
Understanding the execution plan of a query.

I have this SQL: SELECT * FROM Requisicao r join convenio c on c.idconvenio = r.idconvenio join empresa e on e.idempresa = c.idempresa When I execute it I get this plan of execution: PLAN JOIN (C NATURAL,E INDEX (INTEG_160),R INDEX (INTEG_318)) What means that Convenio's index was not used (every table has its indexes) I w...

Grails: Building an Application for an existing Database. How to generate fitting Domainclasses

Hi, i got an old Firebird Database with a lot of content. Is there an easy way to get the content of this Database without rewriting the tables from Database for an Grails Application? An example would be nice. Thank you! ...

How to migrate an old Database into a new Database using Microsoft Access

Basically this task is pretty easy when you think about it... but i found no Answers in Microsoft Access or MSDN. I have to create a connection to an new Database and query the old one. After validating the old data, everything is written in a new fine Form to the my new Database. Any Ideas? Add: Old Database is an Firebird Database. T...

Firebird 1.5 Export data to .ini file

I need to export entries in a table to an .ini file. I need to set this up as a trigger that is performed each time the table is updated. So if the fields list for the table is MessengerIPAddress, MessengerPort it would ouput [Messenger] IPAddress=fieldvalue Port=fieldvalue ...

How to drop all triggers in a Firebird 1.5 database

Hi For debug purposes I need to send 1 table of an existing Firebird 1.5 database to someone. In stead of sending the whole db , I want to send just the db with just this table - no triggers, no constraints. I can't copy the data to another db because it's just that that we want to check - why this one table is given troubles. I am ju...

procedure give me garbage data in some fields

I have that code: string pathToSave = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory); string file = pathToSave + "\\" + "produkty_" + lang + ".csv"; FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs); // sw.WriteLine("id;Akt....

stored procedure which solve me names of column of table

Hey, I need a stored procedure which in parameter have name of table(varchar) and it return names of columns in this specific table. It is possible ? I think about some SELECT which retrieve this names from table but I am weak at SQL :/ I add that I use Firebird 1.5 :/ ...

Transaction in firebird 1.5

How to make transaction using IB Expert? I need a manual or something like begin transaction create table someTable(a int,b int) insert into someTable values(1,2) insert into someTable values(3,4) commit transaction but working in Firebird to see the syntax. ...