
Auto suggest chrome:// URLs in Firefox

How can I enable auto-suggestions for chrome:// URLS in Mozilla Firefox, just as is done for http:// or file:// URLs? ...

Firefox/Flash won't Autoplay on AJAX load unless page is visible

I have a music site that uses a flash program to play music. When a song is done playing, the flash program uses getUrl to call a JavaScript (jquery) function that reloads part of the page using AJAX. It reloads the part of the page where the flash player is, which then selects and starts the next song. Everything works fine in IE and C...

Firefox extension, toolbar placement

Hi, I'm brand new to Firefox extensions and am trying to update an old extension (that worked with Firefox 2.0) to have it work with 3.0. Everything seems to work, except the toolbar appears below the statusbar (which it does not in 2.0). It seems like the placement of it has to do with this statement (the "insertafter"): <toolbar id="s...

Accessing Mozilla's ISimpleDOMNode by using IAccessible

I have the following code: IAccessible *pAccessible = NULL; IServiceProvider *pServProv = NULL; AccessibleObjectFromWindow((HWND)0x0025093A, OBJID_CLIENT, IID_IAccessible, (void**)&pAccessible); HRESULT hr = pAccessible->QueryInterface(IID_IServiceProvider, (void**)&pServProv); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (pServProv != NULL)) { const GUI...

How can I make Ubuntu Firefox render webpages similar to Windows/Mac Firefox?

I just installed Ubuntu as my core operating system and am having a bit of a panic.. Are there any strategy for making the fonts/browser defaults for browsers (and the OS in general) render similarly to Windows Vista or Mac OSX? I'm afraid accurate web design work in this environment will be total guess work.. ...

C++ - Detours WinSock Hooking -> HELP

Hello I need to hook over the Send and Recv Function of Firefox but it doesn't work... I tried some things but nothing worked! (My c++ isn't as well as i wish ;) and so it's more diffcult for me...) ...

Alternative to Fiddler ?

Hi I use Fidder to test bug fixes directly on non development environments. It allows you to intercept the bogus javascript file and replace it by any other content you specify without needing to deploy any files. The problem is that I just use this feature from Fiddler, and the interface is not very user friendly (specially if you need...

CSS for Disabled Textbox (Prevent "graying out" in Firefox/Chrome)

Is it possible to set CSS for disabled textboxes? I don't want the automatic gray-out in Firefox/Chrome. The reason is that I'm sometimes disabling textboxes right before submitting a form so they don't get unnecessarily transmitted (and clutter the URL), and that gray-out behavior is degrading the user experience by creating flicker. ...

Firefox extension: XPCOM component with 3rd party DLLs

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a FF extension which implements XPCOM component. I built my component as a DLL following this nice guide: My component uses two external DLLs: lib1.dll and lib2.dll. Known issue here is that FF does not load external DLLs automatically. If I put these libs into W...

How to close or minimize browser windows with Selenium RC?

Every time I launch a Firefox instance via Selenium RC I get 3 windows that I don't need appearing: the add-ons windows notifying me that "3 new add-ons have been installed" (since I'm using a custom profile for Selenium to which it evidently adds the DocumentReadyState, KillFF, and Selenium RC Runner add-ons) the http://localhost:4444...

Implement Enter key functionality to .js in Firefox Extension

I'm trying to make it so when the user presses a button on a Firefox extension, the button triggers the same function as if the user pressed the Enter key. The code is at, that's where the whole project is, but I'll post it here too. doEnter: function...

Indexeddb - can I start coding for it today?

Hi all, I have the latest version of Firefox (4 beta) and Chrome. I would like to start hacking up some ideas for what I could do with indexedDb. So far, it looks like it is not yet available in either browser. Any ideas on when it will be available? Thanks, Walter ...

Is there a way to mitigate downloading of resources (images/css and js files) with javascript?

I have a html page on my localhost - get_description.html. The snippet below is part of the code: <input type="text" id="url"/> <button id="get_description_button">Get description</button> <iframe id="description_container" src="#"/> When the button is clicked the src of the iframe is set to the url entered in the textbox. The pages...

jQuery $.post() and full URL's

Hello, I am working on a site and have 3 different branches. Typical dev->stage->production situation. All 3 run on 3 different urls: prod: stage: dev: So i am trying to have universal code that runs on all 3 without any modification to file p...

Can I call other methods in other javascript files from my overlay script?

I am writing a Firefox extension. I have setup an overlay for chrome://browser/content/browser.xul and I am handling the on load event. This I have working. I also have N separate .js files in my extension (specifically in chrome://my-extension/content/js/*.js). Each of these .js files implements a common interface. For example, fo...

firefox image link style problems (see pics)

I have some funky Firefox issues going on... Here is what my web page looks like in Chrome/Safari: Here is what my web page looks like in Firefox: It's applying some undesirable styling on my 2 image links. Anyone know why and how to turn this off (the ugly purple box)? Thanks... ...

Refresh browser (IE, FF, Opera) via C# code

I need to refresh browser via c# code and google keeps silence. Any help would be very appreciated. ...

text-decoration doesn't work on a button element in Firefox, workaround?

I've got a simple button with a single css-style, like this: <button style="text-decoration:underline">That's a button</button> Firebug tells me in the computed styles tab that indeed text-decoration is set to underline. However the Button-text is not underlined, why not? Obviously it's an issue with Firefox (3.6), since Chrome and IE...

Why does Firefox 3.6 alter jQuery and CSS properties?

Why does Firefox 3.6 alter jQuery and CSS properties? Alright, more specifically. I have a crossfade plugin to create a glow effect between two images that are placed on top of each other. The function (posted below) will make the top image transition to an opacity of 0 in 200 ms on hover and transition back to an opacity of 1 in 500 m...

Global Hotkey in Firefox?

Is there a way i can have hotkeys (such as the media buttons) go to the webbrowser and cause a javascript event? I except a firefox extension is required and i am ok if the solution requires greasemonkey as well (i seen growl use them both for javascript interaction. But thats javascript->pc not the other way around) -edit- is this not...