



I have a hierarchical table I want to display in HTML. The <ul> and <ol> tags work great for the hierarchical part of things, but I want to have 2 or 3 columns total where the leftmost column is indented hierarchically, e.g.

  • foo
    • foo1
    • foo2
      • foo2a
    • foo3
      • foo3a
      • foo3b
  • bar
    • bar1
      • bar1a
      • bar1b
    • bar2

but I also want each item to have some corresponding information on a column on the right.

How can I do this with HTML and CSS?

+4  A: 

With a table.

but I also want each item to have some corresponding information on a column on the right.

That is tabular information.

Otherwise, you might be able to use <ol>/<ul> and make each element a <dl> (definition list), styled in such a way to make it look tabular, for example by floating every <dd> to the right.

      <dt>element 1</dt>
      <dd>corresponding information 1.1</dd>
      <dd>corresponding information 1.2</dd>
      <dt>element 2</dt>
      <dd>corresponding information 2.1</dd>
+1, *Keep it simple...*
David Thomas