
Can't use ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData with a rotation matrix

Does anyone have an example of using the ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData function with a rotation matrix? This is the code I'm using: var matrix:Matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.rotate(degreesToRadians(90)); var bitmapData:BitmapData = ImageSnapshot.captureBitmapData(textInput, matrix); But unfortunately this throws an error on the follo...

What are the recommended prefix naming conventions for components in Flex 3?

I'm looking for a standard way to name components in my Flex application. For example, all TextFields begin with "txt" in their ID attribute (i.e., "txtFirstName"). Rather than re-invent the wheel, is anyone familiar with a list of prefix naming conventions that I can use? ...

How to create a vertical button in Flex 3.

I'd like to create a button that is basically a rotated 90's so that it is in effect a vertically aligned button. So that the the text is like that of a book spine. Thanks in advance. ...

import mx.controls.TextArea; not working with Flex 3.2 ?

Why the TextArea class is not available for my Flex Builder 3? Project has flex32 SDK in buildpath. other imports are OK. import flash.display.*; import flash.events.*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import mx.core.*; import mx.controls.TextArea; ...

customizing flash.display.textfield class (source)

Is the source code available somewhere just to make a few small fixes to textfield class? ...

TextArea font does not change (for editing) if its blank

I have a text field (flash.display.textField) for editing, but the default font does not change unless I put some data there e.g. with AppendText() or .Text="" private var editarea:TextField editarea.setTextFormat(FontFormat); editarea.appendText (""); // = " "; // font stays wrong if blank editarea.setTextFormat(FontFormat); ...

prevent copy+paste for TextArea()

How to prevent ctrl+v paste for flash.display.textarea()? field.selectable = false; does not seem to work, also it disables caret/cursor ...

TextArea() - handling text content as list of words

I Like to have access to items/list of words in TextArea, like Word(2), is there any native support for that in TextArea() or some good List object to be used. E.g. 1stword=TextArea.TextAsList(1) 2ndword=TextArea.TextAsList(2) Since there is already .htmltext, is there some HTML object that could be used to make such a list eas...

TextField() Set caret position

How to set the caret position, there is only this.caretIndex (READ) ...

TextField() - filter backspace key away with event listener

How to prevent a specific key such as backspace key functioning from TextField editable field, preventDefault does not seem to work: public function handleEvents(evt:KeyboardEvent):void { if (evt.type == KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP) { if (evt.keyCode==8){ evt.preventDefault () ; } } ...

What Flash player version is required by (simple) Flex 3 apps ?

What Flash player version is required by Flex 3 app ? Requirement seems to be HTML WRAPPER/ACTIONSCRIPT compiler setting inside FLEX development environment; what can I choose there to allow maximum compatibility with old flash players? Will v8 player work? ...

Focus issues, focus sometimes goes to unknown object

[FocusEvent type="focusIn" bubbles=true cancelable=false eventPhase=3 relatedObject=null shiftKey=false keyCode=0] When I click with a mouse an TextField, I would like that another (editable) field gets focus, but currently focus is lost somewhere.. I dont know where focus is. I made a listener to textfield which tries to set focus...

Cursor disappears when TextField.selectable = false;

Cursor disappears when TextField.selectable = false; How can I make cursor to be visible but textfield not selectable(with mouse) or CTRL+A. ...

Flex Date() constructor is mis-converting Unix time stamps argh

This is seriously killing me. I'm trying to convert a Unix timestamp (1236268800, which equates to Thu, 05 Mar 2009 16:00:00 GMT) to a Date object in Flex. var timestamp:Number = 1236268800; trace(new Date(timestamp)); Output: Wed Jan 14 23:24:28 GMT-0800 1970 Also tried this: var timestamp:Number = 1236268800; var date:Date = new D...

Loading ISO8851 text file to TextField()

How can I load .txt ( ISO8859-1 ) text file to TextField() from flex? file is located in same folder with .SWF file ...

TextField() does not show the begin of content when has a lot of text

How Can I force TextField to show a specific part of text on it, when its having multiple lines? Now it seems to show just last line always without user interaction ...

Flex: Tree component: keeping state when data provider updates

How would I go about keeping the state of a tree control? I'd like to keep the state of the tree when it's data provider gets updated, instead of it collapsing. ...

Disable rows in Flex DataGrid

Unless I'm missing something obvious here, there is no way of disbabling one or more rows in a DataGrid. I would expect a disabledRows or disabledRowIndidices property on the DataGrid or List component but that doesn't seem to exist. I found a "rendererArray" property which is scoped to mx_internal and contains all itemrenderers of all ...

TextField() sometimes stays BOLDING even when HTML style was reset with setTextFormat()

any ideas why TextField() sometimes keeps BOLDING ( even when format was reset with setTextFormat() like this: myFormat.bold=false; defaultTextFormat =myFormat; defaultTextFormat.bold = false; setTextFormat(myFormat); htmlText("this is bold even when should not") PS: Textfield is editable and problem occurs when its edited by user ...

How can I find a number in a string using Flex?

I want to replace a number with a character at runtime like this: Input: ask 1234 question Result: ask * question What is the best way to accomplish this? ...