
How to add a new Stage to my default stage?

I want to add a new Stage called field to the default stage (i need to place different elements on it later). And then i want to add a bitmap called myBitmap to the field. But nothing happens. I don't understand what should i do... var field:Stage = new Stage(); field.x = 200; field.y = 200; ...

Where to register mediator in puremvc ?

Currently I am working on flex using puremvc framework. Actually my question is related to where to register mediator in puremvc framework. One of my colleague is registering mediator in views(components) creationComplete method only (inside view). While my preference is send some notification from creationComplete method which could be...

Calling a loaded module function from the main app in FLEX

I have a main app which calls a pop-up where the user selects the name of an article to view. The pop-up in turn calls a function in the main app which loads the viewer module if not already open and then sets the url on the viewer to load the .swf file. In mainApp public var moduleLibrary:Object; public var displayObject:DisplayObject...

Using flex 4 sdk in flex builder 3

This question may be an absolute crap. Can i use the flex 4 sdk in flex builder 3? i have a licensed version of flex builder 3 professional. so if i need to use flex 4 sdk in it, do i need to buy flash builder? cant i get all the new components in flex builder 3? Regards, PK ...

What is the Adobe Flex Framework for Mobile devices ?

Hi I am Bhaskar, currently worrking on Adobe Flex Technologies. I want to know whether Adobe had launched a Flex platform for mobile devices or not. If Launched what is the name of the Framework and please come with a sample example URL . ...

Loading of external SWF results in a "Could not find resource bundle messaging" error

I'm using flash.display.Loader to load this example SWF as a use-case for loading SWFs that uses flex charting components in an application I'm working on. This is the code I'm using to load the swf: Main.mxml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" creationComplete="onCreation...

Flex - Custom Component - Percentage Width/Height

I am trying to create a Custom Flex Component using the Flex Component framework: http://www.adobe.com/livedocs/flex/3/html/help.html?content=ascomponents_advanced_3.html. All good components allow you to define their dimensions using percentage values using: MXML: TextInput width="100%" or Actionscript at runtime: textinp.percen...

flex - SWFLoader - authentication

I have an issue where I am trying to load an external SWF using a SWFLoader, but the HTTP server requires authentication. <mx:SWFLoader source="assets/externalswf.swf"></mx:SWFLoader> Is there any way to pass the credentials to the SWFLoader? ...

Get content of a single cell from a DataGrid in Flex 3

I want to select information in a single cell from my DataGrid in Flex 3. Specifically, I'm displaying three phone numbers per line and the user needs to be able to select one of those numbers, from any row, but not the whole row. While similar to this, I am displaying the DataGrid to the user. The answer for that question was to manip...

Reading data back from an editable datagrid in flex.

Hello everybody, I am having an editable datagrid which is populated using an XML object which in turn is populated via a HTTPService. The editable datagrid columns all have an itemrenderer with rendereriseditor property marked true. I need to send the edited data back to the server via an http service. Is there a way that the changes...

Why Flex SDK is free and Flash CS4 not ? Where is the trick ?

Why Flex SDK is free and Flash CS4 not ? Where is the trick ? ...

Can I use an Application developed with Flex Builder Trial ??

Can I create an application with Flex Builder Trial ( that I have just downloaded ) and use that application on my website ? But all of you that use Flex Builder have the licence ?? It's very expensive for me ;( ...

how to give style for alertbox?

Hi i want to change the default style of Alertbox..is it possible? Thank's in advance..... ...

Flex Datagrid editing cells in same row not firing collection change event

Hi, I am using the flex datagrid to allow the user to edit some data. My update process relies on a CollectionEvent of type update. Basically I catch this event package the values and update the database. However, if the user edits a cell then moves to edit a cell in the same row the value is updated but a collection event is not fired...

Website created by Flex Builder works on every browser that use flash ?

Does websites created by Flex Builder works on every browsers that use Flash ? ...

Flex: Where (or when) is the bound data on application load?

Hi, I am loading an embedded swf file into a Flex 3 application and I would like to pass some data that is bound to my flex app to the embedded flash. The problem is that I can't seem to get a reference to the bound data at any point in the Flex load time right up until the applicationComplete event (which I believe is the last event) ...

How to change datagrid cell's itemRenderer dynamically

i have a simple datagrid having 2 columns named as image and place. where image column has mx.controls.Image itemRenderer and place is simple. my requirement is to change itemRenderer of image cell when it will be clicked. i means to say when user click on any image from image column than i want to show that image path in editable mode a...

How to customize data points on a Flex graph?

I have an area graph and I'm looking to have the data points to be shown. I have a CircleItemRenderer, but this shows all of the datapoints in the default stroke and fill. 1) How do I customize the display of my CircleItemRenderer? (instead of it having an orange fill, how can I change the color? 2) How can I decide to show the node ...

how to parse the entered text in textinput

Hi, Is it possible to parse the enetered text in the textinput,i want to find the entered text contain's @ symbol and . symbol without using email validator..is it possible? Thank's in advance.... ...

how to show the next image after image loaded in flex

Is there any possibility to show the next image with out white space(background) using flex. ...