
Search function....

Hi guys.. I am trying to make a youtube search api to build a flash website in my site. I want the users type keywords and find the videos from youtube and play it. I have seen tubeLoc/AS3 Wrapper. I am not sure if they are out-of-date library. Are they still good to use? Anyone has related resource or article that can provide here? T...

Trying to understand Adobe AIR and full screen mode

This adobe's page says that: In Flash Player, full-screen mode can only be initiated through ActionScript in response to a mouse click (including right-click) or keypress. AIR content running in the application security sandbox does not require that full-screen mode be entered in response to a user gesture. I thought ...

Facebook Like button Flash integration

How can I implement like button into Flash? Official documentation supports only Javascript solutioon. ...

How to stop image tearing with scrolled externally loaded SWF files in Flex?

I am loading a large number (50 - 500) of swf files into a viewer that scrolls them horizontally. Each of the swf files is loaded into a container (internally it is Hbox(Canvas(SWF)), and this is done to allow overlays on top of the swf (which works fine)). Each of these containers is then loaded into an Hbox, and then that hbox is set...

What makes Silverlight an engaging and compelling technology?

There seems to be increasing demand for Silverlight skills, but out of the many new technologies that Microsoft has punted, I've never felt as if it was the next big thing! Am I wrong? Should I be gaining those skills? There's obviously a well-established competitor in Flash, and there's a host of other Rich Internet toolkits out there,...

Which method uses less data transfer?

mothod 1: send audio&video through one file(swf). like in chatroullette/bambuser. method 2: using msn messenger/yahoo messenger/skype to recieve webcam and voice. which one uses less data transfer(download bandwith) the reason why I ask this: my mom talks alot to her journalists friends in Afghanistan. And the internet speed in there ...

adobe flash cs5: actionscript 3

When I preview this the video quality is really bad, and I don't know of anyway to improve it. There is Camera.setQuality but it is only for use with flash media center. import flash.media.Camera; var cam = Camera.getCamera(); var video = new Video( ); video.attachCamera( cam ); addChild( video ); ...

AddChild with Dynamic DispalyObject in Flex

I am pretty sure that this is totally what i need, however I can not get it to work for some reason. What i would like to do is call an arbitrary component that extends Canvas. Since there may be a variety of components named TestCanvasA, TestCanvasC, TestCanvasC which i won't know till run-time I figured this would be the way to go abou...

Compiling old Flex 2 application with FlashDevelop

I am having trouble compiling a project built in TextMate on a Mac. I have Flash Builder 4 and FlashDevelop on PC, and I cannot seem to compile the project even when I've downloaded the Flex 2 Hotfix 3 SDK. Flash Builder cannot work with Flex versions prior to Flex 3, so I'm left with Flashdevelop. When I assign the SDK path to point t...

Is it possible to automate font embedding in Actionscript 3? Or being able to take fonts from a directory and use them at runtime?

I've searched high and low for an answer and it might be a foolish endeavour but i'd like to be able to read fonts from a directory at runtime for use in an actionscript/flex app Ive seen the answers on the web and all rely on putting fonts in external swfs and certainly rely on embed meta tags or styles when i'd like a local fonts dire...

Flash Remoting: are NetConnection calls allowed inside Responder callbacks?

Hi all, we are working on a project involving lots of flash remoting stuff. Particularly, we build on Flex Builder 3 using Flex SDK 3.2. An interesting question here: when a connection to the remote server (FluorineFX-based) is established, and we issue a call via NetConnection.call(), is it allowed to place another NetConnection call...

Google Adsense equivalent for a long-running Flash/Silverlight apps

I'm looking for Google Adsense alternatives for a long-running Flash/Silverlight applications. It doesn't necessarily need to be hosted directly in Flash/Silverlight (although this would be sweet) but I cannot use Google Adsense because: a) by default Google Adsense requires ads to be opened in the same browser window which involves nav...

dispaying top 10 players and monthly top 10 players using php mysql

Hi, I am currently working for a highscore system for my games website. and i have written the code for that. it only displays 1- players. i want to display overall top players when i click on top players url and want to display the monthly top 10 players when i click on monthly top players url.How to do this. i am trying since 2 days. i...

How to Check if a website contains Flash.

I've created a web browser using mfc and i'm using IHhmlReader to read the contents of html when the user enters a url in the browser and page is completely loaded.Now i want to check if the webpage has any flash in it. Any Helps would be highly appreciated. Thank You. ...

font in swf loaded in a swf loaded in swf !!! the text disappear

Hi, I've been looking on the net for a response to my problem without success . I've made a swf containing a font in the library the class name of my font is "MVerdana". this swf is loaded in another swf wich display a textfield. the swf is loaded by a Loader. in the commplete event, i'm getting the font class using var loaderInfo:Lo...

Adobe flash : Playing Speex Audio from a file

Hi, I have tried really hard to find an example showing how to play speex encoded audio in flash. I tried the following code - var connect_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); connect_nc.connect(null); var stream_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(connect_nc); stream_ns.play("RE-Sample.m4a"); avaible at - http://www.adobe.com/devnet/fl...

Flex MXMLC Ant task steals the window focus

Has anyone noticed the following behavior building Flex programs using the mxmlc ANT task (running in the background): as the MXMLC task starts, it steals the window focus from whatever application is currently running, and then gives it back again! This is extremely disruptive. Is there a way to run the MXMLC task "headless" so it does...

Digital Library

Hello, I am j2ee programmer. I want implement a digital library project. (document can be any format like doc, pdf). The books in the digital library are in the secured server and cannot be accessed until authenticaltion. I looked at issuu and scribd. It is perfect for us to implement digital library. The problem is whatever the documen...

Flash Object - off the shelf or build from scratch

I've only taken one flash course back in school, but now I have a client who's asking me to make a flash project that's similar to this: http://www.harte-hanks.com/static/base/hh_mainmenu.swf He wants to preserve all the dynamic effects, the faded-mirroring at bottom, the slide shows etc... He wants to change the colours, add more box...

Flash Player hijacked by Mac .app publish - any help?

I published my Flash AS3 game as a Mac app and now any swf opened runs my game concurrently behind the intended swf! Any idea what happened, or how to fix? I have been selling these games, but haven't had any support issues relating to this, so I think it's a local problem...? ...