
Show form unfocused and always on top?

I am making a notification Component that will show a control box-less Form on the lower left corner of the screen. Said and done... Now I have a serious problem... The notifications should get the attention of the user but it must not interrupt his work. So I have to show the windows without focus. The inner Control(s) must not ge...

How to dynamically set focus to next text box in ui:repeat

I have one text box immediately after that one button. If i click on that button dynamically i get one more text box, but the focus is not coming to new text box. Can any one suggest something. Thanks in advance Venkat ...

Help with focus/blur semantics in jquery

... $(document).ready(function(){ $('form').submit(function(){ $('input#second').focus(); return false; }); $('#first').blur(function(){ alert('blur'); }); }); ... <form> <input id=first><br> <input id=second><br> <input type=submit> ...

Cursor location not updated when non-focused EditText clicked.

When non-focused EditText clicked, it becomes focused, but cursor does not move to new location. I should click it again to move cursor to a new position. Q: How can I focus and move cursor with only one click? ...

Jquery change/focus/blur overrides submit in Firefox

A form with a single textfield is given. A submit handler is bound on the form and a change/focus/blur handler bound on the textfield. When something is entered into the textfield and the submit button is then clicked, only the change/focus/blur event is registered in Firefox, while in Safari, both are registered. The form: <form id="...

Clicking an input element in Chrome causes lost focus

I have a page that, when I select an input element with the mouse in Google Chrome, the focus moves to the first element in the div they are in. This doesn't occur in IE, Safari, or Firefox. I am also able to tab through the elements with no problem. This page also use jQuery and jQuery UI. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. ...

The touched control does not gain focus, when I touch outside of the PopupWindow.

When I touch a control outside of the PopupWindow, the popup dismissed, but the touched control does not get focus. Q: What can be done, to make sure the clicked control get focus? I tried setOutsideTouchable with no luck, it looks like this method is for some thing else. ...

Chrome Automatically Moving Focus

Hi, Got an issue that is specific to Chrome; it's moving the focus from my html inputs to the first user element in a dynamically rendered form. Example: HTML_SELECT_00 HTML_SELECT_01 INPUT_TEXT_00 Problem: If you place the cursor in INPUT_TEXT_00 (using the mouse), as soon as you let go of the mouse button, the focus will shift back ...

Tabs losing focus in IE jquery ui tabs

I have a page with a 3 tab layout and each tab contains small forms. For accessibility reasons I am paying close attention to tabbing through the page. When I tab through and hit enter in FF & Chrome the focus stays on the tab. In IE 6,7,8 it jumps to the top of the page which causes a big problem for non or low vision users. This same ...

Java Focus Traversal to newly disabled button

Hi, I have a problem with the focus traversal system in Java. When I tab between components in a pane in my application everything works fine Tab moves the focus to the next component. Some of my components perform validation on loss of focus, if the validation returns errors then the screens save button is disabled. My problem occurs...

Restricting GetFocus to specific dialog and/or application

I have a MS Visual C++ project where I have a CDialog based dialog box with several edit controls. I want to highlight the control with the current focus for the user. I implemented this by getting a pointer to the window that has the current focus with GetFocus() and then obtaining the ID for the focused control with GetDlgCtrlID(): ...

Controls in a WPF UserControl don`t raise lost focus

Hello, I have a MainWindow with 3 main buttons at the top and below a MainUserControl. In the MainUserControl I have at top 3 UserControls with ButtonBars and at the bottom a DataGrid. When I enter data in a DataGridCell and I click into another cell a property change is fired in my ViewModel bound to the DataGrid. When I enter data...

Setting Focus on a List ItemRenderer with TextArea inside?

I've wrote a custom itemrenderer for a List component (Flex 3.5) which is a VBox with a Label and a TextArea wrapped inside. All works fine so far but I want the TextArea in the first itemrenderer to receive focus so that it instantly becomes editable when tabbing onto the List. Is that possible and if how would I achieve this? I've alr...

How do I prevent ListView footer from becoming selected?

I have a ListView which can be navigated with the dpad. It has a footer. I want to prevent navigation into the footer with the dpad. I have set focusable and focusableInTouchMode of the footer view itself to false; this makes no difference (so I deduce that it is not actually focus I am seeing, but rather selection). How do I prevent...

WinForms Application - How to Set Focus to a Control?

Hello...In a WinForms Application, when do I write the code to set the focus to a control both while the Application is launched and subsequently after I call a function. For instance, if I have a DropDownList, a TextBox and 4 buttons and I want the Focus to be set to the DropDownList, where do I write my code? To set the focus to a p...

browser.onfocus() aka window.onfocus() for all browser tabs

Hey! Is there any way that, if you have 2 or more open tabs of the same page, when you focus a tab, all other tabs will be instantly notified with "focus()"? I give as example the Facebook Chat. If you receive a new message, all tabs keep blinking "New message from {name}!". And, if you focus a tab, all other tabs are instantly synchro...