
How can I control flv embedded video using external buttons?

I am not new to Flash but I have not properly used it for sometime, a lot has changed and as such i am unable to figure this out. I have embedded a flv video into my timeline, it uses the flv playback component to play and the SteelExternalAll.swf skin. I would like to control this flv using buttons that I have created that are postione...

Flash Deep-Linking Causing Page Refresh in Web-Kit

Hello- I am working on a project where my team's Flash application is being displayed in another team's Web-Kit browser. We are experiencing a bug when a Flash Accordions selected index is changed; the web-page itself refreshes. Since this is a map-based application, this is unacceptable since the users Area of Interest is lost. From...

AS3: Reference Error 1056 when adding a movie clip containing an FLVPlayback

Hi all, I am getting a weird Flash error. The weird thing about it is that it -only- occurs when I open the .swf in the local Flash Player and go to "View > Full Screen". In the browser, or in the Flash Player at regular size, everything works perfectly. I have a button called video_button_01 (actually, video buttons 01 through 04), wh...

Play mms:// streams on my site

Hi Overflowers! I'm building a "channel chooser" for a set of mms:// streams (Microsoft Media Server): a simple web GUI that lets the user chose which channel to listen to. For reference, here is the list of streams I'd like to use. I would like users to be able to play those streams on my site with a simple "play/stop" control. Nothing...

How do I attach a jQuery event handler to a YouTube movie?

[EDIT: Sorry to those who already answered -- in my sleep-deprived state, I forgot that this particular situation is a YouTube movie, not the JW FLV player. I can see that there is more extensive documentation on interacting with YouTube movies, so I will pursue that, but any more information is also welcome] I am using embedded YouTube...

1080p30 DVI to Flash Player

I have a high-definition video camera which outputs 1080p30 video over a DVI (yes, DVI) cable. Somehow, I need to use this video in a software prototype written with Flash using ActionScript 3. Any thoughts on how to do this? Right now, I am putting the DVI into a Folsom ImagePro HD and getting composite out to a Pinnacle Dazzle, which ...

I want to control a flash video (swf) playing automatically

I wrote a flash video on HTML and play it, I want to do it for beginning setting after pushing the start button . <object width="***" height="***" align="middle" id="player" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"> <param val...

AS3 - can't interact with swf file after loaded in

Hi, So I have this interactive swf file that I loaded externally as a background, everything's fine, but it's just not interactive anymore, I can't click on it. I googled this problem for a really long time and couldn't find an answer, I've tried the normal Flash way, and also using this library CASAlib, still couldnt find a solution. ...

How to play this in internet explorer?

this is my code for player its not working in internet explorer. can anyone help me. how to make it work in all browsers? <object data="http://bitcast-b.bitgravity.com/player/6/bitgravity_player_v6_1_4.swf" id="bitgravity_player_6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="350" width="500"> <param value="true" name="...

Flash actionscript 2 preloader quicky

Hello, just a quick question reguarding how to make a preloader animate backwards. So the bar decreases in width as the load number gets larger. Here's my code onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loading = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesTotal(); if (percent == undefined) percent = 0; percent -= (percent-((lo...

Converting an array into a string in AS3.

Hello, I'm relatively new to programming and I was wondering how I would convert an array: [[0,0,0,0,0,0], [1,1,1,1,1,1], [2,2,2,2,2,2], [3,3,3,3,3,3], [4,4,4,4,4,4], [5,5,5,5,5,5]]; into a string of comma and line-return delineated indices, like: "0,0,0,0,0,0 1,1,1,1,1,1 2,2,2,2,2,2 3,3,3,3,3,3 4,4,4,4,4,4 5,5,5,5,5,5" with a...

Create flash executable that calls external dll functions

Is it possible to create an executable from flash that is able to call functions in an external dll (such as the windows API for example)? ...

SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation

Hi, I have a Loader that loads a flickr image, then I draw() the content of the Loader. I get this error: SecurityError: Error #2122: Security sandbox violation: LoaderInfo.content: mywebsite/myswf.swf cannot access flickr/imageurl. A policy file is required, but the checkPolicyFile flag was not set when this media was loaded. at flas...

Extending the TextInput class

Extend the TextInput Class/component to accept a "value" property as a number. I know there is a restrict method, that only allows for specified characters. The problem I am having is using a textinput to take the value in the box and apply it to math equations in a script. Any ideas? ...

Creating dynamic objects for quiz questions Flash CS4, AS3

Hi All. I'm making a flash quiz which will have a series of questions. Each question will have a button which will read the question out. As well as 4 buttons (probably MC's), that the user will click to answer. Each question is a different sound clip and a different set of answers. Problem is, I need to do it dynamically so I can pick...

Set DisplayObject to pass on MouseEvents

I have a Sprite I want to use as a debug layer. So I would like to overlay this layer over the normal scene and draw to it. This is fine except for that it blocks all MouseEvents from the layers below. Is there a way I can set an InteractiveObject to allow MouseEvent objects to "pass through" and onto the InteractiveObjects below? ...

Help - Null Object error when using stage.addEventListener (ScrollBar)

Hey guys, hoping for some help with this :( been stuck on it for a couple days now. I'm creating a ScrollBar using Lee Brimelow's ScrollBar class. I've had to modify it to work inside of my Class files and think I'm on the right track, but I'm getting the dreaded: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object refere...

how do i know which keyframe has actionscript in it. does cs4 have an option that shows me all scripts ?

how do i know which keyframe has actionscript in it. does cs4 have an option that shows me all scripts ? i just started learning flash and the way adobe has set it for users to put their actionscript onto keyframes is really dumb. ...

Access Text in Textfield on Sprite

I'm adding an array of sprites, each with an associated textfield. When the sprite is clicked (or the textfield -- either one, though I want the cursor to be a hand) all I want to do is to grab the text. (e.g. "One" in the example below). It ought to be possible to do it with dot notation, using the sprite's name, but that doesn't work...

Flash CS4 and SWC file library path's

I have a SWC file with a skinned version of the ActionScript 3 UI components. I want to use this SWC file on 'some' of my projects so instead of dropping the file in the Adobe Flash CS4\Common\Configuration\Components path, which makes it available to every Flash project, I add the path to my SWC file in the Publish Settings > Flash > Se...