
Django Forms validation error - TypeError 'str' object is not callable

so...i've been banging my head on this for a bit. I'm getting the most bizarre error when attempting to validate a form. I pass input to the form wanting to test behavior when the form fails validation, i.e. i expect it to fail validation. i've got this code for a form: class CTAForm(forms.Form): first_name = forms.CharField(...

[Need Suggest] The best validation library technic

I want to write a plugin to validate forms. I have made detailed research about that but I want to write it with my own way. I dont want to write so many lines of code when using the library. It should be easy to use. I found a jQuery library for validation. It uses HTML classes. For example if you want to a field with presence validat...

ASP.NET MVC 2 Pure jquery client side validation

How do I go about hooking up my validation with jquery only? I do not want to use Microsoft ajax. I saw on this blog exactly what I want, but it seems that the file MicrosoftMvcJqueryValidator.js is deprecated or canceled. Is there an official way to do this now? Possibly using mvc 3. ...

[Spring framework Form Validation] disallowed field validation

Hi there I'm new with spring framework. I'm currently building some news manager form. Here a sample of my news entity : class News { @NotNull long id; @NotNull long idAuthor; @Size(max=255) String content; } As you can see, I use JSR303 annotation validation with Spring. I want to validate my "news edit form...

jQuery Validation plugin - how to change css on error

I am following the demo over here On submitting the form, if the field is empty, how are the input boxes and other fields getting that red border around them? What is it I have to add in my plugin decleration to get that? Update $("#profile_form").validate({ rules: { ...

Cakephp Validation

I am using an Account Controller which doesnt have its own table but uses User Model. All works fine except - when I validate any form. It says validation fails (when I try to fail the validation to check) but doesnt throw the error below the field View <?php echo $this->Form->input('id'); ?> <label for="UserPassword">Ne...

JSF validation. can this be simplified?

I have a simple form with a bunch of fields. each of them is required, and each has a different name: city state when the form is submitted i check if each field is empty and add a unique message for each validation to the context like: city is required state is required i cant simply use the required=true attribute on the jsp be...

Best practice for visual validation of textbox control data

I think I want to show some kind of confirmation tick type thing by a textbox - (it's traditional windows forms stuff, not WPF) - but not sure if it's a bit naff. I would like some kind of slick way of showing that a value is incorrect or valid after some tests have been done i.e. a web service is valid with that name or SMTP server see...

Validating a date dd/mm/yyyy

Hi, Does anyone know of any good functions for validating a date via input text box in codeigniter like this: dd/mm/yyyy? Thanks ...

optimizing value check in this jquery validation

Hi everyone! I've got this validation script for my form (a survey). It loops through all answers, and checks if it is a radiobutton, a checkbox, input or textarea question. Based on that, it respectively checks for an input with the value checked (both radio and checkbox), or a value other then "" (input/textarea) (it's not that much,...

How to validate django form only when adding not editing

Hi, How could we make the django form to not validate if we are editing, not adding a new record. The code as following : class PageForm(forms.Form): name = forms.CharField(max_length=100,widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class':'textInput'})) description = forms.CharField(max_length=300, required=False,widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class...