
How to horizontally center an unordered list of unknown width?

It is common to have a set of links in a footer represented in a list, such as: <div id="footer"> <ul> <li><a href="#">Home</a></li> <li><a href="#">About</a></li> <li><a href="#">Contact</a></li> </ul> </div> I want everything inside div#footer to be centered horizontally. If it was a paragraph, you w...

Simple CSS Centering Problem only on IE7, Chrome and FF Fine

I'm having a problem with a centered div only on IE7... on Chrome and Firefox it works properly. Here is the website, it's on so go easy on me it's an old platform :) Everything is in a main div: <div id="MainDiv"> Here is the CSS #MainDiv { background-color:White; border:1px solid black; ma...

Centering Problem

I cant seem to get this to work. What I need is the banner with the low opacity image on it to be centered no matter the resolution, Ive tried a wrapper but because the wrapper is a width of 800 it cuts of the image, i've tried margin:0 auto; and i've even tried using the tag but it still doesnt center...

Delphi OpenOffice automation scalc center cell text

Hello could someone please help me with the following: I want to center the text in a scalc open office spreadsheet cell via Delphi and the OOoTools toolkit. The following code does not work: sRange := '$A$3:$A$3'; ooParams := CreateUnoStruct('', 1); ooParams[0].Name := 'ToPoint'; ooParams[0].Value := s...

Center on anchored image after jump?

When I jump to an anchor tag in on a wide (4000px) page, the anchored image is horizontally aligned to the right. How can I get it to align to the center? I have tried several things but none seem to work. Since I am new here I am not allowed to post the code, so I hope I was clear enough. Thanks for your help, Robert C. ...

Centering Windows on screen

Short and sweet: How can I tell Interface Builder to center a window on a user's screen? I've seen the positioning tool on the inspector, but eyeballing doesn't always land as squarely as I like. Is this something where I should switch over to Xcode and add something to the init or awakeFromNib methods? ...

Centering Multiple floated divs within a container

Alright, here is a link to the site I am working on. I currently have the message inside its own div(#messagebox) and the picture in its own div (#picture). Both of these divs are floated to the left. I put them inside a container div called #intro_container. I would like to center this containing...

jQueryUI Dialog positioning after vertical scrolling

Hi, I have the following jqueryui dialog: $("#dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, height: 420, hide: 'slide', modal: true, buttons: { 'Annuler': function() { $(this).dialog('close'); }, 'Envoyer votr...

Shrinking image by 57% and centering inside css structure

Hy, i'm really stuck. I'll go step by step and hope to make it short. This is the html structure: <li class="FAVwithimage"> <a href=""> <img src="pics/Joshua.png"> <span class="name">Joshua</span> <span class="comment">Developer</span> <span class="arrow"></span> </a> </li> Before i paste the css class...

Raphael js text positioning: centering text in a circle

Hey everyone, I am using Raphael js to draw circled numbers. The problem is that each number has a different width/height so using one set of coordinates to center the text isn't working. The text displays differently between IE, FF, and safari. Is there a dynamic way to find the height/width of the number and center it accordingly? He...

How can I center an image in this kind of script?

I've tried various approaches, I've no clue how to do it without destroying the script or rescripting it all. Here's a link to the page: You need to click the edit button on the top left, put 2 URLs to pictures, take these e.g. http...

Is it possible to center an image on both axis inside a div?

I have a script that loads in a div with images running jQuery Cycle Lite Plugin. I got the tip that I could us the "after" function in that plugin to make changes to the picture each time the image is refreshed. So I wrote this: $("#display div").css({ margin: "0 auto", "text-align": "center", }); The html built like this:...

SharePoint 2010 Center and Fixed Width of all content on page including the ribbon

All, I am trying to make the width of the sharepoint 2010 web site to be within a fixed width and centered across the screen. I would like for it to be 800px and centered. When i do this, it seems like it starts to work until the ribbion bar renters. Here is my attempt so far: body.v4/* _lcid="1033" _version="14.0.4536" _LocalBindin...

Centering Text Horizontally and Vertically in LaTeX

I would like to produce the following: a b xxxxx xxxxx 1 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx Where the blocks of 'x's are images, and 'a', 'b', '1' and '2' are text. Here are my two attempts so far: \begin{figure} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{ccc} & a & b \\ 1...

using CSS to center FLOATED input elements wrapped in a DIV

There's no shortage of questions and answers about centering but I've not been able to get it to work given my specific circumstances, which involve floating. I want to center a container DIV that contains three floated input elements (split-button, text, checkbox), so that when my page is resized wider, they go from this: ||.....[ ...

Centering in IE5/6/7/8, and FF

I'm trying to centre the content of a div such that the display is correct in IE 5,6,7 and 8, as well as FF. <div id="YoutubeClip"> <h3>Subscribe on YouTube!</h3><br> <ul class="gallery clearfix"><a href="" rel="prettyPhoto" title="Some youtube title"><img alt="some youtube title" src="youtube cl...

"Zooming" elements on a page while keeping the centre of enlargement in the centre of the window

I'm trying to work out how to enlarge all elements on a page, but keep the centre of enlargement in the centre of the window. Example Page (up and down arrows to resize the image, you can also drag the image around) On this page, once the image reaches the top or the left side of the window the centre of enlargement changes. It also ch...

Tikz: horizontal centering of group of nodes

Hi, I need to align each row of the graph to the center. I am trying to do it with xshift. Here the code: \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm, auto, text centered] \tikzstyle{every node}=[draw,ball]; \begin{scope}[xshift=1.5cm] \node (A) {A}; \node [right of=A] (B) {B}; \node [right of=B] (C) {C};...

How do i center a quote, vertically and horizontally in latex?

I have a quote on a blank page in latex. I have managed to center it horizontally, however, when i try to center it vertically it gives me some problems. I have tried \vspace{} \begin{quote} \centering quote \end{quote} However it doesnt work. ...

CSS centering text between two images

I need to display two images and some text like so: ------------------------------------------ img1--------some centered text-------img2 ------------------------------------------ img1 and img2 are not the same dimensions, but their widths are very close The text is variable depending on the page in which it is displayed, and may in...