
DataGridView HasErrors?

I wish to prevent the user from saving changes made to a DataGridView if it has any validation errors (set using the ErrorText property of a cell using the CellValidating event). I'm looking for (but cannot see) a method such as myDataGridView.HasErrors()? ...

InputVerifier and multiple fields

Hello, I am working on a form that provides "real-time" validation to the user and I have one problem. The goal is to put a label near the field (in this case a JSpinner), to show the user if the data is accepted or denied, in the same way that javascript-based validators do. The problem is that for archieving this, I need to set the ...

client side validation on dynamic elements

I have a form that a user can click a button to add another set of inputs. So I am using eName[] for example. I was hoping to use jquery to do this, and thought live() would be a great way to loop through all the elements the user created to see if they are blank but I am not sure if I can do this without binding to an event. So I am thi...

Using Pylons authenticate_form without a decorator

There's a good question at Using Pylons validate and authenticate_form decorator that brings to light the fact that if you're using @validate and @authenticate_form to decorate a Pylons controller action, @authenticate_form must come second. If not, after correcting and re-submitting the form following a failed validation, it detects a C...

ASP.NET MVC: Image upload validation

I'm trying to subclass ValidationAttribute in ASP.NET MVC 2 to make something along the lines of an ImageValidator class which would make sure that an uploaded image (from <input type="file">) has the correct mimetype, doesn't exceed the maximum allowed file size, etc. So where do I start? I get the feeling like images are an exception ...

Can I use jquery.form.js in an https page

I'm developing a web form that is SSL encrypted. I have jquery.form.js local on the server. Yet, the page renders with error "jquery undefined". The error goes on to explain that it can't find jquery.form.js. What does that mean? Can't I include that js file into a page that is SSL encrypted? Thanks, TheGetz ...

cakePHP: how set error validation to input field manually in controller

I want set error validation to input field manually in controller example: if ($remainTime < 30) { ..... set error validation in here (error: limitTime ), ( error is not in model ) } other question: i want to ask : bindModel ( in this case , I use bindModel in Behaviors ) 'll cause loss of relationship with other model but...

Are there any common techniques for validating form data on the view within a Windows Phone 7 Silverlight applications?

I am working on a Windows Phone 7 application and I'd like to know if there are any common ways to implement validation on the form. Some simple examples would be really helpful. I'd love to see something that uses data annotations, but I don't believe that's supported in Silverlight 3 (and thus WP7). To be clear, I'm looking for things...

how to setup reset to previous session object in struts2

In my application i load data from the DB to the web form and client can edit the fields and update the data. I use reset button, if user need to reset the form with original DB data after he edit some fields. However, once user edit some fields and submit the application, if there is any validation errors(I use validation xmls) user c...

Loop through all textboxes inside a table and check value

I have a table which contains two textboxes (textbox1 ,textbox2). Both of the textboxes are mandatory. If I don't enter value in textbox1 and enter value textbox2, or vice versa , I should get a error message. How can we achive this with jQuery? ...

setting form validation rules for form_radio()

Hello I want to have a form_radio() set as obligatory field in codeigniter any ideas on how can I do that? this is my form: echo form_radio('radio','earing',FALSE)."earings"; echo form_radio('radio','bag',FALSE)."bag"; echo form_radio('radio','bracelet',FALSE)."bracelet"; echo form_close(); ...

Kohana3 validation on fields with []

Hi! I have a form that contains checkboxes. <input type="checkbox" name="question[5][13]" value="1" /> Now, I want to use the Kohana validation class, but it seems like it does not validate fields that are array... had anyone ever worked something around? I have something like this, but it will not work: $rules->rule('question[5][13...

jQuery validation plugin - partial validation depending on trigger

I am using the jQuery validation plugin and I would like to validate a floating point number and format it to a specified number of decimal places. I am using element.value = parseFloat(value).toFixed(param); to format the floating point value if it is indeed a valid floating point value, I just only want to do this on blur, not on ...

custom validation with jsvalidate

I'm using jsvalidate and I want to require some fields only when the user selects a yes (Sí) on my form here: A required validation field on jsvalidate is implemented writing class="jsquerired" on the select element. How can I make class="jsquerired" appear if the user clicks "Sí" on my select? Example:<input class="jsrequired jsvalid...

what's a good form-checking library with conditional validation?

I had been using jsvalidate, but it doesn't fit my requirement of conditional validation for what I want to do; I want to make a couple of fields required only if a select is previously marked as yes. I have been looking into mootools's formcheck, it seems a bit fancier and nicer than jquery's validation plugin, but I don't know if it w...

Where should I look for code that validates forms upon input from the user?

I've been googling phrases like "form validation javascript" and "form validation ajax" but I only find code involving form validation upon the form submission. I want to write code that determines whether the field has valid input right when the user is inputting the data. How do I go about this? ...

Form Validation Messages in ASP.NET MVC2 - using images instead of text for error messages

OK - at the moment, to validate my pages I am using [Required] in my model in an MVC2 C# project. For eg in my model I have: [DisplayName("Username")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "Please enter a Username")] public string UserName { get; set; } ... and in my view I have <%=Html.ValidationMessageFor(x => x.UserName, "*")%> But then th...

Codeigniter - Form validation converting post variables from Array to "Array" string

I am building an HTML form with a set of checkboxes for selecting multiple categories using this format: <input type="checkbox" name="category[]" /> So, when I post and print_r($_POST) to view the variable and values I get: Array ( [27] => on [28] => on [29] => on ) Once I run $this->form_validation->run(); the catego...

Why do websites ask me to enter email address and password again

I was just looking for a todolist service over the net. I encountered this tadalist site Now I was making an account for myself. On this page it asked me to enter email address again and password again. Many sites where I have created an account this thing is done of asking the user to re-enter details. I don't ge...

Map CodeIgniter Validation class to Jquery validation

Hi everyone, I am using the CI validation class to do server-side validation and Jquery validation to do client-side validation. Is there some way I can leverage the CI validation and form building, so that when it is creating the form elements it creates them with class="<equivalent of CI validation rules>"? This way, if I change the v...