
Creating image from HTML

As my question on the same topic (but specific to PHP) doesn't seem to yield much help, I would like to know if there are free Windows binaries (preferably those which don't require .NET runtime environment) which could take as input (on the command line) some tabular data and output an image? Edit: By tabular data I mean an HTML table....

Tab Seperated text converted to tabular format with border

I needed to convert a Tab Seperated Text file into a tabular format as follows File content ID<TAB>WorkId<TAB>Date 0<TAB>W-1230699600000<TAB>2008-12-31 1<TAB>W-1233378000000<TAB>2009-01-31 needs to become +--------+-----------------+-------------+ | ID | WorkId | Date | +--------+-----------------+-------------+...

Escaping _ efficiently in Tabular environment, LaTeX

How can you escape underscores only in the tabular environment without the use of \_? This thread discusses about underscore in general. I cannot use the environment verbatim nor the package underscore. Sample data \begin{tabular}{| l | l | p{5cm} |} \hline ...

UserProfile StackedInLine/TabularInLine redesigned

Hello everyone and thanks for reading. I have a simple problem that I want to get rid of and I have not seen examples where this is achieved yet although searching around the net for quite a while. I recently extended with UserProfile so my looks like this: from django.contrib import admin from django.contrib.auth.models impo...

Align a HTML table Cell to a column

I would like to align a table cell to a column where it belongs: _________________________________________ | | First Place | Second Place | | | | | _________________________________________ | 09:00 | | Break fast | | | | 09:10 : 09:50 | _______________...

latex tabular vertical alignment to top?

I'm trying to create a simple tabular with two cells of text and two images below them like so: \begin{tabular}[h]{ c | c} \emph{Normal} & \emph{Cone} \\ \includegraphics[width=0.39\textwidth]{images/pipe1} & \includegraphics[width=0.61\textwidth]{images/pipe2} \end{tabular} The first image is shorter than the second and I want ...

ms Access form subform sort

I have a form where I specify information that is used by a subform in tabular view. The subform then displays entries for the item specified in the main form. Each entry has a date associated with it. I would like the entries to show up sorted by date such that the latest dates are at the bottom, and when you add an entry in the subf...

Using semantic MediaWiki for tabular data

Am I completely off-track to think about using Semantic MediaWiki to store (and organise, report on, etc.) 'tabular' data such as financial transactions or weather readings that would usually live in a spreadsheet or database? It seems that one would need a separate, tiny, page for each tuple; but then, that's by design and perhaps it's...

Getting two tables in LaTeX to have the same (right-aligned) column width

I have two very short and consecutive sections (for a CV), each containing a small table: \section{Work Experience} \begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} Current & Your job at Your Company, Town \\ Jan 2009 & What your company does \\ & A description of what you do\\ \multicolumn{2}{c}{}\ \end{tabular} \section{Education} \begin{tabular}{r|p{1...

How to align times by their colon in a LaTeX-tabular?

I have a tabular of the times I in LaTeX. These times are in the form 4:00 or 12:00 and this have different lengths. I would like to vertically align these times by their colon. Is there a nice way to do this in LaTeX? ...

HTML+CSS: combining <UL>/<OL> and faux-tabular format

I have a hierarchical table I want to display in HTML. The <ul> and <ol> tags work great for the hierarchical part of things, but I want to have 2 or 3 columns total where the leftmost column is indented hierarchically, e.g. foo foo1 foo2 foo2a foo3 foo3a foo3b bar bar1 bar1a bar1b bar2 but I also want each item to have som...

How do I make multi-page landscape tables in LaTeX


Centering Text Horizontally and Vertically in LaTeX

I would like to produce the following: a b xxxxx xxxxx 1 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Where the blocks of 'x's are images, and 'a', 'b', '1' and '2' are text. Here are my two attempts so far: \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} & a & b \\ 1...

LaTeX table too wide. How to make it fit?

I just started to learn latex and now I'm trying to create a table. This is my code: \begin{table} \caption{Top Scorers} \begin{tabular}{ l l } \hline \bf Goals & \bf Players\\ \hline 4 & First Last, First Last, First Last, First Last\\ 3 & First Last\\ 2 & First Last\\ 1 & First Last, First Last, First Last,...

Advanced table in LaTeX with multiline cells

Hello everyone I'm trying to achieve something like this in LaTeX: (sample made in The most important part is the multiline verbatim-environment inside a cell. Is this possible at all? I will be very grateful to any answers, since this has been bugging me quite a ...

Latex: How to code tables with multi-line cells

I am trying to write a short paper with with LaTeX and need to add a table with 3 columns. +-------------+-----------------+--------------------------------------+ | AAAAAAAAAA | BBBBBBBBBBBBBBB | Betty Botter Bought a Bit of Butter | | | | but the Butter's Bitter | +-------------+-------------...

LaTeX: remove left margin of listing inside a table

Using LaTeX, I need to show some code snippet inside a table. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do: \begin{document} Par exemple : \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{lp{5cm}l} \hline Méthode & Description & Exemple d'utilisation\\ \hline \texttt{isLetter()}& Indique si le caractère est une lettre de l'alphabet. & \begin{lstlisting}[...

Showing partial tabular inline models in Django

Let's see if I can explain myself, I have this models: class BillHeader(models.Model): number = models.CharField(_('Bill number'), max_length=10, unique=True, \ default=__number) client = models.ForeignKey(ClienteYProveedor, verbose_name=_('Client')) date = models.DateTimeField(_('Date'), def _...

LaTeX: vertical alignement in a table containing a listing

In LaTeX, I'm using the listings package to display some code snippet inside a table. But it seems that when using this package, the vertical alignement of the cells is changing. Here is some code : \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{lmodern,textcomp} \usepackage[frenc...

What's a good java library for graphing tabular data?

i have some tab-delimiter data in csv file, and i want to graph these data, and overlap the graph if possible. i'm currently doing this using excel, which is kinda slow when i have many graphs to make. i'm looking for ways to automate this, the data is generated thru some java process, so i would like to extend the process to graph the d...