
Window in first plan (Flex)

Hello all, I develop an flex application and I need your help. The window must be in foreground everytime. I would like to know how I can catch the event when the window losts the focus and how put the window in foreground. Thanks for your answers. ...

Adding a node to tree.

[Bindable] private var company:XML = <list> <department title="Finance" code="200"> <employee name="John H"/> <employee name="Sam K"/> </department> <department title="Operations" code="400"> <employee ...

flex auto update script showing error

I want to enable auto update script in flex3. i am using below code to do this but flex editor showing red mark on line 39 and editor show error when i hover my mouse on red mark is: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: UpdateEvent. how can i remove this error. please guide me. // Instantiate t...

Detecting out-of-view flex controls

In my flex app I have custom tooltips on buttons that hide and show based on user context. The problem that I dealing with is that when I call my showTips() function I only want to show tooltips on the buttons that visible in the view. So buttons that on a un-selected tab (tabNavigator) should not show the tooltips. For some reason all t...

An extra wrapper or decorator class needed when using SWC assets?

I'm still learning how to compile with the Flex SDK. And I'm learning how to use SWC files and [EMBED] statements to pull my assets into my application. With the Flash IDE, I can link a library asset to a class and it's automatically embedded into my custom class. So that's 1 asset in 1 class. With the Flex SDK and SWC files, it seems I...

Searching a collection in Flex

I have a collection in Flex and I have sorted it by a date field, so the latest elements appear first in my view. In order to do this I have applied a sort field like so: var articleSort:Sort = new Sort(); articleSort.fields = [ new SortField('published', false, true), new SortField('id', true, true)]; articles.sort = articleSort; arti...

Knowing when a Flex MX Tree component is done rendering the children

I have a component in Flex Builder, and the dataprovider to this Tree is a ArrayCollection. I update the ArrayCollection dynamically, and the Array can become really big. What I now really need to know is when Flash is done rendering the Tree component, is there som Complete event that triggers when the Tree is ready, or some other wa...

Flex component visibility on application

Is there a way to tell at runtime if a flex UIComponent is in the user's view or not. For example, if I have a tabNavigator with a combobox on each tab, is there a property of the comboBox that will tell me if it is visible to the user or not when I switch from one tab to another? I know it is not the comboBox.visible property. That is s...

Flex - Vertical Align Cells in a Datagrid

I'm having trouble vertical aligning text inside cells in a DataGrid in Flex. I tried this.setStyle("vertical-align", "middle) in an itemRenderer on the column but it doesn't seem to work... I tried verticalAlign as well. ...

Flex + Spring + BlazeDS + Glassfish + OpenMQ - How do you configure the web-application-config for OpenMQ?

I have the spring-flex-testdrive example (JMS chat application which uses a Topic to pub/sub messages) to work on Tomcat with ActiveMQ now I want to run this example on Glassfish with OpenMQ. This is a related sample config I found online but it doesn't quite work for the Flex/Glassfish/OpenMQ/BlazeDs/Spring-Integration technology com...

How do you access a stage instance name from a SWF embedded w/ the Flex compiler?

I've embedded a MovieClip symbol with the [Embed] syntax into my AS3 project, which I'm compiling with the Flex 3 SDK. That MovieClip has instances of other clips within it that are placed on stage with instance names. I can't just access them by instance name like I would if I were compiling with the Flash IDE. How can I reference them...

Flex 3: Rounded Menu with a PopUpButton

So I have a PopupButton and when I click on the button I want the Menu that pops up to have rounded corners. How would I go about doing this? UPDATE: I found an update similar to what I want to do, it can be found on the following page: http://blog.flexmonkeypatches.com/2007/10/08/flex-rounded-menues-using-masking/comment-page-1/ The...

Can I use timeline scripting on embedded SWF assets w/ the Flex SDK?

I've embedded a SWF into a class using this syntax above my class definition: [Embed (source='/../assets/MyMovieClips.swf', symbol='SpecialMovieClip')] public class SpecialMovieClip extends MovieClip The MovieClip asset seems linked with my class okay, and instantiates along with it, and is visible, but: I can't access instances ...

flex 3 charts export to pdf and msword

Hi All, In Flex 3 application how to export the charts in pdf and word formats? ...

How do I change a box components direction in Flex 3?

Hi, With mx:Box I can set the direction to be either "horizontal" or "vertical". I'd like to reverse the order of the components in the box though. For example: before: |button1| |button2| |button3| after: |button3| |button2| |button1| I've created a custom component that lives in a mx:Box and would like to do this in as simplest a...

Flex 4 with AIR

Could anyone tell me if it is possible to use the flex 4 framework within an Air app. Can't seem to find a definitive answer. Cheers ...

FLEX: dialog not display immediately

In an AIR application I have the following code: theDialog = PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, TheDialogClass, true ) as TheDialogClass; theDialog.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, cpuIntensiveCalc); At the end of cpuIntensiveCalc the dialog is removed. The dialog informs the user that "something is going on, please s...

How to get GroupingField label from AdvancedDataGrid ?

I have an AdvancedDataGrid with a GroupingCollection and a SummaryRow. How can I get GroupingField name when click on item. Script: [Bindable] public var selectedValues:Array = new Array(); public function getChildRecords(e:ListEvent):void { selectedValues = AdvancedDataGrid(e.currentTarget).selectedItems; ...

Is it possible to know exactly what numpad key is pressed in AS3 (with Num Lock disabled) ?

In Actionscript 3 I see that if I press the "8" key (from the numpad) I got the result of keyCode of the numpad key "8", but when I disable the "Num Lock" and press the numpad key "8", the event I receive the keyCode of the Up Arrow key... How to difference between the keys of the numpad (with Num Lock disabled) and the original keys, s...

How to determine when a method or property was added to a Flash player or Flex SDK class?

I recently found a method (ByteArray.clear()) that FlexBuilder complains is possibly undefined; however, the method is in fact documented in the Flex LiveDocs. It must have been added in a later version of the SDK than I have installed. I'm not asking about this particular method, but I'm giving it as an example of the documentation is...