
FlexiGrid - set width of Grid in code

Hey, I'm trying out Flexigrid (http://code.google.com/p/flexigrid/) for a new app - I'm really impressed with it but I can't find a way to set the width in code. The main reason for this is to get the GRID (not the columns inside the grid) to align fully to the size of the window. I know, it makes a mockery of the horizontal resizer,...

Flexigrid - adding a column with links

I'm using Flexigrid to display paginated data and it works very well. Now I need to add links to all the rows ("edit", "view", "delete") and honestly I have no idea how to proceed with it. Is there something that I could use right out of the box? The basic idea is to have an additional column with small icons for those 3 links and not t...

Sort columns with a jQuery Flexigrid

Is there a way I can mark JQuery Flexigrid columns as sortable if I don't define them in-line? i.e. I know I can do this $("#flex1").flexigrid( { colModel: [ { display: 'Col1', name: 'Col1', sortable: true }, { display: 'Col2', name: 'Col2', sortable: true } }); But I construct the grid jus...

jquery flexigrid set active row

Hi! How do I set a active row in jQuery Flexigrid after reloading it (after a ajax callback)? Thanks in advance! ...

Consistent grid headers with Flexigrid for jQuery

So I'm trying to use the flexigrid plugin. It looks like it's going to work great aside from the fact that it looks like you have to manually set the column widths. Otherwise, the column headers do not match up with the body columns. Is there any way of automatically matching these up, while still allowing the column widths to be defi...

Flexigrid for jQuery - How to Edit/Update records in the grid?

Hello, I'm looking to create a form which will populate with data from my MYSQL database and allow me to edit/update the data in the form and have the updates saved in the database. Flexigrid looks like a great solution to output results but I'm not seeing how Flexigrid can be used to modify data and save the updates to the database. ...

Jquery Flexigrid text-align

Hi Im using simple solution (example 1) of Flexigrid http://www.flexigrid.info/ What I'm trying to do is to align text in one of the columns to the right. Is there a way to do this without connecting to a JSON file (example 3)? ...

What would be the simplest way to implement Flexigrid with ASP.NET 3.5?

I've been trying to follow the top Google results for ASP.NET + Flexigrid for jQuery such as CodeProject's approach but they all seem kind of sophisticated, I'm rather looking for something way more basic in terms of simplicity, a kind of Hello World approach if you will. I'd be more than happy if you guys would like to share any resour...

what is flexigrid ?

in .net we use something called datagrid and there is what we call flexigrid . what is the difference in between ? ...

Jquery FlexiGrid Show/Hide Columns feature in the header

Here is my FlexiGrid $("#grUser").flexigrid({ url: 'someJSON.php' , dataType: 'json' , colModel : [ {display: '', name : 'Index', width :100, align: 'left'} , {display: '', name : 'Value', width : 100, align: 'left'} ] , title: 'Details' , width: 350 , height: 200 , singleSelect: true }); ...

Flexigrid quantity returned

I have flexigrid set up to use an ajax post to get results from a server. For the sake of argument, say I have it set to limit 20 rows per page. Within the "onSuccess" setting I'm calling a function. How can I tell within that function how many (up to the limit of 20) rows that flexigrid has returned? I can use jQuery to count the rows...

What is equivalent GetPropValue<T> method in L2E ?

Hi people. I´m have a problem using EF for my data model. I have this code in my method: listaPaginada = sortOrder.Equals("asc") ? _cadastroServ.SelecionaNotasFiscais(idParceiro).OrderBy(i => i.GetType().GetProperty(query)) : _cadastroServ.SelecionaNotasFiscais(idParceiro).OrderByDescending(...

Rails validation page causes a routing error

I have a view with the flexigrid component on it. When the view calls the mickey_mouses_controller#new action, the flexigrid component calls mickey_mouses_controller#grid_data action (via localhost:3000/mickey_mouse/grid_data) and returns the relevant json objects correctly. However, when I submit my view so the ActiveRecord validations...

What is the fastest JSON parser for JavaScript?

I want to show a list with 1000 rows using Json that's support by Struts2 like pug-in. I use flexigrid (jquery) to parse 1000 rows to display. But it's so slow, and sometimes my browser crashes. (Firefox & IE). So, what is the fastest Javascript framework to parse about 1000 rows? ...

jquery's flexigrid - looking to hand data via a serlet w/ gson

Hi - New to java, but would love to implement my working jsp that generates xml used by a lovely jquery flexigrid to use a json version (generated by gson). I'm just starting out w/ java basically, but would like to learn the best way to do this. I've been looking at inner classes, but wanted to check out what would be considered bes...

Tutorials and resources on jqgrid and flexigrid

Hi Am currently trying to use for the first time both jqgrid and flexigrid to make database driven pages whos backend uses Zend Framework. I have been googling and the search results that turn up aren't very helpful. Any links that can be helpful? ...

Flexigrid - how to turn off row selection

Is it possible to turn off the row selection feature on Flexigrid? It's somewhat annoying when you haven't implemented anything that makes use of the selection. ...

Cant get flexigrid to work in Jquery Tools Tab

Im fairly new to jquery and Im using jquery tools for tabs. I am wanting in one of the tabs to show flexigrid, but when I try to do this flexigrid does not show up, its just blank. If I setup flexigrid in a stand alone page outside the tab it works just fine. Below is the code that isnt working. Again Im new so please go easy! <ul c...

flexigrid dynamic buttons

I want to swap out buttons in my flexigrid here is my code $('#flex').flexOptions({ buttons : [ {name: 'Show Tagged', bclass: 'show tagged', onpress : control_buttons}, {separator: true}, {separator: true}, {name: 'All Tagged', bclass: 'show tagged', onpress : control_buttons}, {name: 'Single tagged', bclass: 'show tagg...

what is the correct way to use flexigrid onError

I looked around and found that there is an onerror function for flexigrid but I can seem to find how to use it andy have any idea how to use it so I don't have to mod the flexigrid.js ...