
How do I perform custom build steps in Flex Builder 3?

I want to do some of the things in Flex Builder 3 that I would use custom build steps for in Visual Studio. They aren't in the project properties and Google is not much help either. Is it possible to add custom build steps in Flex Builder 3 or Eclipse more generally? If so, now do I do it? ...

Change webserver used by Flex in FlexBuilder to .NET Framework 3.5

I just had to reformat and reinstall Flex and reconstruct a project. The problem is i am using ASP.NET as my server side technology and using LINQ in my files. The version of WebDev.Webserver.exe that FlexBuilder starts up is the wrong version so I get this error : Compiler Error Message: CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Linq' ...

FlexBuilder web services list empty

I have a list of webservices from a Flex project. I am trying to load the project on a new machine and it has forgotten all the web services from the list. I copied over the original settings file to : "myproject-web\.settings\webservices.xml" This contains quite a lot of webservices and I don't want to have to reimport them all. Th...

Easiest way to Filter Eclipse Console Output text

I'm asking this in relation to Flex Builder, but it might apply to Eclipse in general. Trace statements in Flex Builder get sent to an Eclipse Output Console. What is the easiest way to filter this text on the Eclipse side? Specifically, I'd like to be able to filter (ignore) lines by patterns. I came across Logback, but it seems like...

Frameset in flex application ?

There is a frameset concept in HTML ....that we all know.... But i need that to be done in flex application .... How to do that ? ...

How to redirect the web page in flex application ?

I have a button control ....i need another web page to be redirected while clicking that button .... how to do that ? Thanks ...

eclipse probleam installing more plugins

i am getting this error Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the operation. org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailException and in the detail window Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the operation. null argument: when i am try to update from this site http://mantis.faratasystems.com/downloads/update/s...

How can I implement a list of links in Flex?

I have an Array of string which represents links. I want to display them in a list and make them work like links. How do I do that? ...

Refresh SWC in FlexBuilder after publishing

I am using a SWC that was published from Flash CS3 in an Actionscript project in FlexBuider. The problem is that every time I make a change and re-publish the SWC the changes I made are not immediately recognized back in FlexBuilder. In order to have newly published SWC recognized I have to remove the reference to the SWC from the libra...

What's the best way to debug an inner swf that's loaded from a non-debug outer swf?

I have a swf that I need to attach the flex builder debugger to. I have full access to the source code, and can make a debug build of this swf. However, this swf is being loaded by a non-debug build of another swf which I don't have source code to, and can't make a debug build with. Is this possible? I've tried mocking this up with t...

Flex Builder: How do you run multiple "Export Release Build..."

So, what I have is a Flex application that is comprised of about 20 modules that are loaded at runtime. Each module is it's own project in Flex Builder and what I'd like to do is have some way to create a release build of all of them without having to go to each project and selecting Project->Export Release Build... How can I do such a...

Visual Studio Regions equivalent in FlexBuilder

Is there something like regions in FlexBuilder? ...

How do i access the 'mx' or 'fl' namespaces in a Flex Builder Actionscript Project?

How do i access the 'mx' or 'fl' namespaces in a Flex Builder Actionscript Project? Do I need to include a certain .swc file? I cant seem to find which one ...

How do teams use Flex Builder Pro to develop large applications?

We develop applications for the Flash platform, which have LOTS of run-time loaded assets (graphics, data, audio, code-libraries, etc.) Those assets are logically organized within project folders. Programmers and designers get the latest from version control, check-out their code or design work, test within a full local copy of the app...

FlexBuilder to FDT Migration

I'm new to FDT and I'd like to move some (actionscript)projects from FlexBuilder to FDT. I've noticed FDT can read .actionscriptProperties from FlexBuilder, so just setting the workspace to my FlexBuilder workspace got the projects, the current one open, the rest of them closed which is great. I got a an error on the way: "Error openi...

How to read xml tags and its data using flex?

Hi, I need to read xml tags and its datas from one file and then write it to another xml..how to do it?? please let me know immediately...? ...

How can I add maven dependencies to the flex build path in Flex Builder 3?

We're using maven to build a flex project using flex-mojo's, which is great. The problem is I can't add the swc dependencies specified in the pom to the flex build path. As far as I can see Flex Builder only lets you use an absolute path, so it can't see the maven dependencies even when using the m2eclipse plugin to add maven support. ...

Why the is flexbuilder plugin for eclipse so slow to open and compile ?

I've got a decent computer. ( something with dual-core in the name and a lot of ram ). Sometime FlexBuilder prompt the "builder project" loading bar only when i open a simple mxml file. It's look like he does some difficult jobs... i don't ask for anything fancy. I just want the file open, in text mode. Every time i hit ctrl+s, i fear ...

Dual colour in one label in flex 3

Hi All, I was just wondering if you can get two colours in a label so i can have some of the text white and some red. I have been looking online and have not found anything. However, I though here would be a more appropriate place to ask. If not i will just use two labels. But any input is appreciated. Regards Mark ...

Type completion in FlexBuilder?

Is it possible to ask FlexBuilder to automatically fill out the types of a statement? For example: var g = this.graphics; Will throw a a "no type declaration" warning that Eclipse's magic "fix this line please" won't fix... So is there any other way to fix that, other than manually entering the "g:Graphics" by hand? ...