
In Rails, How do I validates_uniqueness_of :field with a scope of last 6 months

First Item I Want to validate a field to make sure it is unique (in the last 6 months) before saving it to the database. I am thinking I should use validates_uniqueness_of :field, case_sensitive => false, Scope => ... For my application it only has to be unique if, it was used <6 months ago. Thinking to compare it to created_at, but d...

Validating Dates in Javascript with Unusual Form Field Ids - Web-To-Case Integration

Ok, I need help. This is my first question here. Background: I am working on a charity project, and my portion of the project is to build the Web-To-Case functionality with, if you were unaware, gives its software away free to qualified non-profits. Anyway, the Web-To-Case feature in ge...

Triggering multiple validation groups with a single button?

Let's say the page TestPage.aspx has two controls. The first control is an address control that has a validation group called "AddressGroup". This group contains several validation controls which are colated in the validation summary on that control. The second control is a credit card control and has a validation group called "Credit...

Validation with State Pattern for Multi-Page Forms in ASP.NET

I'm trying to implement the state pattern for a multi-page registration form. The data on each page will be accumulated and stored in a session object. Should validation (including service layer calls to the DB) occur on the page level or inside each state class? In other words, should the concrete implementation of IState be concerned...

Contextual form validation in Django

I want to do "contextal" form validation in django. Consider this case: PLACE_TYPES = ( ('RESTAURANT', 'Restaurant'), ('BARCLUB', 'Bar / Club'), ('SHOPPING', 'Shopping'), ) RESTURANT_FORMAT_CHOICES = ( ('FAST_FOOD', 'Fast Food'), ('FAST_CASUAL', 'Fast Casual'), ('CASUAL', 'Casual'), ('CHEF_DRIVEN', 'Chef Dr...

event delegation problem with class

I want to add the jquery-form-validator to my customer's old CMS. This jqery form validator requires to insert a class such as class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]]" to input. <input class="validate[required,custom[onlyLetter],length[0,100]]" name="firstname" type="text" /> Since this is (old from '90) CMS, I n...

Why can't I override the default validation error message?

Hi all, I'm using Zend_Validate to validate some form input (Zend Framework version is 1.8.2). For some reason, using the Zend_Filter_Input interface as described here does not work: $data = $_POST; $filters = array('*' => array('StringTrim')); $validators = array('driverName' => array('NotEmpty','messages' => 'This should override the...

validation with variable variables not working

$method = 'post'; $method = strtoupper($method); echo $method.'test1'; $method = '_'.$method; echo $method.'test2'; $method = $$method; echo $method.'test3'; Why doesn't this print the content of $_POST between 2 and 3? ...

[MFC Application] CDialog and CPropertySheet validation best practices?

Hello Can you please tell me your way or give me a reference to best dialog and property sheet validation best practices in MFC application? I have my own way to do it but I'm interested in any other opinion. I heard that MFC DDX_xxx and DDV_xxx macros (and UpdateData() function) are not the best solution? What about property sheet v...

form validation in django

In which file or form should validation code be written ? ...

Animate message using jquery form plugin

I am having a problem using the jquery Form Plugin. I have a form that is setup that I would like to animate the errors/success when a user submits incorrect information or gives the user a succes message when then enter correct information. However my problem is twofold. The message that displays on the same page only works in firefox w...

Display a boolean model field in a django form as a radio button rather than the default Checkbox.

This is how I went about, to display a Boolean model field in the form as Radio buttons Yes and No. choices = ( (1,'Yes'), (0,'No'), ) class EmailEditForm(forms.ModelForm): #Display radio buttons instead of checkboxes to_send_form = forms.ChoiceField(choices=choices,widget=forms.RadioSelect) class Me...

ASP.NET MVC ValidateInput(false) stops working with xVal and [RegularExpression] DataAnnotation

I would like to intercept the "<" character in the form field by a regex validator. I will describe the problem in 3 steps: Step 1: When I try to submit a form with a field containing the "<" character, I get the "Potentially dangerous request..." - as expected in ASP.NET. Step 2: To avoid ASP.NET's RequestValidation, I decorate my Upd...

Jquery Validation with Identical Form Names

I have a form that does 2 things: Pass a first name and email address to PHP. Dynamically add a new set of name/email fields on a click, in case the user wants to submit more than one or two sets of data. Since I don't know exactly how many sets every user may choose to submit, I pass the data to PHP in an array (using a name followe...

jQuery validator plugin without using form

I have multiple section is that submits data in chunk and i want to use jquery validation plugin, but issue is that wraps everything in form and child forms not wokring right and technically incorrect. So only alternative is forget about form and implement validation for divs. But all sames i see are using form. As not b...

How do you validate a form with multiple div's using jQuery Validate plugin?

I am using the jQuery Validation plugin and have an issue validating items that are in nested div's in my form: <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div id="theForm"> html <input type="text" class="required date"/> <br /> aspx <asp:TextBox runat="server" CssClass="required" ID="txtone"></asp:TextBox> ...

Validation scenario's with Struts 1.x

I would like to know how many use/used (if you are no more a struts 1.x user) automatic validation in struts 1.x? I have read about some drawbacks that may apply on per case to case basis. For an interesting discussion on the validation scenario's please have a look here:

Determine if page is valid in JavaScript - ASP.NET

What is the best way to determine if a form on an ASPX page is valid in JavaScript? I am trying to check the validation of an user control that was opened using the JavaScript window.showModalDialog() and checking the 'Page.IsValid' property on the server side does not work. I am using ASP.NET validation controls for page validation....

validate function in cakephp.

Hi, Can anyone help me with a clear and complete example on how to set validations for 2 fields, say an email and password, with error messages? From my understanding, the correct format is: var $validate = array( 'password' => array( 'rule' => array('minLength', '8'), 'messag...

What pattern for deeply nested web form validation?

I'm refactoring a large legacy web application that has some complicated forms. These forms use javascript to display or hide fields on the basis of other entered fields. E.g ticking a checkbox for "second address" reveals a set of other fields to enter. The current validation for this consists of lots of deeply nested if statements. S...