
PopupWindow in JQuery

Dear all, I am need of popupwindow with option of radio button ,I have tested with impromtu . Is any EasyMade Popupwindow plugin available,My Plugin should work all IE,Mozilla and Chrome, Any suggestion and Sample code. ...

jquery fade popupwindow

Hello, I am using the popupwindow plugin for jquery to show a form in a popupwindow. How can I close this window after submitting? This is the link I am talking about. I can open a link in a pupup window. But after submitting I want it to open in its parent window. ...

Javascript Pop-Up WIndow Open Function

Hello: I am using the following JS function to open a pop-up window to display another website: function link() { window.open("www.google.com") } onClick="Link()" The URL in the above example is just for testing. I actually intend on replacing the URL with a text value from a listbox, which is in the form of a URL. Anyway, when...

Passing Listbox Text to Javascript Pop-up Window URL

Hello: Is it possible to pass the contents of a textbox or Listbox into the URL portion of the javascript code window.open(URL)? I have an asp.net listbox control that displays URL values. When ever an end user clicks on another listbox, the URL listbox provides the specific URL. I am trying to pass this URL into the above javascript...

Create a popup window in Qt without a shadow

I'm developing an application using Qt 4.5 (under Windows Vista but want it to be cross platform). I'm using C++ I'd like to create a popup window that that contains a QLineEdit widget, with the feature that when the user interacts with the QLineEdit widget, the popup window is not activated (the main application window remains active)....

Cross window js interaction between a popup and another window of the same domain

i'm opening a popup from window a of http://example.com. then close window a and open another window b with same domain, http://example.com. ıs it possible to access popup's DOM from window b and how? popup is opened from window a by window.open('http://example.com/blah', 'somename', settings..), executing the same from window b with di...

How can I access the children popup windows without knowing their handle names?

I'm trying to see which windows are being opened, but I dont know the window names as they are called. How can I access them in JAVASCRIPT/DOM/or JQUERY? Thanks! ...

PopupWindow with GridView - Trouble with inflating view

I am having an issue while trying to use a GridView in a PopupWindow. On my Activity's onCreate method, I am inflating a gridview from xml as follows: LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater)this.getSystemService (Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); final GridView popupview = (GridView) inflater.inflate (R.layout.gridviewpopup, null, f...

How to close my popupwindow once the submit button click??

hi. i create a popupwindow which open 1 of my pages from my cakephp. This popup is a form which link to other page. Upon u click the 'Submit' button, it wil auto save the data to Mysql and close it. I would like to close the popup window once the click submit button. i set top.close(); but stil no function. What i mising.. <script t...

Blocked vs Non-blocked Pop-up window

I found that, browsers don't block all pop-up JavaScript windows. How to write pop-up windows in JavaScript that won't be blocked by browsers? I mean what is the main factor that makes the difference? ...

How to generate a popup window like that in Google maps using Jquery or Jquery plugin?

When you use Google Maps, you click a marker on a map, then a window will pop up. You can even enter your mobile phone number and receives a sms from Google. How to generate that popup window using Jquery or Jquery plugin? ...

Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0?

I looked online and was not able to find a working example of the PopupWindow class. The code examples I found online either compile but do not work, or are using methods which have since been removed (such as Activity.getViewInflate()). Is there a simple working example that displays a PopupWindow? ...

I have Error for Popup Window is opeing right or left corners? Is it possible open in centre of parent page

I Am calling Captcha page as popup winow in the page using below syntax this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page.GetType(),"Test","window.open('CaptchaLogin.aspx',null,'height=200,width=500,status= no,resizable= no,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,toolbar=no,location=centre,menubar=no');", true); ...

Popup window Maximize button

How to enable the maximize and restore button of the popup window using Javascript? ...

Opening Popup Window is not working in firefox and google chrome

Hi! I want to open a popupwindow (with close button only) when the user clicks a button and the parent window should be disabled until the popup window closed. For that I'm using the following code function popup_window(url) { popupwin = window.showModalDialog(url,null,'height=20,width=150,status=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=no,too...

Zeroclipboard multiple elements

Hi guys, I'm having troubles to create multiple unique code snippets with Zeroclipboard implementation on them, with the option to lunch a popup window after that code is clicked. basicly I have multiple < a class="xxx" href="popup.url.php" ><span >FRSDE3RD</a> tags. When a user clicks on these codes, I want to copy to clipboard the cod...

window.open and $(document).ready

I am trying to make a bookmarklet that opens a popup window. Inside this window is a list of CSS classes that once selected, highlights that object on window.opener page. So I'm running into two problems. Firebug doesn't work in the popup window, so I can't see what's going on. The window never finishes loading (at least I can tell in ...

Problems with IE and appending to the window.opener

I have the following script that works well in Firefox and Chrome (not sure about other browsers), but it doesn't work at all in IE. It basically opens a popup which appends a div to highlight an item in the window opener. I want it to work across multiple pages on the same site, so I didn't want to add a function to create the div in th...

What are the events generated when you open a TitleWindow using PopUpManager.addPopUp()?

Basically, I'm trying to open/close a TitleWindow using PopUpManager.addPopUp() and PopUpManager.removePopUp() while reusing the same TitleWindow instance. I noticed that the creationComplete() is only called once for TitleWindow even if I open it several times and was wondering what events I should listen to for the succeeding popup loa...

how to keep dragged TitleWindow within Flex app boundary

I am using PopupManager in FB4 to display a custom dialog. popwin = new TitleWindow(); popwin.addElement(myCustomDialog); PopUpManager.addPopUp(popwin,this,false); PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popwin); It's possible to drag the popped up TitleWindow and let go of it when its gray title bar lies outside the bounds of th...