
Is there a way to fire a javascript function on submit without onsubmit()

I am looking to write a javascript function that will fire when a user submits a form, however I do not have edit access to the submit button so that I can add the onsubmit function. I am able to add a <script> tag, so if I can detect the submit, then I can execute my code. Anyone know how to do this? ...

Should jQuery's $(form).submit(); not trigger onSubmit within the form tag?

I have the following: <script type="text/javascript"> function CancelFormButton(button) { $(button.form).submit(); } </script> <form onsubmit="alert('here');"> <input type="button" value="Cancel" onClick="CancelFormButton(this);" /> </form> When I click the "Cancel" button, the onsubmit from the form tag is not triggered. This l...

testing if javascript function exists

I need to test whether the value of a form's onsubmit is a function. The format is typically onsubmit="return valid();". Is there a way to tell if this is a function, and if it's callable? Using typeof just returns that it's a string, which doesn't help me much. EDIT: Of course, I understand that "return valid();" is a string. I've ...

Form is still submitted even though listener function returns false

I'm trying to figure out why this JavaScript doesn't stop the form from being submitted: <form action="http://www.example.com" id="form"> <input type="text" /> <input type="submit" /> </form> <script> var code = function () { return false; }; var element = window.document.getElementById("form"); if (element.addEventListener...

JavaScript - Form OnSubmit works but Action doesn't

On my FORM, for some reason, I can get my form input variable via onsubmit but not using action. This works: <form onsubmit="javascript:myFunc(this.city.value);"> <p><input type="text" id="city-field" name="city" onfocus="this.select();" /> <input type="submit" value="Find" /></p> </form> This doesn't work (this.city.value is fou...

.NET C# - Call a javascript method after the page has validated?

I have a simple javascript (JQuery based) method that does some css magic to show/hide some divs when a user submits a .net web form function doShowHide() { $('.Button').hide(); $('.ButtonHdn').show(); } I'm using the built in .net control validation, so I need the WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions() method to run in addition to the j...

jQuery .submit problem

I'm having a little problem with jQuery: I'm having .submit() defined on a form, when I submit the form by clicking the submit button, the even triggers and things works smoothly, however, when I use document.forms[0].submit(), the event doesn't get triggered, but the form submits!! Is there any reason why? How can I overcome that? ...

OnSubmit is not working in IE 8

Everything was working fine in Internet Explorer 6 but it's not in Internet Explorer 8. I will appreciate help from anybody. I want to know what I should change to make it work in IE8. This is the code I am using in the form: <form METHOD="POST" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" name="form1" onSubmit="checkFileUpload(this,'GIF,JPG,JP...

[Dojo / PHP + apc.rfc1867] I can't get xhrPost upon form submission via input button, I'm going insane...

It's rather lengthy, TLDR version below crit wall of text. Setup: Our company had been using prototype for some time, and just recently switched to dojo. I have been converting lots and lots of JS and setting everything back up to normal and then I encountered this issue... The issue: I have a typical form set up with a upload file fi...

Problem Registering onsubmit statement for Extended button control.

Hi I recently fell in love with an extended upload button control I found here that when used together with an aspnet file upload control, can perform uploads in a gmail-like manner. The only problem is that when the control is placed on a page any button on that page will trigger the click event of the extended control. I had no idea w...

OnSubmit with Mobile Safari

While using jCart I noticed that it did not work on the iPhone. After some testing (and speaking with the developer on the jcart forum ) it seems that it fails to call the submit handler when clicking a submit button: $('form.jcart').submit(function(){...}); I have tried changing this to: $("form.jcart input[type='submit']").click(f...

Why is my onsubmit function quitting early and not returning false?

<form method="post" action="/Order/CheckOut/" onSubmit="return Validate()"> and then... function Validate() { alert($("#email").val()); return false; } The messed up part is when I take out the alert it works fine, the submit fails, but when I put the alert in, it allows the submit to go through... what the heck? I also tri...

Using a checkbox input on a form to send the form data to different email addresses

I am building a form for a client. Here is the rundown. The form will be used as a request to have a staff member contact the person filling out the form. However, there is a list of staff members that will contact them depending on what the subject matter is. So, I want to create a checkbox input section on the form with each staff pers...

Calling JS Function on Form Submit

I have created a JS function which executes fine when it's included an the 'onclick' action of standard HTML link tag as follows: <a href="#" onclick="return fb_CheckPermission('publish_stream');">test</a> However where I really want to use this function is on the 'onsubmit' action of a form but when I include it as follows the functi...

How do I save the edits for a checkbox that implements an email notification?

On my site, a user gets email notifications when someone comments on their profile, or comments on their blog etc...I have made a email settings page that has checkboxes to allow the user to decide to receive emails or not. This is what I am wrapping around the email notification code chunck for the pages that have the php mail: <...

Javascript cookie not working on form submit

I have a form like this: <form id="loginCompact" action="https://ppe.gamingsystem.net/customerauthn/pl/login" name="sportsbook" method="post" onsubmit="createCookie('BRLOG', document.sportsbook.username.value, 1)"> <input type="text" name="username" class="loginUsername" /> ...other fields... </form> And this is the Javascript...

JavaScript To Clear Form Field On Submit Before Form Submission To Perl Script

We have a very long form that has a number of fields and 2 different submit buttons. When a user clicks the 1st submit button ("Photo Search") the form should POST and our script will do a search for matching photos based on what the user entered in the text input ("photo_search_text") next to the 1st submit button and reload the entire ...

onSubmit returning false is not working

I'm completely confused ... I'd swear this was working yesterday ... I woke up this morning and all my forms stopped to work in my project. All the forms have a "onsubmit" to a function that returns false since it's an ajax call, so the form is never sent. After a lot of tests, I simplified the question to this piece of code: <html> <...

Submitting form with JavaScript on selector change

I have added some code to automatically submit the form when a selector is changed: <select name="template" id="templateselector" onchange='this.form.submit()'> {{foreach $templates as $t}} <option value="{{$t}}"{{if $t==$template}} selected="selected"{{/if}}>{{$t}}</option> ...

Javascript form validation only works in firefox

Hello, I am relatively new to Javascript so I'm hoping this is a simple mistake. I building a generic form validation function that is called on the form's onSubmit. The function loops through all the form's child elements, looks for certain classes, and analyzes the contents of the appropriate fields. If it finds something missing or er...