
using ColumnHidden properties within Datasheet objects

I have a MS Access form with a Datasheet subform. Using code, I change the ColumnHidden property of various of its columns. But, when I close the form, I'm asked whether to save the table layout of the Datasheet's table. How can I stop the form from asking the user to same the table layout continually? Do I have no choice but to change...

How do I use a Checkbox on a form to add a record into a subform in Microsoft Office Access?

I have a database for a carpet company. I have a form which enables the user to make a quote, including choosing the customer, etc. There is a also subform dealing with the products and extras, with quantities and unit prices. To state whether the user requires fitting there is a checkbox. When ticked I would like fitting to be added in ...

Subform only shows single record

I have a subform(Users subform) embedded in a form(users). What I am trying to achieve is on load, the subform should show ALL users in the table and the controls on the main form to act as a filter. i.e. if user A is selected from a combobox in the main form, only User A's details show in the subform if the selection (ie userA) is clear...

Filter subform using combobox

This has taken me nearly 2 weeks and I dont know what else to do. I have a main form (UserSearch) that has a subform (TestUserSub). The associated table for both forms is tblusers. very simple; on the main form (UserSearch) I have a comboboxes associated with the fields in the tblusers eg cmbid, cmbname, cmbdept and so on. All I want, is...

Can I wrap an Access form with a transaction?

I want to make a form the essentially creates an invoice, but using some other related data as inputs or limits; In the process of adding items to the invoice, I need to reduce the items in another table. Since the user will enter several items at a time, I'd like to issue a "START TRANSACTION" when the form loads, and then do a "COMM...

strange subform behavior

Hello- I have a situation that really has me stumped. I have a form used to display contacts. When a command button is clicked another form pops up for viewing and inputting call information made to that contact. This form includes two subforms. One that lists the calls in datasheet view and displays call date, call time, and the call ...

How to use Microsoft Office Access's Subform control in a VB6 Form?

I like the subform/subreport control in Access, and I want to put an instantce of the control on my VB6 form. I reference the msacc.olb in my VB6 project, and put the following codes in my form module. Private Sub Form_Load() Dim aa As Access.SubForm Set aa = Me.Controls.Add("Access.SubForm", "sf1") aa.Name = "vvvddvv" aa.Visible ...

populate a many-to-many table with access

I have two tables (persons and projects) which are in a many-to-many table, thus linked together by a third table persons_projects In ms access I now created a form showing data from the projects table. What I want is to have a subform showing all persons- datasets which participate in this project. In this subform it should also be po...

ms access Add, Edit, Delete Items through an Access form

I'm not real familiar with inputting data through forms. Up until now I've just been handling the data from the table. However, now I have a table with two pieces of information: Group ID Each ID is in a group, not all IDs are represented in the table (ie there is another table with a complete list of IDs...many to one), and multiple...

ms access auto fill main form based on focus of subform

i have a data entry/editing form with two combo boxes (Name and Group). Each Group correlates to multiple names but each name is in only one group. At the bottom of this form is a subform which is a continuous form displaying a query of the associated table filtered based on an unbound combo from which you select the group. Basically ...

ms Access form subform sort

I have a form where I specify information that is used by a subform in tabular view. The subform then displays entries for the item specified in the main form. Each entry has a date associated with it. I would like the entries to show up sorted by date such that the latest dates are at the bottom, and when you add an entry in the subf...

Access: Dropdown doesn't display value in first record of continuous subform

I have a continuous subform in an Access 2003 form. The first control on the subform is an unbound dropdown box. When the form (and subform) are opened the dropdown on the first record receives focus, but the text is blank (just a blinking cursor). If I click on any other record, the first record's dropdown text then display the corre...

Dynamically resize web browser control in Lotus Notes subform

I want to create a subform, which contains a web browser control in it. As this subform is going to be placed in different other forms, I'd like to be able to resize the width of the web browser control on postopen, and maybe some other events, so it fits nicely to the size of the parent form. I tried to check "Size object to fit window...

Zend Framework call form as subform within a form.

Hello, I am trying to call a form from within another form. I need it to come in as a subform. However, I cannot merely extend it as both forms extend different things that are required. This is kind of what I was thinking but it doesn't work: $subForm3 = new Form_CreateEventInformation(); Basically create a subform3 from th...

How to search subform and use data to add record in another subform

I have a main form INVOICE with subform INVOICEDETAIL(ITEMID, InvoiceID, Quantity, Price) and subform ALLITEMS (primary key ITEMID and subform readonly). INVOICE is linked to INVOICEDETAIL via the InvoiceID field while INVOICE is not linked to ALLITEMS thus all items shows in ALLITEMS. I want user to be able to double click items on AL...

MS Access 2003 - Simple question about chart within a subform, not populating on a form unless clicked

SO I have a form that has a little subform window, the subform is just a chart on it. One question I have is why the chart will not show up in the subform window unless I click the sub form window area... something I did not do?? thanks ...

Use subform record set as domain argument in DAvg()

Is it possible to use a subform's 'current' record set as the domain argument to DAvg() (etc.)? Basically, I have a subform that displays a subset of records from a query. I would like to run DAvg() over this subset. This is how I've gotten around it: =DAvg([FieldToAvg], [SubformQuery], "ChildField=Forms.MasterForm.MasterField And Fiel...

Howto address specific element from subform and have it displayed correctly with []

Hi...related to this question $form = new Zend_Form(); $subForm = new Zend_Form_SubForm(); $subForm->addElement('Text', '1') ->addElement('Text', '2'); $form->addSubForm($subForm, 'element'); $var = '1'; $var2 = '2'; echo $form->getSubForm('element')->$var;...

MS Access 2003/2007 - Subform as control panel, closing parent form with global like reference??

I am sorry if the title is wrong, but I think that is what I mean to ask. So I have a subform created that I would like to use, sort of like a control panel, that allows user to select a range of different forms. So the same subform ends up in a lot of different parent forms. I would like to use simple docmd.close acform but i am lo...

MS Access 2003/2007 - Chart Object on a sub form, not loading when parent forms load

SO I have a subform, that simply has one chart object on it. Its small, and this is the only purpose of this sub. Then I have about 10 forms that each have a sub windows with this form as it's child. I use a UNION query to show the current balance of 10 accounts on each form with this chart for comparative purposes. Everything works fine...