
firebug: displaying xml data (from server)?

hi, i'm using firebug and i was wondering: is there a way in firebug to display server-responses in xml-data in a formatted way which is easier to read? maybe as treeview? thanks ...

Is there any way to fake the calling file in Firebug console?

Note: Firebug being Firebug extension and/or Webkit developer tools. With the faking of calling file I mean the link at the right side of the console output, pointing to the location where the output function (like console.log) is called. This becomes a problem when you have unified handler for error messaging etc, thus all the console...

Inspect an element to investigate jQuery event bindings

Hypothetical: I find a page with a button ('#bigButton'), that when clicked causes a llama ('img#theLlama') to show() using jQuery. So, somewhere (say, Line 76) in buttons.js: $('#bigButton').click(function(){ $('img#theLlama').show(); }) Now, let's say I have a big HTML page with a whole bunch of .js files included. I can click on...

Css - Expanded shorthand properties - What is border-left-color-ltr-source:physical

Introduction When clicking on the css tab on Firebug, there is an option available called "Expand Shorthand Properties"! A typical css rule like the following: border-left:2px solid #7FA100; converted into the "Expanded" version like so: border-left-color-ltr-source:physical; border-left-color-rtl-source:physical; border-left-...

best way in javascript to make console.log calls not cause problems when there's no console?

I'm using firebug and making lots of console.log, .info, .dir calls, etc. When the app runs on a machine with firebug turned off, it can cause errors. What's the best technique to avoid that? This seems to work: // global scope if (typeof(console) == 'undefined') { console = { info : function() {}, dir : function() {...

Firebug constructor function vs user function

I have made a quick search about what is the mean of Firebug DOM tab coloring and I've got that: Red colored bold text points "constructor function" Green colored bold text points "user function". here is the reference link What is the difference between the two type of functions. For example: I have a page that included jQuery.js, ...

'invalid label' error when returning JSON form rails controller when Firebug is closed

If I have Firebug console open, and return the following in a rails controller in response to an ajax call: format.json { render :json => Appointment.find_by_id(1) } I get an 'invalid label' error. But it works fine it Firebug is closed. Any ideas??? ...

how to check javascript syntax error

Firebug looks not capable to check js syntax error... Is there any good way to do that? Currently I just wrote a js but the firebug didn't show any error but the functionality is totally broken. ...

From validation problem on Facebook tab

I am using static FBML but I am having trouble debugging a form validation problem. I get the dialogue which to me seems like it should return false, but the form submits anyway. I am using Firebug and I see a brief message in Red that I have no chance to read. I appreciate the help :-) var txt ='Enter Zipcode'; //... function setErr...

any nice addons for firebug

Hi , I use firebug a lot ,i installed measure it , firecookie. Do you guys know any other nice additions to firebug which can be used during development. Thanks. ...

What does the firebug error $( mean?

Usually, Firebug gives a half decent error message when something goes wrong or doesn't compile. In this case though, I am simply getting the following: X: $( $('#' + divName).emtpy(); The code is something like this: // Some code that sets variable row_entry // debugger; $('#' + divName).emtpy(); $('#' + divName).append(row_entry);...

firebug: how to set watch when an <div id="abcd"> is changed by JS code?

I have a <div id="abcd"> which is changed by other code, I want to find out who is chaning that, can I set up a watch expression so that I can catch it in FireBug? Thanks. Bin ...

Way to get Chrome to always re-download styles and images on every visit to the page during development/testing?

As brilliant as Firebug is, I would consider switching my JavaScript debugging to Chrome if I could figure out how to get it to always re-download styles and images on every visit to the page? When I'm testing a page in Firefox, it always gets the latest version. But in Chrome I often end up scratching my head over something that turns...

Why Firebug on Firefox shows "border-width: 0 1px 1px" but Computed Style shows 1.1px?

Firebug shows that the style is: #summary-border { background:url("/images/gamma/backgrounds/product.gif") repeat-y scroll right bottom transparent; border-color:#D0D0D0; border-style:solid; border-width:0 1px 1px; display:inline-block; /* this one is shown to be overridden */ overflow:hidden; } But computed style sho...

FireBug: How can I get rid of annoying messages?

FireBug always shows warning messages from jQuery eg reference to undefined property o.cache[H][E] (function(){var l=this,g,y=l.jQuery,{o.dequeue(this,E)})}}); jquery.min.js (string 12) Can I set up FireBug not to show certain warnings for certain scripts? ...

getElementById works only after refreshing the page

Hi. I'm Trying to access results div in the results page of Using firebug one can see that the id of the div is "res" but for some reason getElementById('res') fails. to make things even weirder - if i refresh the page (F5 or ctrl+F5), the function succeeds. Also, if i look in the source code of the results page i dont se...

where does `resource://gre/res/html.css` come from?

I'm just using ASP.NET MVC 2 and realized that I get a ghost stylesheet And I can't get ride of it... Biggest problem is that on other browser I do get the same behavior with this ghost CSS, and it's driving me crazy! On the image above I'm using Firefox 3.6.11 with Firebug 1.5.4 I have this html.css file nowhere in my Visual Stud...

how to find out whether a link is handled by a javascript or uses the href url

Hi, i'm trying to debug a link, but the opened url is a bit different from the one given in the href attribute. it seems like some javascript is used to handle the link after a click event. unfortunately the js file is very huge and unreadable, so i can't find the place, that changes or handles my link. is there any possibility to deb...

Cannot access javascript injected function

I am injecting the following code directly into my browsers address bar. If I edit it just a bit (whilst not even changing any code) from the HTML tab in Firebug, it will work. This piece of code will change the onsubmit event of all forms on a page to call a function which retrieves the field values of that form and sends it as a GET me...