
Flash Video Streaming Intricacies

My client has a site where they stream in MP4 videos from a Flash Media Server. This works all fine but now they want to move all the videos to their local server (accessible on a sub-domain) and this is where the sh*t hits the fan. I've tried many combinations but haven't gotten it to work so far. One part of the problem is that I can'...

Error #2044 on custom flash player using shadowbox

Hi I'm using shadowbox and I am trying to load my video that has a custom skin. But for some reason it can't find my custom flash player. When I don't use shadowbox I can view the video and the skin shows up. Thanks in advance! ...

flex upload problem on IIS7

i get the flash upload here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/FlashUpload.aspx?msg=3262818 i'm using vista and IIS7, visual 2008 ASP.NET development server http handler url: http://localhost:8080/Upload.axd IIS7 http handler url: http://localhost:81/Upload.axd Problem: When running this on ASP.NET development server, everything...

How to get an event for close or remove a instance in Flash AS3

package com.test{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.MovieClip; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.test.CreateRoundRectButton; import flash.events.*; import flash.net.*; public class DetailView extends MovieClip { private var detailPanel:MovieClip=new Mov...

Flash AS3 Global Variables?

HI i have a main class //main.as package { public class main { public var testGlobal:string = "testValue"; } } //pop.as package { public class pop { function pop():void { trace("testGloabl from main.as" + testGlobal); } } } How can i get the testGlobal value on pop.as width out using a main cl...

can I make Flash/swf "movie" in which I can scroll back and forth through the sound recording?

so suppose I have a long sound recording as part of a Flash presentation. Can I put on the presentation a scrollbar and start/stop/pause/resume buttons as in Media Player or Windows sound recorder that would allow me to scroll to basically jump to any moment in the sound recording? So I guess, I am asking, can such typical sound player f...

Linking flash to OOP javascript using ExternalInterface?

Hey all, I'm looking to call a flash method from a method in javascript and recieve a result: Example: Flash - ExternalInterface.addCallback("getProgress", getProgress) // Javascript to flash public function getProgress():void { ExternalInterface.call("getProgress", progress); // Send progress back to javascript from flash } J...

100% height Flash / HTML Footer

Question: I want to put 100% height and 100% width Flash in an html page. I've done it. Now I want to put in that page also HTML Footer which would stick to the bottom of the page. Tried: Numerous solutions. Googling. Asking friends. Failed Thanks! ...

XML/SWF help needed

I'ld like to make a little swf application to use it on my XP desktop place. And I'ld like to run movies directly from this swf. So, I need to know parameters like movie name and subtitle name to parse it to the button link. And I thought that if I create an XML file to contain all data (1db for .avi,.mpeg etc and other from .srt,.sub ...

How to use relative path for assets in Flash library ?

Hello all, When I drag and drop images in flash library, the path is sometimes relative (./somefolder/someimage.png), and sometimes it is absolute (D:\blah\somefolder\someimage.png). How can I use only relative paths in flash library in order to be able to update all images from any computer and/or from any folder ? Thank you in advan...

Secured connection between ASP.NET and Flash

I have pageA that loads sort of flash player, the url of rtmp that player listens to is hidden in other .aspx file that validates a session which generated on pageA. Is there another way or better way to limit users from stealing the rtmp link ? ...

Get filesize of remotely hosted file

I'm looking for an AS3 function to get the filesize of a file that is being hosted on a remote webserver. Tried to find some functions but didn't succeed. Maybe somone can help me ? ...

what is dispatchEvent in Flash AS3?

Hi all i want to know what is dispatchEvent in AS3. I didn't get any idea while Googling it. :( So please help me Edit 1: public static const SET_VOLUME:String = "setVolume"; private function onclick(evt:MouseEvent):void { soundClip.scaleX = 0; dispatchEvent(new Event(SET_VOLUME)); } what does this means?? ( ...

flex: loading local flash file

Hi. i'm pretty new to flex 3 but it's really cool so far. i have embedded 2 mxml components thank to you guys, now in the center of the screen when i try to load an swf file using the SWFLoader object i get the following error: Error #2044: Unhandled securityError:. text=Error #2140: Security sandbox violation: file:///C:/Users/ufk/...

self-hosted online photo editor?

I am looking for an online photo editor like http://services.snipshot.com (Javascript) or picnik.com/info/api (Flash) but I need one that I can host on my own server.. been searching for a while but no results.. any ideas? I also love the idea behind pixenate.com/productinfo/Overview.html but its so expensive. ...

How can I connect and get facebook profile information from a director apps (.dcr not .swf) ?

We currently have a director apps (.dcr not .swf) that we want to integrate with the facebook api. (to connect via facebook, to challenge facebook friend from within the game) Can I embedded a flash in the director apps that take care of connecting to Facebook ? From what I saw from my search it seem that most of the tutorial or answ...

Accurate BPM event listener in AS3

I'm trying to sync animation to music at a specific BPM. I've tried using the Timer but it isn't accurate when dealing with small intervals in milliseconds. I did some reading and found an alternate method that uses a small silent audio file and the SOUND_COMPLETE event as a Timer. I used 167ms long sound file with this code. package ...

Checking if Browser is using Cached SWC/SWF?

How do you know if the browser is actually using the cached swf RSL/library for Flex projects? I would like to be able to do different things from the preloader based on whether or not the user has never downloaded the library vs. they have it already cached by their browser. Is this possible? ...

is it possiable to use conditional operator in combo box dataprovider using flex?

In my Combo box i have to shows team names condition based . So i will try like dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.(id=10).name}" but shows some errors . but if i tried dataProvider="{usersXML.users.user.name}" display all name . It's working . How can i condition based to display the list . In combobox . Plz refer me . is it possiab...

flex: swfloader - flash file overlaps it's configured size

hi, i'm using swfloader to load swf file in the middle of the screen using the following command: <mx:SWFLoader id="game_swf" source="crazy_counting.swf" x="198" y="0" width="721" maxWidth="721" height="531" maxHeight="531" /> now stage of the flash file takes the exact size that i stated by the flash file itself is overlapping the st...