have: I want to be able to display group subtotals in their columns in the group row, e.g. GROUP 1 ...

Financial Market Developer Dilemma

In the no-so-distant future I plan to work for a corporation in the financial sector as a software developer. I have a few of options as right now: Learn and focus on .NET since (presumably) it is widely used in the financial industry. Study the programming concepts, learn algorithms, learn a little bit of C/C++, C#, JAVA, Objective-C...

Are there free realtime financial data feeds since the demise of OpenQuant?

Now that the oligopole of market data providers successfully killed OpenQuant, does any alternative to proprietary and expensive subscriptions for realtime market data subsist? Ideally I would like to be able to monitor tick by tick securities from the NYSE, NASDAQ and AMEX (about 6000 symbols). Most vendors put a limit of 500 symbols...

Ecommerce Gems for ROR?

I'm working as a project manager on a site with an Etsy-like shopping cart setup (allowing users to sell their products and taking a small percentage of the sale). While I expect my developer to answer this question, I figure it can't hurt to ask if anyone recommends specific gems for such a shopping set-up in RoR or financial reporting....

Calculating annual percentage rate (need some help with inherited code)

I'm making an application that gives clients and approximate loan offer (they are later calculated by other back-office systems). I have received some code from the financial firm that we are making the calculator for. My problem is that I do not understand the part of the code that calculates the annual percentage rate (including start...

Developing financial application

My boss wants me to develop an application very similar to an accounting system (that will be a part of another big system, written in ruby (using rails) and javascript (using extjs)) How can I start? For example, I had a plan to use mongodb for our system, but now I'm not sure because of luck of transactions and ACID in mongodb. Wh...

Recreate Excel RATE function using Newton's Method

Hi all, I'm working on converting a mortgage calculator in PHP, but I don't necessarily need a PHP solution. I'm looking for the logic needed to replicate the Excel RATE function. I've found a solution which uses bisection, and if worse comes to worse, I use that. I know someone out there in the interwebs world has knowledge of such a ...

Trading Platform built on Silverlight?

I've had an idea for some time now to write a trading platform application similar to think or swim in Silverlight. First of all is it something that one person can do in a reasonable time-frame? Ok next question is how would the performance of the Silverlight be running such a memory intensive application? Will it scale? Nearly all t...

How authentic is PTC(paid to click) websites ?

I know this is not a directly an SO question but as i am planning to cut my programming hours and maintain my income , as i have exams coming and need more attention to my studies i heard few people claiming these sites as fraud and some stating that it really brings out the cash .How genuine are these paybacks ? Expect answers from ex...

looking for stock charting component

hello, i am writing a financial WPF desktop application and i am looking for a component that would allow me to display (and print) OHLC, candlestick, and possibly other types of financial charts. I need to be able to embed custom graphics into the chart, i mean graphics such as extra lines, additional charts, etc. the component needs t...