
Compilation error while porting from gfortran to ifort

I'm trying to port a program from gfortran to ifort (Intel Fortran Compiler 11). I'm stuck with two files that only compile with gfortran: gfortran -x f77 -c daedrid.ff gfortran -x f77-cpp-input -c daedris.ff when I try to run intel fortran compiler with these files, I get: ifort -fpp -c daedrid.ff ifort: warning #10147: no action pe...

Switch on Enum (with Flags attribute) without declaring every possible combination ?

Hello, how do i switch on an enum which have the flags attribute set (or more precisly is used for bit operations) ? I want to be able to hit all cases in a switch that matches the values declared. The problem is that if i have the following enum [Flags()]public enum CheckType { Form = 1, QueryString = 2, TempData = 4, } and i ...

Performing a binary OR in COBOL with Pic X data

I have a number of flags defined (by a header file far outside my control) that look something like this: * * OPTVAL field for IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES_FLAGS * 01 IPV6-ADDR-PREFERENCES-FLAGS PIC X(4). * * IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES_FLAGS mappings * 77 IPV6-PREFER-SRC-HOME PIC X(4) VALUE X'00000001'. 77 IPV6-PRE...

Flags in Python

I'm working with a large matrix (250x250x30 = 1,875,000 cells), and I'd like a way to set an arbitrary number of flags for each cell in this matrix, in some manner that's easy to use and reasonably space efficient. My original plan was a 250x250x30 list array, where each element was something like: ["FLAG1","FLAG8","FLAG12"]. I then cha...

Comparing enum flags in C#

Hello folk, I need to detect if a flag is set within an enum value, which type is marked with the Flag attribute. Usually it is made like that: (value & flag) == flag But since I need to do this by generic (sometimes at runtime I event have only an "Enum" reference. I can not find an easy way to use the & operator. At the moment I m...

Using a bitwise flag for a primary key?

I am designing a database and was thinking about the need for a one to many relationship. Traditionally I have done the normal PK (as a GUID) and set up the relationship, but I was wondering instead if doing that why not use a bitwise flag as the PK. The relationship would be lost but the data itself would describe the relationship. E...

Should flags in POSIX-style operating systems be prefixed by "no" or "no_"?

When you have a boolean option and a flag for setting it to false by prefixing "no" to the name, should it be "no" or "no_"? What's most commonly used or better style? For example: --no_foo or --nofoo ...

Should command line options in POSIX-style operating systems be underscore style?

Should the name of command line options for a program in a POSIX-style operating system be underscore-style, like --cure_world_hunger or maybe some other style? --cureworldhunger --cure-world-hunger --cureWorldHunger What's most common? What's better style? What's more Bash-friendly (if such a thing exist)? ...

Mutually exclusive flags on file_put_contents?

On the file_put_contents() documentation, it says the following: FILE_APPEND: Mutually exclusive with LOCK_EX since appends are atomic and thus there is no reason to lock. LOCK_EX: Mutually exclusive with FILE_APPEND. Yet, a couple of lines bellow I see the following code: <?php $file = 'people.txt'; // The new person t...

Serialize [Flags] enumeration as string

Is there a way to specify that a [Flags] enumeration field in a class should be serialized as the string representation (e.g. "Sunday,Tuesday") rather than the integer value (e.g. 5)? To be more specific, when returning the following SomeClass type in a web service, I want to get a string field named "Days" but I'm getting a numeric fie...

Efficient way to find the flags enum length?

Consider this: [Flags] enum Colors { Red=1, Green=2, Blue=4 } Colors myColor=Colors.Red|Colors.Blue; Currently, I'm doing it as follows: int length=myColors.ToString().Split(new char[]{','}).Length; But I hope there is a more efficient way of finding the length, maybe based on bitset operations. Please, if possible, p...

C#: How to check if any flags of a flag combination are set

Let's say I have this enum: [Flags] enum Letters { A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, AB = A | B, All = A | B | C, } To check if for example AB is set I can do this: if((letter & Letters.AB) == Letters.AB) Is there a simpler way to check if any of the flags of a combined flag constant are set than the following? if((let...

Why use flags+bitmasks rather than a series of booleans?

Given a case where I have an object that may be in one or more true/false states, I've always been a little fuzzy on why programmers frequently use flags+bitmasks instead of just using several boolean values. It's all over the .NET framework. Not sure if this is the best example, but the .NET framework has the following: public enum...

Using binary flags to represent states, options, etc

If I wanted to represent states or options or something similar using binary "flags" so that I could pass them and store them to an object like OPTION1 | OPTION2 where OPTION1 is 0001 and OPTION2 is 0010, so that what gets passed is 0011, representing a mix of the options. How would I do this in C++? I was thinking something like enum ...

flagsattribute - negative values?

Hi, I have a enum with a flagsattribute, which i use to represent permissions. I use it to compare if (CurrentPermissions & Permission1 == Permission1) etc... [FlagsAttribute] enum MyPermission { None = 0, Permission1 = 1, Permission2 = 2, Permission3 = 4, Permission4 = 8,... .................. and so on } However, we r...

How to use flags enums in Linq to Entities queries?

Hi, I have a [Flags] enum like this: [Flags] public enum Status { None = 0, Active = 1, Inactive = 2, Unknown = 4 } A Status enum may contain two values such as: Status s = Status.Active | Status.Unknown; Now I need to create a linq query (LINQ to ADO.NET Entities) and ask for records whose status is s above, that is Acti...

How do I make a Rails ActiveRecord dependent on an attribute?

I have created an ActiveRecord for a customer, and now they would like it so when it's destroyed, it is actually kept around for a manual rollback. What I would like to do is create a boolean attribute called 'active', and it defaults to 1. When a record is destroyed, the attribute is toggled to 0. I know I could change all my queries...

C#:Map Enum to [Flags] Enum

I have an Enum, suppose: public enum ItemStatus { Available, Unavailable } I have a method that returns a list of those TVs, based on a filter. And a filter is represented by an Enum: [Flags] public enum ItemStatusFilter { Available = 1, Unavailable = 2 } Question: what is a slick way to check if given instance of ItemStatu...

TCP flags present in the header

Hi, on my ubuntu 9.04 the /usr/include/netinet/tcp.h defines the tcp header as follows struct tcphdr { u_int16_t source; u_int16_t dest; u_int32_t seq; u_int32_t ack_seq; # if __BYTE_ORDER == __LITTLE_ENDIAN u_int16_t res1:4; u_int16_t doff:4; u_int16_t fin:1; u_int16_t syn:1; u_int16_t rst:1; ...

WPF ComboBox/ListBox with MultiSelect based on Enum with Flags

So I may be pushing the boundaries just a bit... Basically I have the following enum, declared in C# code: [Flags] public enum FlaggedEnum : int { Option1 = 1, Option2 = 2, Option3 = 4, Option4 = 8, ... Option16 = 32768, None = 0 } This enum is a member of an object which I have successfully bound to a Dat...