
Regex in jQuery

How to put a validation over a field which wouldn't allow only special characters, that means AB#,A89@,@#ASD is allowed but @#$^& or # is not allowed.I need the RegEx for this validation. ...

jQuery: Check to see if table row containing certain values exists already

Hi All, I have a jQuery script that appends a row to a table. In short, the user can select a value from a drop down menu, then enter in 'x' amount of months and hid 'add' which appends the row to the table, for example the following row is appended by the user: <tr> <td>Some Value</td <td>2</td> </tr> Now, if the user performs ...

ASP.NET MVC PartialView postback: how to validate data?

Hello I am using ASP.NET partial views like in this example <% using (Html.BeginForm()) { %> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td><%= Html.LabelFor(model => model.PersonName)%></td> <td> <%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.PersonName)%> <%= Html.Validati...

What's the best approach for using ajaxform with jQuery validation?

I'm using the ajaxform jQuery plugin to create ajaxed HTML forms and want to implement validation using the jQuery Validation plugin. I'm not sure what is the best way to implement this. It doesn't work out-of-the-box for me. I set up the form with form.ajaxform({}) and then set up validation with form.validate({}). The invalidHandler...

CodeIgniter Form Validation - callback not bound to a field

Is there a way to set a validation callback that is not bound to a particular field, but is necessary to pass validation? ...

Using core validation within custom validation on CakePHP Forms/Models?

Using CakePHP 1.3 I understand the example at on how to add my own validation methods, but maybe I'm missing something. I only want to validate that Field_B is 'numeric' (a core validation) if Field_A (a select/option) is equal to a certain...


I am trying to use the GWT-VL framework to validate my client side form.So as the first step i downloaded the .jar file from and imported it into my projects libraries. Then i write a class which tries to use the validations. The error which i get is "No source code is available for type eu.maydu.gwt.validation.client...

Trouble with executing code if checkbox is unchecked

I need to validate values of a form only if checkbox is unchecked. If it is checked, I will use values added previously. Now the thing is this or any of these code are not working. As I need to validate these values before I redirecting values to another form. var ui=document.getElementById('same_info').value; ui.OnChange = valid; ...

Why is this javascript form validation not working?

I wrote simple custom validation on javascript based on this doc. I want it to display an alert if a select has been chosen on "Si" and the text fields are left blank. I don't get why it isn't displaying the message. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="mistylesheet.css"/> <script type ='text/ja...

Validate form client-side, server-side or both in Ajax form?

I'm developing this app which as a very basic Ajax form and I'm currently validating the form input through jQuery with it's default validation plugin. I'm wondering if I should also do server-side validation after submitting the form or just ignore and assume everything is right since the client-side validation was successful? There's...

jquery validate: how can I make a field validate on change?

On jquery's validate plugin, an error message only disappears after the user has made focus on another element. I want to make it disappear as soon as the right info is written. How can validation be triggered 'onchange'? ...

Adding additional field and validation to Devise view/model in Rails app

I generated the default devise ( views with: rails generate devise:views Then I added a username field to the views/devise/registrations/new.html.erb form. Currently, only email and password validation occurs. How do I validate presence and uniqueness of the username field? Do I need to add some...

Javascript RegEx Help

Can someone help me to validate the following rules using a RegEx pattern Max length : 15 Minimum length : 6 Minimum character count : 1 Minimum numbers count : 1 Consequent repeated character count : 2 ...

cakephp : validating a login Form using $validate array

Can Any One help me to Validate a login Form in cakePHP? I need to validate the login form just like how we validate a registration form using $validate array in Model. EDIT : Since I am using Auth Component for Authentication. It directly goes to login action in Auth Component with out validating from the user model.So it will only sho...

Staying RESTful while performing AJAX server-side validations?

My Rails application has a number of forms. When Joe uses my app, I want each form to provide him with immediate visual feedback as to the validity of his input for each field. One field checks the format of his email address - pretty simple. But another allows him to associate the current resource with a number of other resources, and c...

Form validation errors with parameters in a URL

For many of my forms, the user submits to a particular URL and if there are errors, the script redirects back to the original page with the errors in the URL. That page then reads the URL parameters and displays the errors to the user like so: http://localhost:8080/test/?signup_error_email=no_at_symbol Works great. But sometimes the...

Javascript Validation Syntax Errors

Hi guys, I have this piece of javascript which is supposed to validate on the clientside. I created it using this tutorial: Unfortunately I'm getting this warning: "There is a syntax error on line 48. Code hinting may not work until you fix this error...

spring validation with @Valid

hi, I'm validating incoming attribute, but the validator catches even the other pages not annotated with @Valid @RequestMapping(value = "/showMatches.spr", method = RequestMethod.GET) public ModelAndView showMatchPage(@ModelAttribute IdCommand idCommand) //etc When I access page /showMatches.spr I get the error org.springframewo...

Zend Framework VS jquery validate Vs Form

Just a quick question if someone has already that kind of setup or if there is some source code on the web. I want to add some javascript validation to some Zend Forms. The straight forward approach would be to write the javascript myself but let's say it's time consuming(and that's not the kind of code your really want to write all da...

How to validate all fields with the same function in JavaScript?

Hi. I need to do the following, but I couldn't find any example of similar form validation on the web: <script type="text/javascript"> function something(){ if the value on the field who is calling this function == 2,4,6 or 8 alert("This number is invalid") focus in this field. </script> Field1 call something() Fi...