
window.opener.focus() fails in IE, and works in FireFox

Hi, i have the problem that IE cant bring up opener window when i call opener.focus() method window.opener.focus(); // After that, child window stay in front. html1.htm file: <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!-- function toCompare() { wCompare ="html2.htm", "wCompare", "width=800,height=600,res...

Window.Opener and referencing by ID issue because of .NET control

I have a .aspx page that has a link on it, then when clicked opens a new window using I need to send a integer back and put that number into a textbox (which is a .NET control). When I call window.opener on the popuped up window, I have to reference the ID of the textbox. The issue is, the ID changes from time to time if y...

Firefox window.opener issue

"window.opener" works fine in both IE and Firefox as long as 'Open in New Tab' is used from the right-click menu; Error console says "window.opener" is null. Is there any other way the opener can be accessed? Edit: Error console says "window.opener" is null only when "Open in New Tab" is clicked. For all other cases, there is no such er...

window.opener in safari and chrome

I have a page that creates a popup window, then in the new window i created a new button element and attach a onclick event then attach it to the parent window. var openerDoc = window.opener.document; var newButton = openerDoc.createElement('button'); newButton.onclick = function(){ window.opener.fn(); return false; } var anElement...

Javascript Window.Opener Object Null on .NET WebBrowser Control New Window

Well I have a Pop up in the WebBroswer control of the .NET Framework that I capture with the NewWindow event handler like so. WebBrowser w = new WebBrowser(); SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1 web = (SHDocVw.WebBrowser_V1)w.ActiveXInstance; web.NewWindow += new SHDocVw.DWebBrowserEvents_NewWindowEventHandler(web_NewWindow); The new Popup is in a ...

window.opener & facebox

Hi. I opened a window in facebox. Now, I want to send some data to the opening window when the facebox window closes. I know how to do this with a normal pop-up but not with facebox and there doesn't seem to be much in the way of good documentation here. Any idea how to do this? ...

Opener Window... Navigate To URL?

Ok so my main window is going to open up a popup window, the popup window is going to contain a Flex app. The flex app is going to need to navigatToURL() but also send POST data along with it. However instead of the popup-window navigating, I would like to main-window to navigate to the url and recieve the post vars. Is this possible?...

Problems with IE and appending to the window.opener

I have the following script that works well in Firefox and Chrome (not sure about other browsers), but it doesn't work at all in IE. It basically opens a popup which appends a div to highlight an item in the window opener. I want it to work across multiple pages on the same site, so I didn't want to add a function to create the div in th...

Need help tracking down a jQuery bug

I've been working on a popup window that interacts with the window.opener. I found a specific problem with IE not working when trying to append an object. I've set up a demo page here. Basically what the demo does is opens a popup window with a button. It is intended to highlight portions of the page as I described in my previous questi...

Firefox why window.opener is defined even for a new tab

Hi! I am porting quite old corp application from IE to Firefox. Here is my situation. User goes away from computer for a while and his session becomes expired. When user tries to access something in popup, he is being redirected to login page (in popup window). In login page onload event popup window chain is being closed and root pag...

JavaScript: 2 window.opener.location.href statements with alert() in between not functioning

I need to make a little JS app to scroll automatically through a list of URLs. I've chosen to have the functionality in a pop-up, for various reasons. The syntax to change the opening window's URL is: window.opener.location.href = ""; This works fine with one URL, but if two statements are called, only one is e...

Using window.opener.location to access a non-secure (http) opener from a secure (https) pop up

I am opening a popup which is under https from a web page which is under http. When I try to use the command window.opener.location.(href/str/port/domain.. etc) from the pop-up to get the url of the opener page, I get a 'Permission Denied'. Ive also been using Firebug on Firefox to test this out. Is there any way I can by pass this by us...

Refresh the parent window from the child window in javascript

Hello, I have looked for awhile and cannot find an answer that fits my needs. I have a page that pops a window (, logs the user in (creates a cookie, set session) then redirects to another page. While the modal is redirecting, I would like to refresh the parent page, so all the good stuff that I just did will be recognized by...

Doing an onchange event on a field in the parent window using jquery

Hi all, I am not sure if this can be done. In the parent window, I have the following line, <input type="hidden" name="myField" id="myField" value=""> This parent window would open a pop-up window, where it would allow the users to make their own selections. Upon clicking submit in this pop-up window, it would assign the selection ...

How can I call a dynamically added javascript function from a child window?

Parent page (opener): function getData() { var script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">function runFunction(){alert('Hello world');}<\/script>"; return script; } function sendData(elem, data) { $(opener.document).find('#' + elem).append(data); opener.document.runFu...