
Delphi - when to call DragAcceptFiles

I have procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DragAcceptFiles (Handle, True ) ; end ; but the form does not accept dragged files - no drop cursor, no firing of WM_DROPFILES message. I had the following construct in my FormShow event (for a different reason - there was code I wanted to execute only once after the for...

How can I invoke multiple actions from a single form?

I have a jsp file in which I have a form. It shows data about an "account" data structure we have. There's a button to remove the data from that data structure. <form action="removeThisData.html" method="post"> ... blah blah blah ... <input type="submit" value="Remove"/> </form> Now, there's a component that I want to be editabl...

Conditional form using jQuery and cookies

Hi everybody! I've got two different forms on my website: one for submitting a general inquiry and another one to order stuff. By clicking a radio button the user can choose the form he/she needs. I created the form in a content management system which checks if the textfield-data is entered correctly after submitting the form. If the ...

Ahhhhh! Where did the subform go?

I have a form called Group in my MS Access ADP. On it is a tab control, and in each of the tabs there is a subform. The first tab contains the subform Users, and it isn't showing up in form view. Subform Users shows up in design view. Any clue as to why this might be happening? ...

Filter subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform

I'm trying to filter the records shown on a subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform. The subform is called Users, and it is on the Group form. On the Users subform there is a textbox called txtFilter. If I type "W" in txtFilter, I want to show only records in which the User's lastName or userName begins with a "W". As ...

How to remove the unselected item in a select and radio input in Django

If a model's field is a choice or foreign key, the widget on the page is a select input or radios if you specify that. Django places "---------" in the first item as an unselected value. How can I override it or even remove it? I remember reading the way to do it but can't find it any more. ...

Access form, search for a record from another table and insert into field in current form

I have a table that stores invoices and a form based off of that table that looks like an invoice so that you can search previous invoices. Currently I am creating the invoices in excel and then exporting the data as a new record into the Invoice table. I was wondering if there was a way I could create the invoices from my Invoice form. ...

Determine if Form has focus in Visual Studio designer

I'm really not sure how to start on this one. I need to know if the form has focus, which I do using ContainsFocus in code. However, this does not seem to work in the designer. Any suggestion? ...

SharePoint - can't submit a Designer-created form (Access Denied)

Hello, So I have this site to which a given set of users have read access. I created two lists--one for a list of available classes, another for sign-ups--and granted the users Contribute access. I created two forms--one to sign up, another to manage sessions--and gave the users Contribute access to both. When I sign in as one of the s...

jQuery Twitter-style sign in form

I'm trying to build a sign-in form similar to Twitter, but I have one problem. When "Sign In" is clicked, the form appears. And when "Sign In" is clicked again, the form goes away. This fine, but I would like the form to go away also when the user clicks outside the form. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//E...

Order form with jQuery Calculation plugin using variable pricing

Greetings, I am trying to code a solution for an order form pricing calculator using the excellent calculation plugin. My form has two different prices for each item, one for quantities under 10 and one for quantities over that amount. This is the code I have so far: $(document).ready(function() { // bind the recalc function to t...

Form that spans many pages

How do I create a form that spans over multiple pages? I would like to ask a large amount of questions, and based on the answers of previous questions, new specific questions will be asked. ...

Extend Forms with Javascript I was reading through the site as mentioned above and tried to implement it in my project. But it just doesn't work when i click on "get me more fields" button. Here is the code: <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//...

HTML form with spanish characters displayed wrong in MySQL database

So I'm sending data to my MySQL database through a HTML form. When I send a word with special characters like "ñ" or accents "á, é, í.." and when I check the result in the tables those characters are displayed as "ã±". I tried pretty much everything: my html form page header has <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;cha...

Different inputs with multiple submit buttons in html form

I want a form which has two submit buttons. The form has some hidden fields which are common while submitting both buttons. So with different buttons, I want to post a different set of inputs/values to the same target url. Something like <form method='POST' action='/method/data' > <input type="text" name="field1" /> <!--...some other ...

Submitting a form in Iframe by Jquery and get the returned value.

Im having a webpage with an iframe with form in it. I want to submit the form and get the result. How can i do it with jquery? <iframe src ="html_intro.asp" width="100%" height="300"> <form action="submit.php"> <input type="text" name="name" /> </form> </iframe> ...

form POST + direct. Not posting

ok so here is my HTML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.0//EN" ""&gt; <!-- XHTML ADVANCED --> <html xmlns=""&gt; <head> <title>Find Hotels</title> <style type="text/css"> a:visted {color:#e27023; ...

Zend fw, custom validation errors

Hello, I am creating a website with Zend_Form. In my controller, I assign a form object to the view. In the view, I use the following code to render the form: <?php if ( isset( $this->success ) ): ?> <div class="message success"><p>Thanks!</p></div> <?php elseif ( sizeof( $this->form->getMessages( ) ) > 0 ): ?> <div class="mess...

Zend Framework - Dojo form support

Hello i am new in Zend Framework i have found that zend have support for dojo forms - Zend_Dojo_Form_Element_* works pretty well. But there are mising some elemnt like (BusyButton, RangeSlider or PasswordValidation) Is zend support them?? I have found that Zend supports BusyButton ( But i...

Extjs form submitting multiple times

Hi, I'm using a form for edit some records. Each time When Edit link is clicked i'm loading one record data into form, changing the values and updating, its worked fine for the first time. When i load another record data into form and update it, the present record is updating and the previous record is also updating with the new data. ...