
Reduce Flicker of .NET FlowLayoutPanel

I'm clearing and adding multiple LinkLabel's to FlowLayoutPanel, every couple of seconds. It works fine, but flicker is quite noticeable. Is there any way to reduce it? I tried to set Form.DoubleBuffering, it didn't help. UPDATE: Managed by creating a custom control derived from FlowLayoutPanel and setting its styles as shown below: P...

Collect/Call Specific Control During The Runtime In FLP

am using C#, VS-2005 I have generated Two Seperate Control at runtime in Flowlayoutpanel1 as below: The First Control is.... TextBox tb=new TetxBox(); tb.Name="tbox"+i.tostring(); this.FlowLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(tb); Another Control is....... TextBox bb= new TextBox(); bb.Name="tbbox"+i.tostring(); thi...

FlowLayoutPanel issues

Hi everyone, I hope you can help with this one - I'm having a really hard time with the FlowLayoutPanel. I have a Winforms app with a FLP(FlowLayoutPanel) with one child control - a tabControl(with a webBrowser in it). The form also has a TableLayoutPanel docked on top, and another TableLayoutPanel docked at the bottom. So my intentio...

how to use a rubber band (rectangle) to capture multiple controls(buttons) on a flowlayout panel in C#?

Hi I'm having trouble to select multiple buttons on the flowlayout panel any idea how to solve it? ...

How to change the property of a control from a flowlayoutpanel?

How to change the property of a control in a flowlayoutpanel assuming that you add the controls programatically and assuming that the name of each controls are the same? For example this image shows you that there are 2 text boxes and two buttons, how would I change the back color of button 2? Assuming the controls has been added at run...

c# reorganize controls in a FlowLayoutPanel

Is it possible to allow the controls inside a FlowLayoutPanel to be user draggable so that they can be reorganized. If I have a list of labels, I would like to drag and move them around, much like the icons on your desktop. I would like to grab label A and put it in between label B and C. Another option, is that if there is another con...