
On Row Click disable/enable a button depending on content of a cell in that row

I'm currently using the flexigrid.js plugin and there is a button that I wish to enable/disable depending on whether a certain cell in the currently selected row is equal to a certain value. Here is where I am currently at: I thought to add the following to the list of callback functions but am stuck as to what to put in the if statem...

flexigrid popup modal window

Hi Guys and Gals, I am trying to create a script using FLEXIGRID as a method to display the information from a database, but I want the users to able to input info into the database as well. I would like to be able to launch a modal window where the user can input the information and submit it. The way the buttons on the FLEXIGRID are c...

Javascript script to change the source of an image

Hi, I am using flexigrid for one of my projects and I need to come up with a way to change the image source depending on the value of one of the cells. For people who are used to flexigrid, I have the following code: $json .= ",'".addslashes("<span><img src='' id='flag' />" . $row['availability']. "</span>")."'"; and my javascript t...

Flexigrid: selection of rows to survive refresh

Hello, I am using flexigrid in a project and I would like to be able to keep the selected rows after the grid is refreshing. I asked the same question on the flexigrid discussion board and I got this answer: Add a click handler, save the id if the row id of the row selected. On refresh completion, select the row again (if still pres...

Flexigrid: window.resize problem

Hi, I managed to come up with a code that can make flexigrid more "fluid", more specifically it can resize depending on the window size on page load, but now I would like to add the function to resize automatically when the size of the window changes without refreshing it. This is what I have so far: $(document).ready(function(){ var ...