
Find bugs reports across multiple code bases

There is a product which runs multiple reports to indicate the quality of different code bases which you may have. Find bugs is one of the reports. It's quite visual and is web based. I just can't remember what it's called! Please help. ...

Running Findbugs with Maven fails

Hi, I am trying to analyse a Maven project with Findbugs, as follows: mvn org.codehaus.mojo:findbugs-maven-plugin:2.3.1:findbugs The build is successfull, but there is no trace of the analysis reports and I also get the following output: [INFO] [findbugs:findbugs {execution: default-cli}] [INFO] Locale is en [java] BCEL class compa...

Is it posible to use Findbugs tool without Jar input files?

Hi Friends, Please suggest me if we can use findbug tool without jar files as input or not!!. I am working on Android phone in which framework has been customised, so i cannot use Eclipse to build my code (I cannot use findbug plugin to compile). So i am using findbug GUI. But when we create new project, it expects jar files, j...

Hiding non-java classes from findbugs

I have a mixed scala/java project - mostly java. I would like to use Findbugs on my java code, but the scala classes are giving it trouble. So I'd like to exclude them from Findbugs. So far I've tried listing the scala classes in an exclude filter, but that's not helping. I'm using the maven codehaus findbugs plugin version 2.3.1. The e...

Test for floating point equality. (FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY)

I am using a findbugs in an ANT script and I can't figure out how to fix two of my errors. I have read the documentation, but don't understand. Here are my errors and the code that goes with them: Error 1: Test for floating point equality. (FE_FLOATING_POINT_EQUALITY) private boolean equals(final Quantity other) { return this.mAm...

Findbug - ANT xslt stylesheet source code references

I have an ANT target that runs findbugs twice on the same source code to generate a xml and html report <delete dir="${findbugs.dir}"/> <mkdir dir="${findbugs.dir}"/> <findbugs home="${findbugs.home}" output="xml" outputFile="${findbugs.dir}/findbugs.xml" jvmargs="${findbugs.jvmargs}" timeout="${findbugs.tim...

Suppress FindBugs warnings in Eclipse

I am using a string as a lock and so want to ensure the object is a new instance. FindBugs complains because it's generally more efficient to define the string directly (with double quotes). My code looks like: /** A lock for the list of inputs. */ @edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressWarnings("DM_STRING_CTOR") //We want a new Str...

Is it possible to use a static analysis tool like FindBugs with Android?

The title says it all. I am relatively new to Android development and a quick google search turned up nothing of interest. Sorry if this is a noob question! ...

Something like FindBugs for .NET/C#

Hello All, I need something like FindBugs for C#/.NET ... Could you tell me where I can find something like this ? Thanks. ...

How to detect a new value was added to an enum and is not handled in a switch

From time to time I have to add a new value to a enum type in my project. public enum Day { SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FILENOTFOUND //this one is new one } What I would like is to have a compile time error for every switch I have that is not treating the new value, like this one: switch (col...

Findbugs Maven plugin - findbugs-exclude with multiple projects

I've got a multiple project setup, using Maven and the Findbugs plugin. I need to exclude some files in one of the child projects, so I added it to findbugs-exclude.xml. That works when I build in the subproject. My issue comes when I try to build at top level. Maven is not finding the findbugs-exclude.xml in the subproject. So it d...