
Loading flex modules compiled with Flex 4 SDK into an application compiled with Flex 3.5

I am working on a feature for an application that requires Flex 4 functionality. Due to some migration issues of the application from Flex 3.5 to 4.0, I have decided to implement this feature as a module that is compiled with Flex 4.0. The theory is that the application would remain compiled in Flex 3.5 and load the module when it need...

How do I access the top level component from within the Script tag?

I have done this many times but can't remember the syntax for the life of me and am obviously asking Google the wrong questions. If I have an MXML file like this (MyExample.mxml): <s:TitleWindow xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" ...

What's the difference between each version of flex?

According to this page there's flex 1,2,3,4,what's the main difference between them? Is there a version of flex that supports flash lite 2 which my project is using? ...

AIR nativeprocess performance

Is AIR nativeprocess able to receive message from Java program and process every line of message as fast as possible in milliseconds? Does it has a miss read or delay? ...

What are those swz files?

When I build my project I get a bunch of swz files in the release/debug directory. What are they? They are quite big (1 mb in total) i just delete them, my swf works fine without them, so why are they there? ...

When should we move to Maven 3?

Our project badly needs to move to Flexmojos4 to get a fix, but this requires Maven 3. Our project makes extensive use of Maven and we really love it, but have configured it very heavily. Between a dozen modules we probably have 50+ pages of XML configuration. We also use Eclipse and make heavy use of the M2Eclipse plug-in. We also...

Is there a way to declare a skin inline?

Is there a way to declare a skin inline in a Flex 4 MXML Component? If not inline in the component then in the declarations or library tag? Thx ...

Google Maps Flash API Custom Content Problem

Hi everyone, I am creating a little map app where you are given information, video and images regarding different campuses in a university. I am using the customContent method to insert video player object into the infoWindow but when I do this it gets rid of my text content and becomes the only visible thing to the user. How Can I wor...

Textmate + Actionscript 3 - Load custom flex compiler config

Hello, I need to load a custom compiler config when compiling my project with textmate (as3 project) How can i do this? ...

HTML Layout Problem - Javascript causes Flex layout to jump in Webkit

I want a specific layout for a website. I need the the upper section of the site to take the amount of space it needs (which varies during the page's lifetime as I hide/show various pieces of it). Then I want a lower section to start where the upper section left off and use the rest, showing a scrollbar if necessary. I got just experi...

How to pass "" symbol to Nativeprocess argument?

var arg3:Vector.<String> = new Vector.<String>; var rescJar:String = File.applicationDirectory.nativePath + "/java/test.jar"; arg3.push("-jar",rescJar,"-n "a string""); "a string" contain 2 separate words. ...

How to increment a global variable inside a function ???

The variable currentIndex is declared globally and initialized with a certain value say '0'. How do I hold the value of currentIndex which is incremented every time the function is called? In the given code, every time the function is called, the value is reinitialized. function nextSong(e:Event):void { sc.stop(); currentInd...

How to trigger a function only once in case of a mouseEvent ...

I am trying to make a simple mp3 player using flash. The songs are loaded using an XML file which contains the song list. I have "play" button with the instance name "PlayBtn". I have an actionscript file named "playctrl", the content of which are listed below: package classes { import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.Sound...

Is it possible to compile a flex project that uses Cairngorm with command line?

Has anyone tried to compile a flex project that uses Cairngorm with command line? ...

Does WCF scale well using WebOrb ?

Hi everyone, I'm looking for feedbacks regarding performances using WCF with amf. Here's an old benchmark which doesn't use WCF : http://www.themidnightcoders.com/products/weborb-for-net/developer-den/technical-articles/amf-vs-webservices.html I'm aiming to few hundred/thousand concurrent connections at the same time. I think there's ...

Populating textbox using flex

In the below code.If buttom 'A' is pressed the text box should be populated with A, and if button 'B' is pressed it should be populated with B and so on.. Can this be done.Also if any one could point me to flex examples would be much helpful.Thanks.. s='A'; for(i=0;i<button.length;i++) {...

what are the advantages of using mxml over actionscript in a flex application?

they both seem to accomplish the same things with different syntax, whats the point of using two different technologies. Please highlight every possible benefit of using mxml. Also are there scenarios when one is more beneficial than the other and why. Please clarify this runtime behavior of mxml vs AS3 as discussed in Oreilly Flex 4 Co...

Extract Captivate 4 text captions using Flex (ActionScript 3)

Hi Folks, I'm developing an application in Flex 3.5 for video tutorials, which uses a lot of Captivate 4 (AS3) videos (>200). In the front end, the user can navigate thorough the videos in a menu structure. In the administration part, the admins can upload more videos and organize them into the menu structure. Since we have more than 20...

Incrementing a global variable in a function which is called multiple times ...

I am trying to make a simple mp3 player using flash. The songs are loaded using an XML file which contains the song list. The following code is inserted into a new keyframe. import flash.media.Sound; import flash.media.SoundChannel; import flash.events.*; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.net.URLRequest; import flash.xml.*;...

Why won't SelectedIndex work every other time in Flex 4?

In the following working example the list's selected index is supposed to reset to 0 whenever the text box changes. However, for some odd reason every other keystroke the selected item disappears and then reappears at the subsequent keystroke. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/200...