
c# determine the number of lines within a text file

Is there an easy way to programmatically determine the number of lines within a text file? ...

Precision of reals through writeln/readln in Delphi

My clients application exports and imports quite a few variables of type real through a text file using writeln and readln. I've tried to increase the width of the fields written so the code looks like: writeln(file, exportRealvalue:30); //using excess width of field .... readln(file, importRealvalue); When I export and then import ...

Python: Is there a way to determine the encoding of text file?

I know there is something buried in here. But I was just wondering if there is an actual way built into Python to determine text file encoding? Thanks for your help :) Edit: As a side question, it can be ignored if you want but why is the type of encoding not put into the file so it could be detected easier? ...

How do I fill a textbox with text from a textfile in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition?

I am making a Help-form for my application. A Help-form normally has a ListView on the left and a RichTextbox on the right. When you click on a Help topic in the ListView, the text in the RichTextbox is supposed to change accordingly. The text file is part of the application's resources. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks. ...

How do I insert text into textbox from line in file in multiple textboxes?

I am trying to do something but I haven't found anything on google since I don't know how to word it to get the right results. I have a Form with 9 TextBox controls, and a PlainText file with 9 lines of text. I want to click a button which will then add the first line of text from the text file into the first TextBox, then the second l...

C file pointer read write issues

Hi, I was trying to make a simple bubblesort program. Read in numbers from a text file and compare them with the next line, sort in ascending order. Now, I've found my program is able to read from the file just fine, it's when I use any write commands (fprintf, or fputs) that everything goes wrong. I've tried using ftell and fseek an...

Firebird 1.5 Export data to .ini file

I need to export entries in a table to an .ini file. I need to set this up as a trigger that is performed each time the table is updated. So if the fields list for the table is MessengerIPAddress, MessengerPort it would ouput [Messenger] IPAddress=fieldvalue Port=fieldvalue ...

Sorting a very large text file in Java

Hi, I have a large text file I need to sort in Java. The format is: word [tab] frequency [new line] The algorithm for sorting is: Read some of the file, filtering for purlely alphabetic words. Once you have X number of alphabetic words, call Collections.sort and write the result to a file. Repeat until you have finished reading the f...

Python: Appending to a text file

Possible Duplicates: Confused with appending to text file How can I write to the textfile with while? text_file = open("write_it.txt", "a") while 1: word = raw_input("Please add to a text file: ") if not word: break text_file.write(word) text_file.close() This code adds to the text file without spaces,...

Use stringWithFormat: as a file path in cocoa

Hello, I'm having a problem with a cocoa application that takes the value of a text field, and writes it to a file. The file path is made using stringWithFormat: to combine 2 strings. For some reason it will not create the file and the console says nothing. Here is my code: //Get the values of the text field NSString *fileName = [fileN...

How to set up a simple table view in Cocoa

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could give me an example or point me to some example code of how to use an NSTableView. I know how to use it in core data but I would like to do this just using plain cocoa code. All I need is a simple add and remove button. Also is it possible to have cocoa write the data to a text file or plist? Thank...

Please help debug this ASP.Net [VB] code. Trying to write to text file from SQL Server DB.

I am a PHP programmer. I have no .Net coding experience (last seen it 4 years ago). Not interested in code-behind model since this is a quick temporary hack. What I am trying to do is generate an output.txt file whenever the user submits new data. So an output.txt file if exists should be replaced with the new one. I want to write dat...

Compare contents of two files in Dreamweaver

Is it possible to compare the contents of two files in Dreamweaver? ...