
how to smooth an embeded image in flex when its embed as a class for textinput border style

Hello my fellow stackoverflower, i'm looking for away to smooth an image of and embed png file. i'm using the embeded png as the borderskin for my textInput. i have seen some other postings about this subject but i can figure it out. Does anybody have an idea, how i can a complish this? some real solid code example wwould be nice. thi...

Visual Containers - Creating?

Hi, I've got a HorizontalList created with XML data pulling through. All I want to do is create an visual container, that now loads in the Videos Data. Code is as follows : <mx:HorizontalList id="videoArea" rowHeight="210" columnWidth="180" width="929" ...

Resize Image with Scroller causing 1502 exception

Description: I'm loading an image inside of a border container and when i zoom out, the scroll bars disappear as expected. Now when I resize the image to exceed the boundaries of the boarder container I receive the exception below. I believe the exception is thrown when the scroll bars are reactivating but i could be wrong. Has anyone se...

Flex column series not displaying column

I am having a column series with two columns side by side. <mx:ColumnSeries xField="period" yField="FirstCalls" displayName="1st calls" /> <mx:ColumnSeries xField="period" yField="SecondCalls" displayName="2nd calls"/> I am facing a problem here. If the 'FirstCalls' field used in the first series is more than some 4000 then it is not ...

Exactly how many users can Support Blazeds Messeging service ? for much user support what we need to do(pooling) ?

I designed one On line Trading Application, which uses blazeds & jetty, in that i used AMF-LongPooling as channel, with following parameter, Here is the problem is Each message is not reaching all the user,who are connected, messages are missing to few users (300 recieving out of 600)... what we need to do to provided instant messages ...

How can we set width and height of flex application by using javascript?

I developed one flex application to which we want to set the flex application width and height by using javascript. Or is there any other way? please find the soloution. thanks, harikrishna. ...

URLLoader handler in child movie not being called.

Hi I am writing a flex application that has a MainMovie that loads flex programs (ChildMovie) depending on what the user selects in the MainMovie. below is some pseudocode to help me describe my problem hopefully. class MainMovie{ private var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(); public function callPHPfile(param:String, loader:...

Max Upload file size for Java using Remote object (BlazDS)?

I tried with flex and java in the backend. In this, I am able to upload files till 100 MB using remote object (blazeDs) where we will read the file as byte array and send it to the java method. If the file size exceeds after that, then I get the run time error in IE. ...

Difference between Array and Array Collection in Flex

Dear friends, While making my choice b/n Array and Arraycollection I get confused why whould I use one and why not another. I have read the theory in langref but apart from that is there some general advantages/disadvantages of one over the another that you have learned from your experience. Thanks in advance. ...

How to profile application running in Tomcat 6 on Solaris 10 Sparc Server ?

My J2EE based application running in Tomcat 6 on Solaris 10 sparc server is very very slow. It works fine on Linux servers. I am using flex as web front end to my application. I need to know how can I configure and run it using any java profiler on Sun Solaris server. ...

flex - flip down digits display, like retro clock?

I want to display a number in my app so that the digits are styled like a retro-style clock, where each digit looks like a flippable tag (e.g., http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/learn-how-to-create-a-retro-animated-flip-down-clock/). I don't actually require any animation or effects. Does such a component exist in a...

Flex 3 to Flex 4 Migration Problem: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.

Today I upgraded from Flex Builder 3 (Flex 3 SDK) to Flash Builder 4. I am new to Flex programming, and am still learning the Flex basics and Flex lifecycle. When I imported my project into Flash Builder 4, recompiled (without errors), and ran my project, I received the following error: TypeError: Error #1007: Instantiation attempted ...

Cairngorm Framework V3 Vs Cairngrom framework V2

I have seen some white papers, Cairngorm V2 is not always good to use for flex framework. so many flex projects are converted cairngorm 2 to cairngorm 3. What i guess is what ever cairngorm 3 is developed based on the cairngorm 2 framework. So why all the projects converted to cairngorm 3 because of some issues in cairngorm 2 while usi...

how to assign dataProvider to DataGrid Dyanmically in flex ?

i done as follows i have a method with brings data of particular table, as given my parameter to that method, now i want to fetch data from corresponding table and it too list, and send back flex and form dynamically Grid & add dataprovider dynamically as for its corresponded table colomns in flex side ? Remote objec(java class) pu...

Adobe Flex - TextArea to file

Hi All, I am having an text area in .mxml file. <mx:TextArea id="outputText" .../> I am exporting its data into a .txt on a button click. as - FileReference fRef=new FileReference; fRef.save(outputText.text,"testFile.txt"); But the problem is when I export it into a text file, it gets stored a single line instead of multiple lin...

first record should be selected when loading the data in advance datagrid

Hi, I have a advanced datagrid and displying the 10 records. but when loading the data, the first record should be selected. Can you please help me how to do it. Thanks, Ravi ...

Flex component lifecycle, order of events

Dear friends, I am confused about the order of systen events. As per the book, 'childAdd' event of parentcontainer should be triggered after triggering of 'PreInitialize' and 'Initialize' event of childcontianer while as per the program out put it seems otherwise. Please help. What I found in books is as below: \ Container----------C...

Flex Embed png, meta data required

hi, this is a part of my code [Embed(source='dmr/images/icones/icnPresenceInline.png')]; [Bindable] private var presentAuBureau:Class; [Embed(source="dmr/images/icones/icnVacancesInline.png")]; [Bindable] private var enCongeAujourdhui:Class; override public function set data (val...

Flex - compare string without considering the accents

Hi, I have a compare routine ... but I need it to understand that when i search a "e" I also search for "é" or "è". Is there an esay way to do that or do I really need to search and replace every accentued caractere before comparing ? Thanks ...

Add Child immediately in Flex 3

Hi there, I'm having a problem similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1410398/flex-dialog-not-display-immediately . Code follows: private function saveBitmap(event:ContextMenuEvent):void { loadingScreen.visible = true; loadingScreen.appLoadingText.text = "Preparing bitmap..."; addChild(loadingScreen); validateNo...