
symfony form validation clean with regex before validate with regex

Hi, I'm using Symfony 1.4 and am a little stuck regarding form validation. I have a validator like the one below: $this->setValidator('mobile_number', new sfValidatorAnd(array( new sfValidatorString(array('max_length' => 13)), new sfValidatorRegex(array('pattern' => '/^07\d{9}$/'), array('invalid' => 'Invalid mobile number.'...

Using Both jQuery And FormEncode To Validate Forms Without Repetition

I'm working on a Pylons-based web app. Because I am sane, I am using jQuery (and plugins) instead of writing raw JavaScript. I am also using FormEncode to validate forms for my app (especially new user registration). FormEncode is great for validating forms after they're submitted. jQuery, when JavaScript is available, validates form...

form validation - require that a *specific* radio button is checked from each radio group

I have a form with four yes-no questions, e.g. I am age 18 or older. () Yes () No HTML fragment: <form> ... <tr id="age_q"> <td class="prompt">I am age 18 or older.</td> <td class="yesno"> <input type="radio" name="age" value="yes" id="age_y" class="required"> <label for="age_y">Yes</label> <input type="radio" name=...

How to validate a jQuery AJAX form (without Validator plugin )

Hello All, first of all i felt very sad that nobody reply my previous question, anyways i need another help from all of u masterpiece. please help me ... i m using jQuery form plugin for ajax form submit with jQuery UI what is prbolem, i need to validate some input field for their value, when i write any non numer...

Validation / Error Messages in ASP.Net MVC 2 View Unrelated to a Property

What pattern can I use to display errors on an MVC 2 view that are not related to a single property? For example, when I call a web service to process form data, the web service may return an error or throw an exception. I would like to display a user-friendly version of that error, but have no logical means to relate the error to any ...

Best way to handle multiple form validation in ASP.NET MVC

Overview I have a payment page where I allow the user to select a payment method, either credit card or check. I have a form for each of these payment methods. I did not want to create a separate page for each of these methods for UI purposes, so I use a [div] for each form and toggle their display with jQuery. Problem Each of the pa...

jQuery Validation - Using multiple errorLabelContainer

I have a form with four different fieldsets. For jQuery validation, I would like the errors from the inputs in each of the fieldsets to be placed in an error block at the top of the specific fieldset. For example: <fieldset id="contact"> <legend>Contact Information</fieldset> <ul id="errors_contact" class="messages"></ul> <!-- i...

Evaluate whether date is not one of past dates in model -- Ruby on Rails

I have a Day model which has a date column. I have to implement the validation that the date column must not have a past date. If the date is a past date it must not get saved to the database and give the appropriate error message right on the. I know I can put this validation in the controller, but I think it violates the MVC rules i.e ...

js form filling checking

How could i return user to unfilled field when he push "submit" button? I have something like this: <!--Contact Name--> <div class="section" id="inputdiv"> <span class="fieldname">Name:</span> <input type="text" id="contactname" /> <!-- Nessesary to be filled--> <script type="text/javascript"> ...

check field formmail

Hi, i am trying to change this: foreach $require (@Required) { # If the required field is the email field, the syntax of the email # # address if checked to make sure it passes a valid syntax. # if ($require eq 'email' && !&check_email($Config{$require})) { push(@error,$require); } ...

Need advice for on creating a new "standard"/"language"

UPDATE: It was suggested in the comments that I create a wiki for this. I have done, you can find it here (should you wish to keep tabs on it and/or contribute). I've never worked on anything like this before, so I'm completely winging it. I've never worked on anything like this before, so please I'm want ...

HTML5 - Validation messages

What element should I use to show validation messages (errors) to the user? Which one is more semantic in HTML5? ...

Zend Framework: Post to different action then return to original action if fails validation AND keep form fields

This might sound like an odd scenario, but I've got two forms on one page. One is just posting back to itself. I made the second post to another action to keep the code cleaner. Maybe not the right choice... The problem I'm having now is that if that second form doesn't validate, I redirect back to the page with the form but I don't kno...

How to validate a field from a BeanItem in Vaadin?

I'm trying my first Hello World with Vaadin right now and I'm stuck with my first simple validated Form. I'm using a BeanItem as the ItemDataSource for my form, and I don't know how to add a Validator for the bean property. My Problem How can I get the actual Field for the property in my bean? I need to call addValidator() on the field...

ASP.NET OnClientClick="return false;" doesn't work

Hi ! I just want to add some client side (JQuery Javascript) validation in a web user control. I put an OnClientClick handler and the function gets called. BUT, even if I return "false", the OnClick method always get fired. What am I doing wrong ? I'm with VS 2010, targeting the 4.0 framework with JQuery 1.4.2. and JQuery UI 1.8.4. He...

Asp.Net required field validation

Hi I need to validate two fields in an form, where the requirements is like any one of them is required. For example, there is Page title and sub-heading input boxes, so any one of them is required. Can I do it using the validation controls Asp.Net provides? Any kind of help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Form does not validate a field when it finds a closed div inbetween.

Hi, I am using the jQuery inline form validation to validate my form. my form structure is such that it is split into two columns. the second column just have the text area. while the first column have the rest of the field. here is the code that i am using for form. <h1 class="com-response">Leave a reply for this Article</h1> <d...

How to manage validation in GET form and submit POST form?

Hi all, the enviroment is Spring 3.0 with new function Vallidation. I create an annotated controller (ResetUserPasswordController) which manages a showForm on HTTP.GET and the submit form on HTTP.POST. The function is a reset user password requested by email : the user access previously to another form, where i fill is email address an...

How do I display error messages for nested resource validations?

I'm creating a basic blog application and I'm running into issues displaying error messages when a user tries to submit a blank comment. Instead of getting a nice looking error message, an active record error message with the correct validation erorrs. Such as ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid in CommentsController#create Validation ...

jQuery - Form Validation blur

I'm curious what the best method of web 2.0 form validation is... I'm looking into: And the claim to fame here is that it doesn't bother the user until he submits the form. However, that's what I want to happen. I don't want the user going through the entire form before he's informed that his e...