
adding an error / removing an error in jquery.validate

Hi, I'm trying to implement a generic way of adding remote validation to xVal / jquery.validate There are only two unsolved questions left: How do I "manually" mark a form element as invalid and add an error message to it from my own javascript code? How do I remove remove the error message at a later time without removing any other...

How to check if an element contains another element in jQuery

I am using xVal combind with the jquery.validate plugin, but have come across a slight problem in that it is posting validation messages twice in a certain instance. I think this bug should be fairly easily fixed with some clever jQuery in the placement of the error message. I am trying to find a way to see if a ul already contains an l...

How does validation in ASP.NET MVC 2 actually work?

I am trying to trace through why my ASP.NET MVC 2 validation isn't working, but I cant find enough about HOW it works to be able to do this. I have followed the steps in this useful article by David Hayden which seems to be the best documentation currently out there, but nothing actually happens. I get validation when i submit to the s...

Jquery Validation - Value can't be greater than

Hi there I'm trying to do some validation on 2 numerical fields and not done much JQuery validation this year. -Product A comes with Product B. -You can have unlimited amount of Product A -But Product B can only have the same or less than Product A For example: If Product A qty is 5 then product B can be 1 to 5. I have tried an vali...

How do I extend ASP.NET MVC2 out-of-box validation to validate creditcard / emails ?

I've been looking at the file MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js which is the layer between your page and the jquery.validate object in ASP.NET MVC 2 Beta. It will allow any type of validation rule supported by jquery.validate and had additional special handling for regularexpressions, strings, ranges and required fields. If it is a generi...

jQuery validate(); Only validate on click of one type of submit button

Hi Guys, I have a quite perflexing problem that I have researched and come up blank; Scenario: I have a form, with the jQuery bassistance.de's validate() plugin (http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Validation). Does the job on submit perfectly, however; I two types of submit button. One submits the form as usual, triggering my back-end v...

jQuery.validate errorPosition not working correctly.

Hello all, jQuery.validate errorPosition code: errorPlacement: function(error, element) { error.appendTo(element.siblings("label")); }, That code works brilliantly when there is only one element below it's label. Does NOT work: <label for="location">Location:</label><br /> <div id="location"></div><b...

jQuery validate and rules

I am having a little bit trouble with the following. I have multiple form fields starting with "vendorName-" ending with a number. I would like to add a rule to the validate for these fields but I am not sure how to. Here is what I have so far: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1...

MVC 2, custom data annotation validation rules with jquery.validate and a validation summary

I am using a validation summary and client side validation as written about here. My problem was then that I wanted a client side validation that supported comparing the equality of 2 fields : email address and password with confirms for both. So, following Soe Tun, I was able to get my data annotations to automatically run client side...

jQuery Validation plugin - how to change css on error

I am following the demo over here http://jquery.bassistance.de/validate/demo/marketo/ On submitting the form, if the field is empty, how are the input boxes and other fields getting that red border around them? What is it I have to add in my plugin decleration to get that? Update $("#profile_form").validate({ rules: { ...