
Fluent NHibernate executes single-row-selects on thousands of objects to link to parents

The following is a simplification of my problem domain. We have a series of Trades, that each gets a record in Valuations every business day. We filter our Valuations List used for a specific day, but to populate the Trade against each of the Valuation rows, NHibernate fires single row selects on the Trades table for around 50k rows in ...

Fluent Nhibernate mapping a property from another table

Hello, I'm having a problem mapping a column in table A to a property of a class, which is primarily mapped to table B. The following explains this better: There's a class CustomerRisk, which has properties Risk and CustomerNumber. In the database, this consists of two tables: Customer, which has a column CustomerNumber, and CustomerRi...

Fluent NHibernate HasMany not updating the FK

I'm using latest Fluent NHibernate lib ( and I have a problem with saving child entitites. I think this is rather common scenario... I've got a parent with mapping: HasMany<Packet>(x => x.Packets) .Cascade.All() .KeyColumnNames.Add("OrderId"); and a simple Packet class that (in a domain model and FNH...

NHibernate and sql timestamp columns as version

Hi, I've been racking my head trying to get Nhibernate to work with a byte array as version mapping to an sql timestamp. I'd implemented an IUserVersionType but Nhibernate was creating varbinary in the database rather than timestamp. Inspired by a blog post by Ayende recently on concurrency, I changed my mapping to specify the sql-type t...

Private collection mapping in fluent nhibernate

How can I map this: public class Customer { private IList<Order> _orders; public IEnumerable<Order> GetAllOrders() { return _orders; } } On the project page are some samples but none is about this situation. There is this sample: // model public class Account { private IList<Customer> customers =...

Entity Framework + POCO

I am building a WPF application using the MVVM pattern. Our stack looks like this: SQL Server 2008 -> Entity Framework We use StructureMap for dependency injection to inject our DataFactory which essentially does the CRUD for our POCO business objects. The ViewModels use the DataFactory for CRUD and the xaml is data bound to the prop...

Based on your experience, how many of you would recommend fluent NHibernate over Nhibernate way of doing things for my new project?

I just want to do a quick poll to see if Fluent Nhibernate is well received or if it is having lot of issues. I like Nhibernate but I definitely see the problem with xml to do mapping. So, I am looking forward to community members for some insight and help me pick one over the other. I am not considering either linq2sql or entity fram...

Fluent Nhibernate composed entity, specify foreign key

I have a Fluent Nhibernate map like : public class UserMap : ClassMap<PortalUser> { public UserMap() { WithTable("aspnet_Users"); Id(x => x.Id, "UserId") .GeneratedBy.Guid(); Map(x => x.Name, "UserName"); Map(x => x.Login, "LoweredUserName"); WithTable("LdapUsers", m => m.Map(...

Fluent nhibernate table-per-hierarchy mapping

Hi All, I have a simple scenario where I have an entity Action (this is a workflow style application) that has a DueDate calculated property. Now id like to introduce a SlidingAction, whose only difference (at this stage) is to override the DueDate calculation, as such has none of its own mapping. Im having difficulty mapping this sce...

Why can't I set ReadOnly on a Fluent NHibernate References() mapping?

In Fluent NHibernate, References() returns an object which doesn't support the 'ReadOnly()' method. I'm trying to create this sort of mapping (i.e. one where an update is not propagated to the referred item): <many-to-one update="false" insert="false" name="DestinationSheet" column="DestinationSheetNumber" /> On normal (map()) mappi...

Fluent Nhibernate composed entity, specify parent key

In this question I was answered hot to map a composed entity from the primary key of the table. So given: public UserMap() { WithTable("aspnet_Users"); Id(x => x.Id, "UserId") .GeneratedBy.Guid(); Map(x => x.Name, "UserName"); Map(x => x.Login, "LoweredUserName"); WithTable("LdapUsers", m => { m.Map...

Fluent NHibernte Alterations / Conventions

I like the pattern I saw in this blog post (http://marekblotny.blogspot.com/2009/04/conventions-after-rewrite.html), where the author is checking to see if a table name alteration has already been made before applying a convention. public bool Accept(IClassMap target) { //apply this convention if table wasn't specified with WithTabl...

NHibernate Mapping Null Object / Special Case Pattern

Hello All I'd like to have an 'UnassignedDepartment' object instead of letting employees have a null Department: public class UnassignedDepartment : Department { public UnassignedDepartment() : base("not yet assigned") { Id = -99; <-- just some Id that can be held constant, not be generated.. } } This is accessible by...

Fluent nhibernate: problem in where clause

Hi, I am using fluent nhibernate. I have written a piece of code like, var data = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(CustomerNameValueList)) .Add(Expression.Eq("CustomerId","3")) .List<CustomerNameValueList>(); but the query generated by nhibernate is looks like select column1,column2,colu...

NHibernate/FluentNHibernate property bag

Given a Vehicle class and a VehicleProperty class... public class Vehicle { public virtual int Id { get; protected set; } public virtual string Registration { get; set; } private List<VehicleProperty> _properties = new List<VehicleProperty>(); public virtual IEnumerable<VehicleProperty> Properties { get { re...

Simple way to create an ERD for a database design review.

I am working on a new application that uses a jet (MS Access) database. I have built the database using FluentNHibernate's AutoMapping feature from my C# objects. I need to present this database for an on-line WebEx design review on Tuesday and am looking for a tool to create ERD's for my database that I can group onto slides. The dia...

Map a Strategy Pattern using Fluent NHibernate

Essentially the title of this question explains the essense of what I am trying to do, but to create a contrived example... I have a class, call it Employee. Employee has an IPaymentBehaviour... public class Employee { IPaymentBehaviour _paymentBehaviour; protected internal Employee() { /* required by NH */} public Employee(IP...

Fluent-NHibernate table mapping with no primary key.

I am trying to create a mapping to a database table that has no primary keys/references. public class TestMap : ClassMap<Test> { public TestMap() { WithTable("TestTable"); Map(x => x.TestColumn); } } This fails and expects id or composite-id. Is this possible in fluent nhibernate? ...

Testing nHibernate mappings

I have just started a new project using nHibernate and Fluent for mapping. The architect has sent me a database from which I have generated several hundred entity classes and the corresponding Fluent mapping files. I know this is not the ideal DDD way of doing things but life is rarely ideal. What I want to do is test that all the mappi...

Using Fluent NHibernate's AutoPersistenceModel but with eager loading in a single object

I'm using Fluent NHibernate in order to auto map my entities. This is the code I'm using for the auto mapping: new AutoPersistenceModel() .AddEntityAssembly(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Entity))) .Where(type => type.Namespace.Contains("Domain") && type.BaseType != null && type.BaseType.Name.StartsWith("DomainEntity") && type.BaseTyp...