Adobe Flex - any way to automatically change font size to fit in its container?
I have a component in Flex, and part of that component is a label. Is there a way to automatically adjust the font size to fit into its container? ...
I have a component in Flex, and part of that component is a label. Is there a way to automatically adjust the font size to fit into its container? ...
The code below is simplified for example I'm developing an AIR application (using Flex) which loads several of its images from a remote web server. The images display fine, however, whenever I'm manipulating the containers which hold the remotely-loaded images, I get errors in my console: *** Security Sandbox Violation *** SecurityDom...
I have a tabNavigator in my flex app. I am using: tabNavigator.getTabAt(indx).y to get the y-position of each tab. For some odd reason the y-position comes out to be different for tabs that have visited by the user, as compared to un-visited ones. I am using a creationpolicy = "all" on the tabNavigator. Not sure why this is happening. An...
I'm trying to setup a DataGrid that contains a column of combo boxes. The values of the combo boxes are defined by data specific to that row. I cannot get this to work though, I'm asking for a solution to this, either fixing what I have below or a recommendation on a different way. One of the columns of my DataGrid has an object deriv...
What material did you use to learn Flex/Air itself, and with ColdFusion + BlazeDS/LCDS? ...
I would like to build a flex library project automatically instead of the current process, which involves one of our developers compiling it on his machine and then us checking in the resulting .swc file. It's gross. I am coming at this from the perspective of a java developer, so I'm having a hard time getting the hang of the compilat...
Flex Builder 3 provides support to generate actionscipt from WSDL via the GUI ( Data->Import Web Service (WSDL) ) - but this sort of method requires that you check in the generated source. This is not desirable to us (we understand both sides of the 'should generated source be checked in' and we have decided that they should not) so we w...
I've heard somewhere that LCDS is no longer baked in into CF9, and LCDS Express will be phased out, is that true? If I were to start a new CF8.01 + LCDS Express 2.6 project, what are the risks? Should I abandon that plan and go for BlazeDS instead? Thanks. ...
In adobe air, is there anyway to get OS open a file, in their native applications? What about in Flex 4? ...
i have a VideoDisplay <mx:VideoDisplay id="myVideo" width="100%" height="100%"> </mx:VideoDisplay> and i put the video like this: video = new Video(); video.attachNetStream(ns); myVideo.addChild(video); and i want to make the child inside VideoDisplay to resize with him to make his size 100%/100% (size of the child) cuz vid...
Hi All, I have a alignment issue of the button and the textfield in the checkbox and radio button when i migrate the application flex 2 to flex 3. The textfield is little higher than the button in both the components. Can anyone please tell me how to solve this issue. Thanks, S.Hidayath ...
I'm building a flex .swc library using Ant, and many of the assets that are supposed to be in the file are not being copied, instead creating 0-byte entries in the .swc. Here is the ant compc target that is doing the creation. I've tried both compiler.include-libraries and compiler.library-path here, which is why the latter is still pr...
I have a pure ActionScript project. I'm using Flex Builder on a Mac, Flex SDK 3.4 and I've even added the playerglobal.swc from the Flash folder to the project's library path. I get autocomplete when I add import; import; But when I run the movie, I get: VerifyError: ...
i am trying to run a source that i downloaded in Flex Builder 3 but i get some errors: like on this line: sendStream = new NetStream(nc,NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS); Access of possibly undefined property DIRECT_CONNECTIONS through a reference with static type Class. and here myPeerID = nc.nearID; //nc is NetConnection and cod...
i have something like this private var video:Video; ... private function init():void { ... nc = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); ns = new NetStream(nc);"my flv url"); ns.client = nsClient; video = new Video(); video.attac...
I am using a timer function in Flex but it gives me a run time error. my code looks like this: import flash.utils.Timer; public function fnname():void { if(x==150) { while (y==0) { x ++; Timer(100); } } } the error i get is: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 100 to flash.utils.Timer...
Hi I am looking for a "flex" calculator open source widget. Can anyone help me out with this? Regards Zeeshan ...
In ActionScript (AS3) how do I find all the classes that implement a particular interface? ...
I have a Gigya Flex component: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="" width="350" height="300" backgroundColor="#12913A" hideEffect="{hideEffect}"> <mx:Metadata> [ Event( name="finished", type="") ] </mx:Metadata> <mx:VBox vertic...
I am successfully running Bluetooth-SPP applications relying on That is Java to Java. I do now want to establish Bluetooth-connectivity in an Adobe Flex-application. Anyone has experience, ideas? I appreciate your advise. Thank you Bart ...