
Online game: Macromedia Flash or Microsoft Silverlight and why?

Which technology stack is best for the creation of a two dimensional MMORPG and why? This question is loaded, so which are the major factors would you consider for development in such a domain? ...

Flash AS2.0 - Increase Label's Font Size

I know this sounds like a really obvious question, but it's proving harder to figure out than I thought. I'm developing in Flash 8/ActionScript 2.0. I have a label component, and I'm dynamically assigning it text from an xml document. For example: label.text = "<b>" + xml_node.firstChild + "</b>"; This successfully changes the label'...

Is it possible to read only the first line of a file with Actionscript?

I've got a PHP-based site where we allow users to upload a comma-separated text file of data to be imported by some server side scripts. However, sometimes we need to adjust the column order of the data that is uploaded, and it would be immensely helpful if we could identify the columns in the CSV file before the upload takes place. The...

XMLSocket working in firefox but not IE

I'm helping a customer who has a problem with a flash app. The flash app uses an XMLSocket to connect to a service running on localhost. It works fine under firefox. It uses the following line to setup the security policy: System.security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://localhost:10032"); Running the flash app under firefox, the service ...

Memory in SWF (Flash Player)

Are there any limitations on the amount of memory that the flash player can use? If you have a swf that over time gets a lot of data from the server, then more and more data will be kept in memory... Is there a limitation on this? Thx, Lieven Cardoen ...

How do I get from an instance of a class to a Class object in ActionScript 3?

How do you get an instance of the actionscript class Class from an instance of that class? In Python, this would be x.__class__; in Java, x.getClass();. I'm aware that certain terrible hacks exist to do this, but I'm looking for a built-in language facility, or at least a library routine built on something reliable. ...

When loading a page containing flash or javascript, I get a security error message...

"To help protect your security, Explorer has restricted this webpage from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer" Whenever I add flash movies or javascript code this message will show. It also shows for somebody else, so how do I get rid of this message? If I load or access some other website whi...

Program to convert vob file to format that flash video encoder can read

Client sent their commercials on dvd and I only have access to the vob files. Looking for freeware to convert these files to either mpeg or avi so that flash can encode them. ...

What is the best multiple file JavaScript / Flash file uploader?

Specifically, I'm looking for a client-side, JavaScript and / or Flash based multiple file uploader. The closest thing I've found is FancyUpload. Anyone have experience with it? If not, what else is out there? ...

Can you recommend a Shockwave Flash (SWF) to "movie" converter for OS X?

I've Googled this in various ways, and there's no shortage of software to do it. Since this is something I'm unlikely ever to do again, I'd prefer a free solution, but I'm also willing to pay if the best solution requires it. I'm a fairly skilled software developer in multiple languages, so if anyone knows of a library that will do it (...

Why are width & height of loaded SWFLoader zero?

I have a class which extends SWFLoader, I use it like a normal SWFLoader: var loader:MySWFLoader = new MySWFLoader(); loader.load("myFile.SWF"); myScene.addChild(loader); The loading works OK, except that it remains 0 because the width & height never change from 0. I had to override the width/height get properties to make it work: cl...

How do I change the font used by the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component for subtitles?

How can I set the font used by the FLVPlaybackCaptioning component for subtitles? Using the style property of the textarea does nothing, and using a TextFormat makes the text go blank, even though the font had been embedded. ...

How are most AS3 Video Players Created?

Are most flash video players created all programmatically? Or they done using static buttons that are referenced in classes? Is it better to create all your buttons on the fly or does it not really matter? ...

showing video through apache 5.5

I have a problem while showing .flv video file through apache 5.5 server. I am using jsp2.0 & javascript, flash video player in html. Whenever i am trying to run the video.jsp page which contains 10mb .flv video file through apache 5.5 server, my c drive is getting full. It also does not show the video on page & my whole laptop is becomm...

Flash AS2.0 - Read <li> tags from XML

I have an XML document, and contained within one of the nodes, I have <li> tags. I don't need <ul></ul> tags for Flash because it only accepts <li> tags anyway. For example, here's part of the XML doc: <node> <li>item1</li> <li>item2</li> </node> I want to put all the data within the <node> tags, with bullets, into a TextArea compon...

Calling As function from js problem

I have a swf file that is not controlled by me. The swf expects a javascript call to set some variables after initialization. The swf is embedded using the swfobject and I'm trying to call the as function right after the embed. This appears to be too soon because I get an error. Everything else should be fine since calling the as funct...

Can someone post a well formed crossdomain.xml sample?

I've been reading that Adobe has made crossdomain.xml stricter in flash 9-10 and I'm wondering of someone can paste me a copy of one that they know works. Having some trouble finding a recent sample on Adobe's site. ...

Flash developers: what versions of Flash do you test your stuff with?

I'm curious as to what versions of Flash stuff is tested with. How do you manage it across different browsers? I'm wanting to test things with both swfdec and gnash and hoping maybe there's some way I didn't know about... ...

MovieClip isn't removed from Dictionary

I have a Dictionary where I hold data for movieclips, and I want the data to be garbage collected if I stop using the movieclips. I'm using the weak keys parameters, and it works perfectly with other data, however I've run into a problem. This code works great: var mc = new MovieClip(); var dic = new Dictionary(true); dic[mc] = 12; mc...

When it says put crossdomain.xml in the root where would that be on IIS?

Would it be wwwroot, C, the root virtual directory where the assets are hosted, or the same folder that the assets are in? Meaning if I have a virtual directory 'virdir' with a sub directory 'swf', which is really like C:\somedir\assets\swf\, where would the crossdomain.xml need to go so that my swf app on a different server can access ...