
Animated Gifs in Flex 3

Believe it or not I need a way of displaying animated gifs in Flex 3. This guy has a component for sale but it's Flex 2 only: http://dougmccune.com/blog/2007/01/19/how-to-load-animated-gifs-using-adobe-flex-20/. And I’ve implemented this example: http://www.bytearray.org/?p=95, but for larger gifs it’s very CPU intensive and causes the ...

Can a Flex 3 method detect the calling object?

If I have a method such as: private function testMethod(param:string):void { // Get the object that called this function } Inside the testMethod, can I work out what object called us? e.g. class A { doSomething() { var b:B = new B(); b.fooBar(); } } class B { fooBar() { // Can I tell that the calling object i...

How does one cancel/unaccept a drag-and-drop operation in Flex 3?

Goal: Allow the user to delete a record by dragging a row from an AdvancedDataGrid, dropping it onto a trash-can icon and verify the user meant to do that via a popup alert with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. What is working: Dragging/Dropping a row onto the trash icon. If the user clicks the "OK" button, the record is deleted....

How to send array throught HTTPservice in Adobe Flex 3

How to send array in Httpservice in Adobe Flex3 ...

How do I bind a function to a component programatically in Actionscript?

I am trying to provide my own labelFunction for a CategoryAxis programatically but am completely stumped. The regular way is to do it in your MXML file, but I want to do it in my Actionscript file. The regular way of doing it is: <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ private function categoryAxis_labelFunc(item:Object, prev...

How can I make datagrid height is equal to data content in Adobe Flex

In adobe Flex datagrid height is equally to fix height . I want to make datagrid height is depend data . ...

How do I create a list control with Rich text in FLEX?

I am a FLEX newbie, trying to port a Javascript-based prototype into FLEX. One thing my original prototype had was an unordered list (ul) which had list items that had rich text inside it, i.e. I had a mix of differently styled and colored text and some images inside each item. I looked at the List control for FLEX and it only supports d...

Capturing user input from Flex TextInput control: which event to use?

Should I use the change or textInput event to capture user input on a TextInput control? Why? ...

Using check box / radio button / progress bar in Flex 3 modules

In my project environment I have 2 projects. MyApp & MyModule MyApp loads MyModule. When it loads it attempts to get a class of type DisplayObject and add it to a container of itself. The problem comes when I try to use a check box / radio button / progress bar. The check box and radio button appear exactly like normal buttons, and t...

Can I change the default layout ruler guides in FlexBuilder 3?

I'm using FlexBuilder 3. I love the way the layout guides tell you when a component you're placing on a canvas is so far from the next component (presumably 8 pixels). Is it possible to change the distance at which the ruler guide pops up? I'm putting a series of labels close together and would like to change this to, say, 4 pixels. ...

Flash TextField HTML - How do I prevent the error dialogue for missing images? (Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.)

I'm using a Flash TextField control to display some HTML content inside a Flash presentation to be shown on a large touch-screen kiosk. Unfortunately, if any image tag in the displayed HTML content points to a non-existent image, a dialogue is shown with the error message Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not ...

Does the virtual keyword in Flex 3 cause a performance hit?

As the title says really. Does the virtual keyword cause a performance hit? ...

Problems with itemRollOver and itemRollOut events on List component

I have set the itemRollOver and itemRollOut event listeners on a List component, but whenever I roll the mouse over a list item, both the over and out events of the same list item fire in succession right after each other. My list uses a custom itemRenderer. Any ideas why this might be? The Adobe documentation doesn't provide much insig...

Connecting lines (while dragging) in Flex/Actionscript

Hi, I have a mx:Canvas element that contains several mx:Panel elements. I want to be able to draw a line connecting two such mx:Panel's in such a way that the line continues to connect the two mx:Panels when one or both get dragged around. It seems like something that should be trivial to do, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I...

Building a Plugin Architecture with Adobe AIR

I'm thinking of choosing Adobe AIR as the client-side implementation technology for an upcoming project. (The previous choice was C# and WPF, but I've been really impressed with Flash/Flex/AIR lately.) But one of the most important features of my product will be its plugin architecture, allowing third party developers to extend the func...

Adobe AIR Keyboard Hook

I'm trying to add a feature to my AIR app that can listen for (configurable) global keyboard events even when the app is minimized. Ex: CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-F12 to grab a screenshot. I can't find any way to register a keyboard hook, and listening for keyboard events only captures them when the app has focus. Suggestions? ...

How can I get list of properties in an object in Actionscript?

I have a dataprovider and a filterfunction for my array that's assigned to my dataprovider. How can I get a list of the properties that are in each row of the dataprovider (item.data) as it gets passed to the filterfunction? For instance, if my object contained: Object name email address Then I would want, in my filterfunction ...

flex 3 and acessing remote java objects

Hi , im just starting to learn flex and im trying to understand how Flex does remoting? From what i have read it looks like Flex provides a LifeCycle data services war which sits on your server and intercepts your remote calls , is this close? Im concerned that if i use this option that 1. Ill have to add an extra war to my server - the...

Fit Flex datagrid to data

I have rows of text data that can vary between 0 and 100, and all need to be visible on the screen at one time. The default behavior is fine for the grid until the rows * rowHeight > gridHeight. Basically I need a hook into the item height, or row height to calculate it based on the height of the grid. I've set paddingTop and paddingB...

Flex 3 - Must I add components before setting their attributes when using AS3?

Let us say that I have a Flex 3 mxml component, call it A. A has a get/set attribute called 'b'. Within A I have another internal component C, which is specified using mxml. When "instantiating" component A within mxml, I can specify the value of b at declaration, and everything works fine. However, when I initialize the component using ...