
first-child selector means what? Select the first-child of the element? Or select it if it is the first-child?

Look at this: var selection= $('table td:first-child'); In practice it selects the first row's <td> elements in the table. When I saw it for the first time, I took it as: Select all first-child elements within all <td> in the <table> </table>. But what it does is: Select all <td> within the table if it is the first-child of its pare...

jQuery first child of "this"

I'm trying to pass "this" from a clicked span to a jQuery function that can then execute jQuery on that clicked element's first child. Can't seem to get it right... <p onclick="toggleSection($(this));"><span class="redClass"></span></p> Javascript: function toggleSection(element) { element.toggleClass("redClass"); } How do I refe...

Exclude first child with XSL-T

Hello, What I'm trying to do is fairly simple, but I can't find the way to. I just want to iterate over the children of a node excluding the first child. For instance, in this XML snippet, I would want all the <bar> elements, except the first one: <foo> <Bar>Example</Bar> <Bar>This is an example</Bar> <Bar>Another example<...

Simple first-child js?

Searching for a simple first-child detection via javascript (no framework). It should add class "first" for the first child of the element. Like a css-hacks for ie, but in javascript and for a html file. Must work similar to :first-child When I say no framework, I mean some code like this: <script type="text/javascript">document.docu...

Trying to style the first tbody different than others without introducing another class.

I have a table with multiple tbody's, each of which has a classed row, and I want it so that the classed row in the first tbody has style differences, but am unable to get tbody:first-child to work in any browser. Perhaps I am missing something, or maybe there is a workaround. Ideally, I would like to provide the programmers with a sing...

Need CSS guru to help , how to style list items (with same class) individually.

Hi all , please help me to style this list , I need to set different background image for each list item, but class are same. <ul> <li class="sameforall">menu 1</li> <li class="sameforall">menu 2</li> <li class="sameforall">menu 3</li> <li class="sameforall">menu 4</li> </ul> I know this one , but it works only for fist item :( ul:fi...

:first-child fails when an element of a different class is dynamically inserted above

So, I've encountered a situation where inserting an element of a different class/id breaks all css-rules on that :first-child. <div id="nav"> <div class="nSub">abcdef</div> <div class="nSub">abcdef</div> <div class="nSub">abcdef</div> <div class="nSub">abcdef</div> <div class="nSub">abcdef</div> </div> .nSub:first-...

:last-child style working, :first-child style not working! Why?

I'm creating an inset border effect between paragraphs by using a light border as the border-top on the paragraphs, and a dark border as the border bottom on them. I'm trying to use p:first-child to remove the top border on the first paragraph, and p:last-child to remove the border on the bottom one. (they have a class of "intro" fyi). ...

How to check if the element is not the first-child?

How do you know if the current element is not the first-child? It should work with $(this), for example: $("li").click(function(e) { if (/* $(this) is not the first-child */) { /* do something */ } }); ...

Detect :first-child support

How to detect, does browser support the CSS :first-child selector? ...