
Is there a good way to get a tri-state checkbox in flex?

Hi, I've had a good rummage around the interweb and can't seem to find any examples of a tri-state checkbox. It doesn't look to be supported in the SDK and I can't find any examples online. I would imagine this is a common problem, before I embark on writing my own does anyone know of a good flex tri-state checkbox component somewhere ...

How do I open a connection back to the server using Flex?

Hi, I want to open a connection back to the server using Flex so I can stream chat messages to the Flex front-end. How do I do this and does Flex enforce any same-origin restrictions on ports or subdomains? ...

flex button event listeners in Class

Hi, I have many buttons in Main.mxml. I'm trying to move the button functionality into a Class and have Event Listeners inside the class respond to Click and call other functions. I have written: Main.mxml <mx:Button x="23.5" y="10" label="checker" click="{goListen()}" /> <mx:Button id="btnT1" x="252.5" y="10" label="t1" /> <mx:Button ...

Flex datagrid different fonts for column header and the text in the corresponding cell

For a flex datagrid : How do I have different fonts for a column header and the text in the corresponding cells? ...

Arraycollection not capturing the thrown event?

I have a collection of objects and each object throws an event every time its value gets updated. Im trying to capture that event by adding a listener to the arraycollection that holds it (see main class) but its not working. Honestly I'm not sure this is the correct approach. I'm avoiding using Collection.CHANGE because it fells into a...

Regex : Extracting variables from a string like /var1/var2/var3/...

Hello, I need to extract in actionscript the variables from a string like /var1/var2/var3/... Each variables can be characters or/and number and variable size. My current regex /(\w+)/g work for the first variable but not for the others. var matchExpression:RegExp = /(\w+)/g; var match:Array = matchExpression.exec(browserManager.fra...

Flex: Special-casing an item in a list or menu?

I've found it's often useful to special case the first item in a drop-down menu (ie, an instance of Menu). For example, if I want to pick a color from the list provided by a web service: <mx:PopUpMenuButton id="colorSelelector" dataProvider="{colorsService.lastResult}" /> I might also want a special-case, which is "enter a new co...

in flex, get function name from Function object

Given a Function object, can you get its name as a String? See example: function doThingWithCallback(callback:Function):void { trace("i'm going to run " + callback); // outputs "i'm going to run function Function() { }" } function foo():void { ... } doThingWithCallback(foo); This example is sort of arbitrary, but it would be ...

Object doesn't look up scope tree for variables

I have a simple object defined by an object literal, and have a couple functions assigned to this object. Inside the functions, I try to access global variables, and it only gets undefined. The Flex debugger tells me the variables are just right up the scope tree. Yes, I know I can access Thing by using 'this', that doesn't solve my s...

Flex Listening for Events Issue

I am rather new to flex and am trying to figure out how to listen for a custom event I have created. Let me give you a little background on my app first. My directory structure is as follows. assets components control events model util In the model class (which is bindable) I have an ArrayCollection which will get loaded with ...

How to mute entire flex application?

Hello. I'm playing several video streams in my flex application. Plus there are sounds of application UI. Is there possibility to mute entire application or I should silence each of potential sound sources? ...

Flash stop "actionscript error" dialog box from appearing

I need to disable flash from showing these error messages when an error occurs. I am completely aware of the error I'm receiving, and it does not cause my application from working correctly. I simply need to disable these messages. Is there a setting in flash or a flex compiler command or something? Thanks, David. ...

How do I get a Flex AdvancedDatagrid to display just one row?

I have an AdvancedDatagrid, whose dataProvider is an ArrayCollection that contains 1 row of displayable stuff. Flex continues to display about 6 rows, the top one filled, the rest blank. I've set the rowCount="1", with no luck. ...

How to restrict a Flex application to only run from my website?

Hello, is it possible to make a Flex-application to only run from my domain? So a user can't copy the .swf and start it locally. ...

Testing to see if a window is maximized

I noticed that in Windows, if you maximize a window you can not resize it until you un-maximized it again. This appears to be a normal behaviour, so I would like to remove my resize gripper when the window is maximised. At the moment I can't find a property to detect if a window is maximized, and although I could add a boolean in my con...

JSON Parse Error using Adobe Flex - PHP - SQL

I am trying to return results from my SQL database, using PHP to convert it into JSON, which is then read by Flex. Here is the parse error I receive - JSONParseError: Unexpected < encountered at com.adobe.serialization.json::JSONTokenizer/parseError()[/Users/mesh/src/as3corelib/src/com/adobe/serialization/json/JSONTokenizer.as:579] at ...

Is it possible to configure Adobe's Flex Builder (or Flash Builder) to use the Eclipse embedded browser to run apps?

I want to run my Flex apps in the embedded browser control inside Eclipse, which is a Gecko control on the Mac (I think!). Is this possible? If so, how? ...

Canyone explain the code written below in ActionScript.

package samples.flexstore { import flash.events.Event; public class ProductThumbEvent extends Event { public static const DETAILS:String = "details"; public static const BROWSE:String = "browse"; public var product:Product; public function ProductThumbEvent(type:String, product:Product) { super(type); ...

Send form data to HTTPService: how to approach it in Cairngorm?

The form is in a component lauched as a popUp, form data consists in: login:String password:String I thought of a few different ways, but I don't like them.. in the popUp, send button triggers a function that gets the form values and stores them in an Object, then saves the Object in the model, then dispatches a CreateSessionEvent. ...

Flash on the Beach Conference

I've never been to a developer Conference before, I don't know what to expect. Is it worth investing in events like this and travel 1000km. Courses and speakers seem interesting enough (O'Reilly, Wiley, Adobe...), but will all this make me better developer? ...