I am interested in visualising data from dbpedia in flash but I am a little out of my depth technically...
I know a bit of actionscript, javascript and some php but I'm not familiar with SPARQL or java.
The documentation I can find on it is a little over my head.
I have a couple of questions before I totally ruling it out:
• Has anyone...
I am trying to include a flash file in my project page.
but can not do this. Can any one plese help to send me the details suggestion.
Thanks in advance.
I am creating a site with lots of big scrollable text-boxes in it.
Each text-box object contained some text, and two buttons to scroll up/down with. The scroll buttons each had an event listener so the text moved when you clicked them.
These text-boxes were stacked on-top of each other with all except one having an alpha of 0. I...
I am testing flash online here
I'm newbie.
The picture I want to show http://reboltutorial.com/files/2010/05/rebodex-yuml-300x262.png is 300x262
so my rectangle is of the same size. Why does Flash truncate my picture ?
So I hava array Links and array Params with same langth N
So what I need is to create an object where for each link from Links I will be able to see
param from Params
And than for example to be abble to call something like
for each( item in object)
if (item.param == "some value") {
// some code
} else...
How to do such thing (C...
I've googled a lot trying to find how to properly import and use .swc files in Flash CS 4, tried lots of different methods but none seem to work.
What I've done is:
1. Placed it in my "D:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS4\en\Configuration\Components" folder. It does however not show up in the component inspector.
2. Added i...
Ao my server sends me FLV stream. the problem is it does not send me FLV header. So I get from my server something like raw FLV stream from some point. I know that it contains video 640x480 sound and Video.
Its like you take .FLV file somehow delete its part and try to play it.
How to play such stream from Flash? (I use Flash builder...
Something doesn't seem right about the source code for Flash Remoting's Date(AS3) <-> DateTime(.NET) stream reader/writer methods, when it comes to handling UTC <-> Local times.
It seems to write the DateTime data fine, including a 64-bit representation as milliseconds elapsed since Jan 1, 1970, as well as a UTC offset.
public void Wri...
I there a way how to take photos on laptop built-in camera controlling its control using flash? Our designer is making an application to take photos using flash action script or anything PL if not possible in flash.
Hey guys,
I'm trying to position my Flex app so that it's further down the page, but I can't get it working. It's still appearing in the top left. Here is the HTML, any help would be greatly appreciated!
<html lang="en">
<style type="text/css">
body { margin: 0px; overflow: hidden; }
#swf ...
I'm trying to post data to a page that handles it for me. I always get following error, however:
ioErrorHandler: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://localhost:8080/_user/a/ad/admin/message.create.html" errorID=2032]
This is the code I hav...
I am trying to use AsDoc on the code of one of my projects in flash. Some of the classes that I use inside the code are "exported for actionscript" classes from my FLA file. Of course the AsDoc compiler complains that those classes are not defined anywhere. Does anyone know how to make it ignore these class types?
Does anyone know of a workaround for loading an AS3 swf into an existing AIR/Flex (Flex 3) application and having the loaded SWF retain its own reference to its stage (not the loader's stage)?
I've tried the loadForCompatibility property on SWFLoader, but that isn't giving me the behavior I'm wanting. The loaded swf still has the main A...
Flex has the SoundMixer.computeSpectrum function that lets you compute an FFT from the currently playing sound. What I'd like to do is compute an FFT without playing the sound. Since Flash 10.1 lets us access the microphone bytes directly, it seems like we should be able to compute the FFT directly off of what the user is speaking.
How to play flv stream in HTML page not specialy creating SWF app? So I heard there is some way just using some html code to create SWF inside HTML page just for FLV playback...
Is it possible, how to do it?
Making a flash page that can cycle through these three images on mouseclick. For some reason the local changes to count are not reflected on the global one. I tried _global but the syntax was odd and gave me errors. How should I implement this?
import flash.events.Event;
var images:Array = ["images/image.jpg", "images/image2.jp...
I am trying to take a PHP variable and pass it along to Flash via Flash vars. My end goal is to pass a string formatted as XML to Flash, but because I'm struggling I've stripped everything down to the basics. I'm just trying to pass a simple PHP string variable to Flash via FlashVars with SWFObject but something isn't right. The page won...
Hi, i use loadmovie() to load youtube videos inside my flash website but when i load another video the old one doesn't stop, so i tried unloadmovie to destroy it but it seems that i did a mistake in my code
This is how the code looks to stop the old one an load the new:
Only thing I found is QoS statistic in NetConnection.info, but it does not contain any kind of latency values.
In red5 API "IConnection.getLastPingTime()" exists, is it accessible over standard Flex API or I need to poll it by RMI calls?
I've got a simple Flash client connecting to a Flash Media Server, and I'd like to be able to simulate the client doing the following:
Attempting to connect to an RTMP stream on port 1935 and failing,
Falling back to RTMP on port 443 and failing,
Falling back to RTMP on port 80 and failing, and ultimately
Falling back to RTMPT (HTTP) o...