
How to see network requests made by a swf

I have a swf (flash file) who is making http request. Which is the easiest way to see what request the flash application is doing? P.S. I do not have the program as a fla file ...

How suitable is flash for handling my audio processing needs?

This is not a specific question, instead I'm trying to get an idea of flashes capabilities. I'm building a website that has an Mp3 upload component on it. Serverside I can use the command line audio tool "SOX" for most of my heavy lifting but I'd like to offload some of it onto a flash client. Essentially, client side, needs to be able ...

Insert div over flash in IE

Hi, I have a menu bar which has several submenu items. The homepage contains a flash animation which is located under the menu bar. When the submenu items are over the flash file, the flash file will be displayed over the menu bar. I tried with z-index, but it won't work. This problem only happens in IE. Any tips? Thanks ...

Use PHP or Flash to extract a frame from a video

Hello guys, The quick question: is there a pure PHP library that can extract a frame from the video to use as the thumbnail? I guess the answer is "no" but let me know if I am wrong :-) ffmpeg wrappers will not go, since I want this feature to work on most hostings without special PHP modules or binaries to launch. There might also be ...

How to embed sound in Speex format into SWF DefineSound tag?

According to the latest SWF file format specification it is possible to use Speex codec inside a DefineSound tag. Are there any tools for doing this? I tried to insert output from speexenc (it produces ogg file with speex stream) but it seems that Adobe Flash does not understand it and I hear only funny noise. ...

Flash crash (ends up in a restart loop) when loading an external swf

Im working with FlashDevelop and have two main projects, all pure AS3 projects. When trying to load my second project from my main project I get all kinds of errors. The Main class of the main project extends Sprite and the Main class in the "to-be-imported" project extends MovieClip. Looking at the loading of the swf in the debug wind...

Regarding fullscreen color-shifting gradient

Hey there, i am quite new to ActionScript, could you describe how to set up 2 pre selected colors to tween a gradient to instead of "random" ones. My Goal would be to use this class as a dynamic background creater and i would like to have different gradient backgrounds on different pages. thanks in advance! ...

How to save video stream from webcam as an image instead of an flv video file using flash?

This will create an flv video file on flash media server: var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); ns.publish("yourCamera", "record"); ns.attachVideo(Camera.get()); How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds? ...

Attaching and detaching icons from flash button

I attached icon to a button using setStyle("icon", myIcon). Where i try to detach the icon using clearStyle, the button label is not centered (as if the icon is still there). How should i detach the icon safely? ...

Embed Fonts into TileList Component; Not displaying because of Mask

This problem is one I have encountered before, when I mask an dynamic textfield the text disappears, in the past I have embedded fonts in order to make them appear but with a component I am unaware of how to do this. In the following code 'tf' is my text format and leftList is my TileList component. The TileList has not been created usin...

How to change width of TAB character in a Flex TextArea?

Is it possible to change the width of an insert TAB character in a Flex TextArea? I'm capturing FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE events and manually inserting a "\t" into a text area styled with an embedded monospace font. By default, the TABs are being displayed two and a half monospace characters wide... I need them to display five monospa...

[AS3] Call a public function (NOT in the MAIN) from another Class

hello! can i call a class public function from another class? what's the cleaniest solution to do that? for example: Main -------------------------- Menu |---------- buttonClicks -------------------------- Thumbs |--------- showTheThumbs a button wich is istanced ...

Expanding Flash in HTML covering text links in Firefox, Chrome, Opera

I have a piece of Flash on an HTML page that when you hover over it, it expands out to reveal more information. There are text links that it expands over, however in everything but IE, when it's not expanded those links are still covered by the Flash making them unclickable. I have the Flash piece in a separate DIV wmode set to transpa...

flash crash when loading external swf (with code example this time around)

This is a AS3 project created in FlashDevelop. It targets flash player 10. I have a disturbing problem when running this code: package { import flash.display.Loader; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.net.URLRequest; public class Main extends Mov...

How to code an web-browser based multiplayer game?

If I wanted to code a desktop-based game, I could pull some XNA code and UDP sockets and make a decent multiplayer game. I would have an extremely clear of how to code the game I wanted. But if I wanted to code a browser-based online multiplayer game, how would I do it? You can't use XNA....I've been looking at some questions and I'm se...

Need help from Flash/AS people...

Let me preface by saying I have no Flash/AS knowledge really at all. My boss built a site in Flash and is asking if I can figure out how to load images into a gallery using XML and animating the images. I have no idea where to start, but since I'm our web developer, I'm trying to come up with something. Let me know if you have any gui...

Stratus (RTMFP) simple interaction user-user example.

Hi guys, do anyone know a link or example that shows how to communicate two users using Stratus?, I know that Adobe site has some examples.. but they are all related to video streaming and so.. Thx in advance. ...

Full-bleed background video?

Similar to this question (that one doesn't want to use Flash, though, while I'd be fine with it): Is there a reliable, works-in-most-browsers way to have a full-area Video background in an HTML page, the Video starting to play automatically and looping endlessly, and being able to put HTML on top of it? I'm fine with using a Flash vid...

How do to resize flash dimensions via actionscript?

If you include a flash file via: <object width="550" height="400"> <param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf"> <embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400"> </embed> </object> Are you able to collapse or expand the dimensions to 100x100 or 1000x1000 for example via action-script without HTML, JavaScript or anything apart f...

Exposing WCF service for Flash 9/AS2

I am trying to consume our existing WCF service using Flash 9 (with ActionScript2, for Flash Lite compatibility). However, when I add the service in Adobe Flash Professional CS5, I am not seeing all the details of my service. Specifically, service methods appear but not type information for params and results. I am able to successfully ...