
Pulling limited tagged photos from Flickr

So I've got a hobby site I'm working on. I've got items that are tagged and I want to associate those items with photos from Flickr. Even with restrictive searches I might get results numbering in the thousands. Requirements: I want to display between 10-20 pictures but I want to randomize the photos each time. I don't want to hit F...

Why do I need a flickr api key?

Reading through the Flickr API documentation it keeps stating I require an API key to use their REST protocols. I am only building a photo viewer, gathering information available from Flickr's public photo feed (For instance, I am not planning on writing an upload script, where a API key would be required). Is there any added functionali...

JQuery Flickr file upload not working

I am trying to upload a file using to Flickr using JQuery. I have a form (which works if I dont use JQuery) which I am submitting using the Form Plugin. My code is as follows: <html> <head> <title>Test Upload</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.form.js"></scr...

Quickest way to implement a searchable, browsable image gallery - flickr integration?

I have a friend who is need of a web page. He does interior construction, and would like to have a gallery of his work. I'll probably go for a php host, and was thinking about the best way to implement the image gallery for him. I came up with: Use flickr to host the images. They can be tagged, added to sets, and I can use both the...

How To Get Photo IDs from Flickr API?

I am trying to use JQUERY to grab photos from a Flickr group. I can get back valid JSON, but can't figure out how to get access to the actual photos. The JSON that is returned contains an empty list where I would expect photos. So when I plug this into the browser:

CSS and Safari/Chrome

I've been trying to modify the following menu to make it look indentical in IE, Firefox, and Safari/Chrome but I can't seem to get it to look right in Safari/Chrome. Could anyone tell me how to fix it? When viewed in Safari or Chrome, notice that the menu is ignoring the padding. View flickr-like menu Thanks in advance! ...

Can someone explain the Flickr API and how security is established? Why not use AES instead of md5?

Hi, Just trying to understand Flickr's API setup, and how secure it really is. Flickr API Why do a MD5 hash and not something like AES? ...

Shared secret with API in an Ajax Adobe AIR app

I'm pretty new to developing AIR apps, so maybe this is a dumb question, but I can't seem to find any answers from google. Any help you can give me is greatly appreciated. I'm building an AIR app with Ajax using an api that is identical to flickr's Api, with a shared secret key. The problem is that the air installation package contains ...

How to get photo info on flickr?

Hi, how do I get information about a photo like the author, the license using PHP? ...

Easiest way of finding photos with no tags using the Flickr API

I'm working on a small project to help me tag content on Flickr. I've been looking through the API and there's obvious ways to search for tagged content, but not a simple way of finding what content hasn't been tagged (without just looping through image ID's till I find one with no tag). Has anyone come across this in the past and foun...

Using JQuery Ajax REST to send and retrieve data from flickr flickr.test.echo method

i want to display whatever the response of flickr.test.echo was on the page using rest (jquery ajax - because thats what im using) i need to supply an api_key The REST Endpoint URL is To request the flickr.test.echo service, invoke like this:

How can I show a spinner while loading images from Flickr?

I'm using to search flickr for images in my application. The problem i'm facing is that sometimes it takes a few seconds for flickr to respond with results and i want to load a spinning gif in place of my search button 'btnRefresh' until the results are returned. How can I accomplish this? jQuery(function(){ ...

Using flickr to get photos of a specific location and put together a model

I've read about systems which use the Flickr database of photos to fill in gaps in photos ( How feasible is a system like this? I was toying with the idea (not just a way of killing time but as a good addition to something I am coding) of using Flickr to get photos of a certain entity (in this...

Open Source Flickr like application

Is there any open source Flickr-like application? I want something like photo-sharing open source implementation that I can use. ...

Flickr in drupal?

Hi, I am trying to get flickr images to work in Drupal, any idea how to do this? ...

Flickr API Key storage

I have a C# application that I want to use Flickr's API. I received my API key and shared secret, but when receiving the key it explicitly mentions not giving out the API key we were provided. Since the app is open source and also easily viewed with Reflector, I don't think storing it as a string is really secure. I could encrypt it...

Display slideshow of Private Photosets from Flickr

I have a number of photo sets that are marked as private on Flickr. I have a website and I would like to display all of them as Flash Sideshow. I am currently using Flickr.NET open source library and I have created a web application to retrieve the list of all the photo sets. I can use other methods to display photos but I really like t...

download random image from flickr using keyword

Hey all, I noticed this code when i was playing around with smallbasic showing it to a freind that it has a built in option to download a image from fliker based on a keyword I was wondering if someone had an example in C# of doing this so that i can get an idea of how to use the api. ...

Flickr gem : how to access user details? I'm trying the example in the home page of the flickr gem. require 'flickr' flickr ='MY_KEY') user = flickr.users('[email protected]') user.location while I'm able to get the user object, I can't get any of the other attributes like...

Flickr API + JAVA - flickrj

I want to download a set of photos of a particular user in Flickr using the Flickr Java API (flickrj) Does anybody knows how to do it? I've stated with this code: Transport t = new REST(); Flickr f = new Flickr(key, secret, t); User u = f.getPeopleInterface().findByUsername("username"); What should I do next? ...