
Using Unicode in fancyvrb’s VerbatimOut

Problem VerbatimOut from the “fancyvrb” package doesn’t play nicely with UTF-8 characters. Minimal working example: \documentclass{minimal} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \begin{document} \begin{VerbatimOut}{\jobname.test} é \end{VerbatimOut} \input{\jobname.test} \end{document} Error me...

Advanced table in LaTeX with multiline cells

Hello everyone I'm trying to achieve something like this in LaTeX: (sample made in The most important part is the multiline verbatim-environment inside a cell. Is this possible at all? I will be very grateful to any answers, since this has been bugging me quite a ...

Latex two captioned verbatim environments side-by-side

How to get two verbatim environments inside floats with automatic captioning side-by-side? \usepackage{float,fancyvrb} ... \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{filecontents}{Verbatim}% {fontsize=\small, fontfamily=tt, gobble=4, frame=single, framesep=5mm, baselinestretch=0.8, labelposition=topli...

how write this in verbatim latex

hi, i have a little question about the verbatim environment in latex..... my problem is how can i write "\end{verbatim}" inside of a verbatim environment, it supposed that everything inside a verbatim is written just like it looks but this is the string to end the environment, so how can i do this? ...

Environment 'Preformatted' in Latex

I know two environments, lstlisting and verbatim but both behave difficult in my case. Is there a Latex environment which allows pre-formatted text, conserving my white space characters (most important the indentation)? I do not want to use verbatim or lstlisting for two reasons: I try to use lstlisting in a macro: \newcommand*{\fdesc...

Why we should write @ before sql queries in

Suppose we want to select the data from the database then we write the query for that . Example: SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(Connetion name) string selectPkId = @"SELECT PK_ID FROM TABLE" SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(selectPkId ,con); So,my question is that why we basically use @ before the sql query.If I don't use @ before ...